Let's try

Flowers never stops blossoming (so does love)

"No." Sehun said as he pushed Jongin from him, the back of his hand wiping his lips as he turned to the cameras' way with his eyes widened at the sudden flash thrown to them. His eyes darted to Jongdae's way who was smirking at him, his lips tugged in a bad way. He shook his head repeatedly, letting the flashes of camera blind his eyes. His feet brought him aback till his back came in contact with the wall. 

"This can't be happening." He muttered softly, what was he thinking? Kissing Jongin in a photo shoot, how could he even think of that and even initiated the action. He blinked the hot tears welling in his eyes, the flashes didn't stop. 

"Stop this!" He heard a yell before his eyes was covered with a palm and an arm slowly slid on his waist as he was pulled to a strong chest. "Enough! Just stop this!" He heard the same yell again, coming from the person hugging it, he just assumed it was Jongin but the voice was rough and deeper than Jongin's...

"Sehuna...” He heard the soft whisper of his name before he was guided away from the set, the palm still rested and covering his eyes. 

"You are so stupid." His eyes blinked at the sudden brightness when the palm was removed from his eyes. "Really stupid." He heard again as he put a frown on his face, ready to yell at Jongin. He jerked his head to his other side, ready to shout at the man, but his mouth closed back as he was met with Chanyeol's face.

"Chan...” He called out softly. How could Chanyeol be there when he didn't inform the man anything about his shoot? He felt guilty out of sudden, knowing that Chanyeol probably saw the kiss shared by Jongin and him. He clenched his fists, mad at his own action.

Chanyeol suddenly chuckled. "Are you looking for that bastard? Sehun are you that cheap?" He chuckled again turning his head to the side, Sehun knew he was mad of him. "At least you can tell me right? He hurt you Sehun why would you let him do it again!" This time, Chanyeol yelled louder. 

 "Chan..Chan—" He tried to reach for Chanyeol's hands that were on the sides of his thighs but abruptly stopped when Chanyeol yanked his hand further. "Chan—” He called.

" this Sehun. I can't do this anymore." Chanyeol brought his hand to his temple, rubbing the spot just above his eyes. "—I just can't." His voice cracked as Sehun watched the tears that slowly slip down the man's face that never cried in front of Sehun. "I can't be by your side this way. I can't if you still love him." 

Sehun hung his head down, he can't help himself. He was unfair to Chanyeol he deserved it. How stupid of him, why would Chanyeol wait for him that long? Chanyeol had waited long enough and he never replied Chanyeol's love, how was he fair?— It was all his fault, he was the greedy one. He slowly raised his head, meeting Chanyeol's sulken face. 

"You— you won't leave me right?" He asked, his voice shaking from the sobs that he was trying to control. He chapped his lips together before letting his mouth move again. "You will stay— right?" He asked again. How selfish could he be? — He shook his head.

Chanyeol let out a sarcastic chuckle, shaking his head at Sehun's questions. "How can you ask that after everything? Most important— how can you even ask such question? You totally don't know me well enough if you thought I will leave—how can I leave that easy?" He paused, as he inched closer to Sehun, looking straight into his eyes. "I can't do this anymore but I love you Sehun. I can't wait for you anymore but my heart—is for you. How can you expect me to leave?"

The tears that he had been holding streamed down his cheeks as his vision was blurred by the tears. He embraced Chanyeol as he hid his face in the man's chest, letting his sobs be muffled by the layer of the fabric. He brought his hands to Chanyeol's back—gripping on the shirt as he pulled Chanyeol closer to him. 

"I won't leave you Sehun, I won't." Chanyeol muttered softly, kissing the top of Sehun's head. "I love you too much for that."

If Sehun turned his back, he could have seen the piercing glare thrown toward his way—the fists clenched behind him. 



"Ah..thanks." Sehun muttered tiredly, ending the call on his phone as he set his phone down on his lap. He rubbed his temple as he leaned his head on the car's seat, sighing to himself. "They said Jongin brought Jiho with him." That only meant he would have to meet Jongin again— he didn't even finish the shoot earlier. 

"You should not have brought Jiho with you." Chanyeol replied with a sigh—his eyes focused on the road. Sehun noticed how his grip on the steering tightened at the mention of Jongin. 

"Then who will take care of him?" Sehun replied back. Fiddling with the phone in his grasp. "You? You have work. You can't expect me to left Jiho to ruin your office—again." 

"Well—I won't mind." Chanyeol replied back. "It is better than have him close to that ." He gritted his teeth. "And what are you even thinking Sehun? — letting your ex-husband meet your kid? I thought you have fully erased him." 

He noticed the tense in Chanyeol's voice. "Jiho want to meet him. I can't forbid my son from meeting his own father right?" He shoved his phone in his pocket, he can't use the phone as distraction anymore. "I want him to be happy— just once." 

Chanyeol just nodded—Sehun knew the man would quieten down by the mention of his son as the man really understand Jiho. He felt the need to continue the conversation so he moved his mouth again to speak. "I have never know that he had always wanted to meet Jongin. I just knew it yesterday— you know that tomorrow is his birthday right?" He watched as Chanyeol nodded to his question again. "— He kept Jongin's picture that I used to keep in my wallet. I have always thought I left it somewhere— thinking that I don't need it anymore, I just forgot about it. But when I saw Jiho keeping it himself. I— I feel the need to let him meet Jongin." 

"So you let him meet Jongin and kiss with Jongin in front of him? Well that is amusing." Chanyeol replied sarcastically. He was still mad.

"I wasn't planning that!" Sehun burst out— he had enough with Chanyeol's rage. "I didn't expect him to be there in the same shoot! How do you think I can plan for my car to just not function and to meet him at the building? Can't you try to understand me just once? I thought we are done with this fight? What else do you want me to explain?!" He yelled everything out, his breathe hitched as he talked too fast. He clenched his fist on his side— breaking his gaze with Chanyeol as he turned to the view outside of the car. 

"I'm tired Sehun." Chanyeol blurted out. "I suddenly get tired—it suddenly feels exhausting. Having to listen to you talking to him— you kissing him, it won't disappear by itself. I know we just talked about this earlier but I don't know how— I feel really tired." He let out a soft chuckle. 

"I'm sorry." He mumbled out, realizing he probably had talked too much about Jongin.

"It's not your fault." Chanyeol shook his head as he turned to throw a small smile toward Sehun's way. "Let's just go and pick Jiho from him. The faster I could leave, the better."

Sehun just nodded to Chanyeol's words— too tired to fight back. 




“Aren’t you coming in with me?”

Sehun asked, looking at Chanyeol’s face— more like the side of his face as the man was avoiding his stare. He let out a sigh as he unbuckled his seatbelt at the lack of response. He glanced at Chanyeol’s way again—the man still remained the same way he was, his hands grasping the steering tightly as if his life depended on it. He chapped his lips together in a sad frown— pushing the car’s door open and slamming it shut as he stepped out. He clenched his fist as he turned back to the car, expecting for Chanyeol to at least step out of the car— yet he remained the same. He heaved a sigh again, he had never seen Chanyeol acting the way he was right now.

“It’s your fault he is acting this way, Sehun. Aren’t you getting it?” he muttered to himself as he headed to the house’s gate— he lifted his eyes from the cemented floor as he stared at the house in his view. “Nothing much changed.” He mumbled to himself—staring at the house he used to own. The house that he had always dreamed of to live with Jongin back then— but he couldn’t even live there that long.  He pressed his thumb on the doorbell before folding his arms on his chest. He tapped his feet on the floor impatiently— he just want to get Jiho.

Sehun nibbled on his lip when the house’s door were pushed open, revealing Jongin in his sweatpants and loose black shirt. He watched as the man walked barefoot toward his way, not even minding to put his sandals or any footwear first. He watched as a faint smile crept on Jongin’s face as he was closer to him. He shook his head when Jongin opened the gate for him—offering for him in. he even noticed how the smile on Jongin’s face disappear when he rejected the offer.

“He is still sleeping. You would not want to wake him up right?”

Sehun just sighed as he followed Jongin who had walked ahead of him. He even noticed how the man’s shoulder shrunk as he headed to the house—he had just ruined Jongin’s hope and he shouldn’t feel bad—but he did. “Where is he?” he asked as he stepped in the house—not even minding the pained look that was thrown toward him.

“He is inside.” Jongin replied—his voice low. “I will help you carry him.” He muttered as he headed to a room.

Sehun recognized the room—it was the room they were supposed to use as their child’s room. It was just next to their shared room. He followed after Jongin who was standing next to the bed—just watching Jiho who was sleeping soundly on the pororo themed bed. Sehun glanced around the room and was surprised to see it filled with pororo all over the place—the last time he was here, the room was still empty with dull pain—there was literally nothing in it before.

“I decorated this after you left.” Jongin spoke out as he settled himself down the bed—a beam appeared on his face as he glanced around the room. “Thought you will come back.” He chuckled—the chuckle sounded too painful to Sehun’s ears.

“Why would I?” he replied back. “Why should I do that when you clearly have a woman by your side already?” he added—not forgetting the time when he saw Jongin with another girl when he came to visit the man after their divorce. He clenched his fists—he knew jongin was just trying to get his pity. “Jongin come on—you are not going to get my pity—you don’t deserve such.” He spat out—walking past Jongin to get Jiho.

“I don’t need your pity.” Jongin muttered—replying after him. “I need you.”

Sehun just shook his head—jongin was really good at playing with his words. “The me back then would have fall for your words, Kim Jongin. But I’m not the same person again. I have learned from the past—thanks to you.” he replied sarcastically—stretching his arms to lift. Jiho but was beaten by Jongin who immediately took a hold of his arm. 

“He wished for me on his birthday, right?” Jongin asked—his eyes staring into Sehun’s as he spoke the words out. “Let me be there for him—tomorrow. Just tomorrow—I won’t bother you anymore after that.” He pleaded—his hold on Sehun’s arm stronger. “Let me be with you and him—just for a day.” He pleaded again.

Sehun avoided the man’s gaze on him as he stared at his son’s sleeping face. He remembered Jiho’s wish again—the words won’t attached off his mind. It won’t hurt just to spend a day with Jongin? Right? It was just Jongin. He yanked his arm out of Jongin’s grasp—letting out a soft sigh. “Just tomorrow.” He muttered out slowly.

It was for Jiho anyways




"I will pick you up tomorrow?" Jongin stopped on the front door, his fingers curled on the door's knob as he turned his body halfway to look at Sehun who was carrying Jiho in his arms. "—but it's okay if you want to drive instead so I will just come and left my car at yours?" He added again before Sehun could mutter out a reply to his question earlier.

Sehun slowly thought of the surprise he would give Jiho with Jongin's appearance—thinking of a way to surprise his little son. "You just need to pick us up— I think. Then I would think of the plan for his birthday, you just have to come and be there for him." He replied smoothly— fixing Jiho's position in his arms at the same time. 

"Hey." A frown suddenly crept on Jongin's face. "I have my own plan too you know. He frowned deeper. "You don't have to think of the plan, let me do it. After all I'm his father— his true blood. I know what to do." 

Sehun scoffed— rolling his eyes at the same time. "Of course you are his father, you should know everything about him, don't you?" He replied sarcastically — the side of his lips curled up. "Then do anything you want as you are his father." He added, pressing on the word 'father'. 

 Jongin let out a breathy sigh— the frown on his face deepened. "I didn't mean it that way— I know I haven't been there for him but I'm not the old Jongin you have always hated, I'm changing Sehun, for Jiho—" His grip on the door knob loosened before dropping his down to his side. "—for you."

Sehun snorted. "Slight reminder, you don't have to do so, just change for the better for Krystal." He pushed past Jongin as he rushed out of the house, ignoring the hurtful look plastered on Jongin. He was glad that Chanyeol was still waiting outside when he spotted the black Maserati car parked outside. He rushed to the car as his ears blocked the loud yell of his name. 

"Took you long." Chanyeol greeted him once he stepped in the car— eyeing the figure past Sehun who was standing at the house door. 

"You would not want to know what happened Chanyeol." Sehun mumbled, fixing Jiho's position in his arms at the same time. 

"Maybe." Chanyeol muttered before driving in the route. 


"What did you plan for his birthday?" Chanyeol asked once he had tucked Jiho on his bed— slipping next to Sehun on the couch. "Are we going to have a dinner at the restaurant again or amusement park?" 

"Jongin would plan everything." Sehun muttered calmly as he snuggled closer to Chanyeol, resting his head on the man's chest. 

"Wait what?" Chanyeol straightened his back on the couch, staring at Sehun in disbelief.

"Let me explain—"

Chanyeol cut him off. "Wait what the hell is this? I thought everything between you and him are over?" He stood abruptly off the couch, ruffling his hair out of frustration. "Is this about Jiho wanting him on his birthday? What is the use?! You guys will still hurt him in the end when you two had to part! Make him happy for just one day?! Then what about the next day? What if he craved for Jongin's attention and start to question why you two weren't together, what would you tell him?" He yelled out to Sehun, his fists clenched by his sides. 

"What is wrong with making him happy for just one day?" Sehun muttered back calmly — raising his head to meet Chanyeol's burning glare. "He is my son Chanyeol, of course I want him to be happy. I want him to at least feel how it feels to be with both of his father. He had never feel such way. Rather than never let him feel so, is it wrong for me to let him feel it just once? It's okay if he is still craving for Jongin ever after that. I will still fulfill all his needs. He is my son, my only treasure. I lived for him and I will still live just for him." He rose from the couch, rubbing his aching temple at the same time as he walked to his room— pushing past Chanyeol who remained stuck on the carpet. 

"I don't want to know Jiho's feeling, I want to know yours." 

Sehun stopped on his heels— his lips pressed together as he released a sigh. "I don't know."

"Won't it hurt your feeling? Is a day enough for you? Won't you crave for his company? And—" Chanyeol's voice started to crack. "Would you find yourself loving him again?"

Sehun smiled. "I will know everything tomorrow."



It felt different that morning once Sehun woke up from his slumber, it felt different from the other days. Before he would get nightmare or scene of the past event in his dream but he managed to sleep normally last night, he didn't dream of anything as if all of the the old memories were fully erased from his brain. He pushed his blanket off him before climbing down the bed— he sauntered out of his room with his pyjama still donned on as he headed to Jiho's room. He pushed the kid's door lightly— trying to woke him up by accident.

He flopped himself on the king pororo bed, his hand resting on Jiho's head before lightly brushing the boy's head. "I'm sorry that you only managed to meet your father today, I should have tolld you about him sooner." He leaned down before pecking the top of Jiho's head. "So enjoy your day, Appa is sorry that Appa can't bear to live with your other father and make you happy but being with him just make me sad."





Sehun brushed Jiho's hair to the back only to have it dropped back to its original position. He sighed in frustration but the smile on Jiho's face made him smile and forget about the hair. He was trying to make Jiho look proper for Jongin— well he wasn't trying to show off or anything but it was Jiho's special day and he wanted his baby to look his best.

"This is so frustrating huh?" He smiled to his son as he moved his hands to brush Jiho's shirt that had became a bit crumpled because of his son's constant movement before removing his hands to clasp it wish his son.

Jiho shook his head, the huge grin still plastered on his face as he swung his hands that were clasped together with Sehun. "I'm excited actually." He replied back, still beaming wide.

Sehun squeezed their interlocked hands, smiling faintly to his son. "You are huh?" He chuckled before unlocking their fingers, bringing his hand to Jiho's cheek before pinching it. "Appa is glad that you are happy, Jiho is excited to meet Papa?"

"Very excited!" Jiho replied immediately. "I want to show everyone that Jiho have two parents like them too."

"That's good."

He was grimacing but quickly hid it when he realized Jiho might be watching him. It always sadden him to know that Jiho was always mocked for having only a single father but he couldn't do anything to help his own son, he couldn't even reveal himself in front of the crowd to prove the kids wrong. The last thing he wanted to happen to Jiho was being called a bastard, a son born out of wedlock.

He shook his thought, turning his attention back to Jiho who were still keeping his gaze on him. "Promise me, that even if Papa is better than Appa, Jiho will never leave Appa. Jiho will still stay here, along with Appa." He brought his pinky finger to Jiho.

Jiho just stared at his pinky finger, a bit confused by his father sudden action. "Appa.."

Sehun shook his head. "Please, promise me."

Jiho locked his pinky finger with Sehun's before kissing his father's finger and stamping the kissed finger on his forehead as he brought it down and waited for Sehun to do the same.

Sehun did the same as his son did, smiling again. "Promise me okay?"

"I promise Appa."

 As if on cue, the doorbell rang. Startling Jiho but not Sehun. Sehun took his son's hand as he clasped their hands together, bringing his son to the door. He breathed a heavy sigh before pulling the door open and as expected he was greeted with a beaming Jongin, who was holding a bouquet of lilies in his grasp.

"Good morning." Jongin greeted first before crouching down on the floor facing Jiho who was next to Sehun. "Good morning to you too little sunshine." He brought his hand to ruffle Jiho's hair.

Sehun glanced down to look at Jongin and Jiho as he scoffed. 'Little sunshine.' He thought, he actually wanted to laugh at the nickname, a nickname Jongin used to tell him before on how much he wanted to call their upcoming child that. He wanted to congratulate Jongin actually how he managed to use that nickname on his real kid.

Annoyed, Sehun spoke. "Can we just go now?" He shoved his hand in the pocket of his coat, the temperature was really killing him.

Jongin stood back on his feet as he eyed Sehun worriedly. "Is it too cold for us to be out?" His voice sounden concerned and Sehun just wanted to yell at him to stop his fake act.

But Sehun didn't want Jiho to see them fighting so he settled with a nice reply. "No it's fine, I just don't want to miss the dinner with Chanyeol tonight for Jiho." He was speaking the truth, to make up for not telling Chanyeol about his plan, he had planned a dinner for them that night.
The wide beam on Jongin's face slowly disappeared at the mention of the other male and Sehun felt a tad bit guilty. No wait, he didn't feel guilty. "Okay then." He just chuckled before handing Sehun the lilies he had been holding. "I brought this for you."

Sehun looked at the lilies, a small smile crept on his face when Jongin still remembered his favorite flower but he shook his head before snatching the bouquet in Jongin's grip. He wasn't going to fall for Jongin's acts again.

"Thanks." He muttered without emotion before turning to the door to lock it before turning his back to Jongin once again. "Should we go?" He spoke through gritted teeth.

"Yeah." Jongin muttered, the excitement in his eyes had long disappeared as he walked to his car that was parked outside.

Sehun held Jiho's hand— sighing as he pulled the other. It was really going to be a long day for him.




New updateeeeeeeee, this story had been 3 years long *wipes sweat* tough journey trying to finish it off again. I'm sorry that the chapter wasn't long enough and it was lacking Sekai but don't worry the next chapter ((which might be updated in.......idk? but i'll try)) will have more sekai and their interaction with Jiho and I'll try to finish this one asap as my original plan with it was to not have so many chapters and try to finish it around 5 or 6 chapters but do anticipate!!! see you soon

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ReadRealize #1
Chapter 3: thank you so much for the update. it must have been hard for yeollie
Xandax #2
Chapter 2: pls update
teufelchen_netty #3
Chapter 2: ah sadly no update
jesselee #4
Chapter 2: Will this be updated soon?? It's really interesting
2theworld #5
Chapter 2: My my my...I love angst story and this is beyond perfect.the world should be complete when there sekai in it.
Totally_Extreme #6
Chapter 2: Oh god this is adorable and damn!!! A cliff hanger why u hav to be so rude!!
Chapter 2: asdghjkl this is zo cute omg
Chapter 2: im curious as to why kai slept with a girl after the divorce ? dooes he really love sehun or is he bored having a relationship with krystal.........poor sehun bt atleast they kissed........bt i want kai to have even the slightest pain he gave to sehun............for god sake he slept with a woman after divorce and in a relationship...........i want a happy ending..........sekai for life<33333333333333
Chapter 2: wowwww they kissed!! ><
actually i was mad at jongin because he had another girl right after they divorce and i hope sehun will not forgive him hoho
but i want a happy ending ><
ohhhhsehunnie #10
Chapter 2: This stories will going to happy ending right ? Omg im so curious you know ? Can you update soon pleaseeee ? I'm really sad to know jongin with someone else after their divorce :( that's prove sehun is not to special for him :( and i hope sehun never going to forgive him tbh, but if that's happen sekai will never be ended together huweeeeee T_T you should explain everything in the last chappie author nim im begging you