Present and Future

Love is All, Love is You


Its been weeks since Likun starting to open up and relationship between her and Yifan is getting better. If Yifan was never fail to visit them before, nowdays, the man almost everyday sleepover in Wang condo, practically, he was moving in.

In the morning, he will drive the kids to the school while he and Likun headed to their respective offices. If he has free time in the afternoon, he will picked up the kids and dropped them into Lu’s mansion and when the night comes, he’ll tucked them to bed.

He was indeed a father that both A Chen and Xiao Tian longing for.


‘Where’s Kris?’ A Chen asked his mother when three of them were ready for dinner but the said person was missing out, the first time in the past few weeks.

‘He’s busy,’ Likun shortly replied.


Xiao Tian nodded.


‘He said it when he dropped us to Granny, remember?’ she told A Chen.

‘Right,’ he sighed and mumbled.

‘What is it? What with the gloomy face?’ Likun asked with smile on her face.

‘It’s feels strange without him here,’ A Chen said with small voice.

‘Do you love him?’ Likun asked as she started to eat her food. Both of the kids nodded their head almost immediately. ‘Then be a good kid, eat your dinner now,’


Even though Likun looked enjoying her food but she was also observing the little guys in front of her. And it would be a fat lie if she said their life didn’t change. It changed, in a good way. All thanks to Yifan.

The clock exactly at 01:00 when Likun heard the door clicked open and close. Likun who was watching random show on TV turned her head only to see Yifan smiling at her tiredly. She stood up and welcomed him with hug and kiss which Yifan reclaimed her lips for another seconds of kissing.


‘Tired?’ Likun asked as they pulled away, still hugging each other.


Yifan chuckled before he leaned his forward to kiss her forehead.


‘You’ve no idea,’

‘You’ve dinner already?’ Likun asked once they broke the hug and she helped Yifan to take off his jacket and he loosen up his necktie.

‘Is there any left-over?’ Yifan asked back.

‘I’ll fix you something to eat,’ Likun said.

‘No,’ Yifan shook his head, ‘left-over is good for me, it’s past midnight already, you don’t need to trouble yourself.’


Likun didn’t answer, instead she folded Yifan’s jacket, placed it on the couch behind her and grabbed Yifan’s hand and led the man to the kitchen. She quickly fixed Yifan a plate of Napolitane spaghetti which he eat it quietly.


‘Didn’t you eat?’ Yifan asked.


Likun shook her head, she sat across him with a small bowl of strawberry in front of her.


‘Here,’ Yifan stretched out his choopstick with the flat noodle on it and Likun obidiently leaned forward, let him fed her.


The supper went quiet as Yifan fed himself and Likun alternately, they were only exchanging a smile and loving gaze to each other. Likun can’t help but feel like a happy little high-schooler that her love getting return by her crush. The guilty feeling was still there but mostly overshadowed by the happy one.


‘I’ll check on the kids first,’ Yifan said when both of them finish the supper and fixed the table.

‘They must be happy if they see you tomorrow for breakfast,’ Likun smiled. ‘Well, I’ll wait for you inside?’

‘Okay,’ Yifan nodded and waiting for Likun entered their bed room before he walked farther and opened the colorful door in front of him.


‘Baba!’ Xiao Tian exclaimed when Yifan appeared in their school in the one fine afternoon. Today is actually Mrs. Lu’s turn to pick up the children but for some reason instead of the lady, it’s Yifan who shows up.


A Chen was about to speak a word to when he saw his mother  behind Yifan — talking to one of his teacher — she glanced at them with frown upon hearing Xiao Tian’s exclamation.

The kids looked at each other while Xiao Tian looked sorry.


‘Hey,’ Yifan scooped up Xiao Tian.

‘Why are you here?’ Xiao Tian asked.

‘It supposed to be Granny who pick us up,’ A Chen added.

‘Well, we happen in the neighbourhood so we decided to do the honor, isn’t that good?’ Yifan asked and smiled.


Both of A Chen and Xiao Tian nodded.


‘Sorry,’ Xiao Tian whispered and hoped that her mother did not hear it.

‘It’s okay, I was thinking to tell Mum about this, how is it?’


Two pairs of eyes sparkled almost immediately.


‘Really?’ Xiao Tian asked. Yifan nodded. ‘Thank you,’ Xiao Tian said and kissed the man on the cheek.

‘So now only Kris who get your kiss?’ Likun asked.

‘No, of course not!’ Xiao Tian replied as she leaned to the side to kiss her mother while she was still in Yifan’s arms.

‘So, let’s go home. Mum is home early today,’ Likun announced much to her kids delight because it’s mean they will have another rare-bonding time with her but then the earlier scene came into picture and both of the kids looked sorry again.


The drive was a little bit awkward, Likun didn’t utter a word and the kids in the back seat were sitting edgily. Once in while, Yifan checked on them by glancing at the rear mirror. The stiff silent remained even when they’re reached the house. A Chen led his sister upstair almost immediately while Xiao Tian’s hand — Yifan just realized it —  was never leave her Gege.

Yifan sighed when saw the whole scene, the kids running upstairs and Likun opened her room’s door and shut it without saying anything to him.

Sighing once more, Yifan climbed the stairs and headed to the A Chen and Xiao Tian’s room.


‘Hey,’ he greeted as he opend the door only to find A Chen was hugging his Meimei who was sobbing. ‘Hey, what happen,’ Yifan crossed the room and crounced down in fronf of them. Xiao Tian raised her head while A Chen loosen his hug.

‘So-sorry,’ Xiao Tian hiccupped. ‘Mum is mad, isn’t she?’

‘It’s okay alright?’ Yifan thumbed Xiao Tian’s tears away, ‘I’ll talk to Mummy and make sure she’s not mad, hm?’

‘You will?’ A Chen asked.


Yifan nodded and smiled.


‘Actually, I’ve been thinking to talk about this with Mummy for quite sometime now, I guess, right now it’s the right time, just let me handle this okay?’

‘Thanks,’ Xiao Tian smiled.


Yifan laughed and ruffled her hair before planted a kiss on her forehead.


‘Okay, now stop crying and change your cloth, be a good kids,’ Yifan patted their head softly and kissed each of them on the cheeks before made his way out of the room.


The house was quite, Likun seemed has not come out from her room, she must be really upset, Yifan thought.

Quitely Yifan open the door, the room was quite and dimmed, Likun didn’t seem in there. However he walked further, looking for her.


‘Likun,’ Yifan called but no answer.


Walking further in the room Yifan heard faint suffling sound from the walking-closet next to him, true to the word, Likun was busying herself to rearranged her clothes.


‘Likun, why didn’t you answer me?’


Likun turned her head only turned back after second. Sighing more, Yifan approached her and caught Likun’s both hand from behind, back hugging her. He tightening his hug when she struggled trying to breaking the hug.


‘I’m sorry,’ Yifan whispered. Likun didn’t say anything, just swaying on the spot with Yifan’s both hand rested on to of hers on her stomach. ‘Come on I have something to talked to you,’


Once again, Likun let Yifan does what he wanted, by now she was sitting at the edge of her bed while Yifan pulled out her chair and sat on it, held her hands tightly.


‘I’m sorry if you’re feeling betrayed, but I really didn’t mean it.’ Yifan heaved a deep breath before he continue. ‘That day A Chen asked me about the possibility of him call me Daddy.’

‘A Chen?’


Yifan nodded.



“Kris can I ask you question?” A Chen asked.

“Sure what is it?”


A Chen shifted and he turned to faced Yifan.


“Is it true Dad will never comeback?”

‘Huh? Who said?” Yifan was taken aback with the sudden question.

“My friend, Zitao and many of my friends are saying so, too,”

“Yes Kris, when he will comeback? I haven’t meet him yet even for once,’ Xiao Tian butted in.


Yifan stared at them without saying anything, his mind was too blank to think a word to speak. Three of them were sitting down at the balcony floor enjoying bright full moon and ocean of the stars.


“I miss him but I didn’t dare to ask Mum,” A Chen sighed.

“Why?” Yifan asked.

“Mum will be sad whenever I start talking about Dad,”


Yifan sighed upon seeing the kids before him, A Chen bowed his head and played with his fingers and Xiao Tian looking up to him with her doe eyes — just like Luhan’s — full of curiosity.


“Listen,” Yifan started. “What Zitao said was true,” Yifan took a deep breath because A Chen’s face fell once he confirmed the truth that the boy might scare to believe before continue explaining. “Daddy was gone to the place none of us can reach him,”

“Where did Daddy go? Why didn’t he take us along?” Xiao Tian asked.

“Dad left us,” A Chen stated with small voice but clear enough for Yifan to listen to him.

“No, A Chen, Dad was never leave you or Xiao Tian or Mum. He loves you all way too much. He didn’t want to leave but unfortunately, he had to but he never leave you. Can you see that bright star?” Yifan pointed to the sky above them, immediately, A Chen and Xiao Tian looked up.

“Which one? That one?” Xiao Tian asked.

“No, the northern one, the brightest,” Yifan told.

“That one?” A Chen pointed to the brightest star in the northern sky.

“Yes, that one,”  Yifan confirmed it. ‘Dad is looking after you all from there, he knows whatever you guys doing here, when you’re happy, when you’re upset, or even when you’re naughty. So, never think that Dad left you alone. He’s not and never, Dad will still be around you. If you miss him, look up to the sky and find his star, he’s there for you.’

“So Daddy is there?” Xiao Tian asked.


Yifan nodded as he was also gazing up to the sky. The star is bright.



‘That is why you bought them a telescope?’ Likun asked and Yifan nodded.


All of the talk was beyond of her imagination, not even once she ever imagine her kids were feeling that way. They missed their Dad as much as she missed Luhan.


‘Xiao Tian was the one who ask me whether she can call me Dad or not,’ Yifan said.



“But I want to call you Dad,” Xiao Tian pouted when Yifan told her she can’t call him Dad.

“Look, there only one Dad for you and it was Luhan —”

“But he’s not here!”

“Then you can always call me Baba,” Yifan smiled.


“Yes but in one condition,”

“What is it?”

“You can call me Baba only when we’re alone, Mum will upset if she knew, you don’t want Mum upset, do you?”


Both of A Chen and Xiao Tian nodded almost immediately.


“So ..., deal?”


“Baba,” Xiao Tian called

“Baba” Yifan repeated and smiled.



Likun took a deep breath before facing the man before her, a drop of tear escape from her corner of her eyes.


‘Hey,’ Yifan reached out his hand and thumbed the tears away.

‘Thank you,’ Likun whispered.

‘Thank you for what?’ Yifan chuckled while caressing her cheeks which she gladly leaned on it. ‘I love you all, there nothing to thank for,’


Likun smiled feebly.


‘Well, you scared them you know,’

‘I’m sorry,’ Likun apologized.

‘You don’t need to apologized. Well,’ Yifan stood up, ‘I need to go,’

‘You won’t stay for dinner?’ Likun asked and she stood up too.

‘I have dinner meeting, what? You want me to stay?’ Yifan playfully asked as he saw Likun’s face turned dissapointed.

‘Dinner meeting is important,’ Likun stated.

‘I can stay if you want to,’ Yifan winked.

‘Please Mr. Wu, you need to get your job done,’

‘Oho, now you’re ordering me around?’

‘This is for the company’s good, you have three person to take care of so you better maintain your income stable, raising kids is not an easy job Mr. Wu.’


To say that Yifan’s smile instantly blossomed was understatement because Likun’s word was also fed his ego, believe it or not by that, it was one prove that Likun started to accept him for being the father of her children. He pulled Likun by her waist and planted soft kiss on her forehead.


‘Don’t worry, with me around, I guarantee you won’t be starving,’ Yifan laughed and he released his hold. ‘Well,  I’m on my way now,’


Both of them walking out of the room hand in hand, Likun even sent Yifan by the front door, earning — yet again — one forehead kiss.

Still with smilling on her face, Likun climbed to upstairs and knocked her children’s room door.


‘Hey guys,’ Likun poked her head from the crack, A Chen was reading something while Xiao Tian was playing with her plushies. ‘Can I come in?’

‘Oh Mum! Of course, you don’t need to ask,’ A Chen replied, he put down his book he was reading as his mother coming closer and sit down next to him.

‘Well,’ Likun reached out an angry bird plushie and sitting him on her lap. ‘I thought you guys are upset with me and won’t let me in,’ Likun shrugged.

‘Eh? Aren’t you that mad at me?’ Xiao Tian asked with confuse face.

‘Why should I mad at you?’

‘Because I call Kris Baba,’ Xiao Tian replied with small voice.

‘Do you really like the idea of Kris being your Baba?’


A Chen and Xiao Tian nodded almost immediately.


‘He loves us and he loves you too Mum,’ A Chen announced that made Likun’s eyes widened.

‘Loves me?’

‘He told us that he loves three of us, he loves you and he said he’s more than willing to live with us,’


From this point, Likun didn’t know how she felt anymore and she was far from to care that her children might caught her blushing face. So, all the love’s word from Yifan was true? He even confessed to A Chen and Xiao Tian.


‘Then he can be your Baba,’ Likun concluded with smile — she tried her best to keep her composure but she was sure her excitement was too evident to both of the kids.

‘Really!?’ both of them literally yelled.


Likun nodded.


‘Yay! I have Daddy!’


A Chen jumped and hugged his mother by her neck while Xiao Tian crossed the room to reach phone and dialed speed dial number.


‘Baba!’ she screamed when there “Hello”  from the other line.


Xiao Tian was the one who run out from her room once they heard front door cracked open and then close.


‘Baba!!!’  Xiao Tian tackled Yifan who took off his shoes and because of he was unprepare with sudden attack, the man fell down, much to the Xiao Tian’s ignorance because the little girl threw herself on him.

‘Wha —’

‘Mum is agree. You’re my Baba now!’

‘Our Baba,’ A Chen corrected.

‘What does it mean?’ Yifan asked with confused face, he faced A Chen, Likun and Xiao Tian.

‘Mum is agree with you to be our Baba, now you’re our Baba and you will live with us, right Mum?’ Xiao Tian spoke fast and Yifan could tell that her eyes were glowing with happiness.

‘Only if Baba agree,’ Likun smiled.

‘Oh my God,’ that was all the word he could say. He got up, still with Xiao Tian on his arms, approached Likun and A Chen before hugging them. ‘Thank you,’ Yifan whispered into Likun’s ear.


‘Thank you,’ Yifan said for dozen times already but he mindlessly kept saying the abused word for he can’t find another word to express his feeling right now.


Likun didn’t say a word instead she was nuzzling deeper on his chest. Both of them were cuddling on the bed after tucking the kid to bed half an hour ago. Assuring them that Yifan will still be here when they wake up by morning.


‘I didn’t do anything, so stop thanking me,’ Likun replied after some time.


Yifan softly chuckled and fixed the blanket before he kissed Likun’s forehead and muttered good night. But it seemed that Likun had another plan when she she looked up and capture Yifan’s lips for a kiss. Yifan caught of guard but it didn’t take too long before he reached his hand to pushed Likun’s nape into him to deepen the kiss. They moved in sync, as if they know each other where to move, what to do to please each other only with their touch, even with eyes closed. Both of them pulled away when they have the urge to catch oxygen. Yifan stared at the girl before him as he tried to catch his breath and she too, breathless and staring back at him.


‘Yifan,’ Likun called with small voice.


‘Make love to me,’


It’s been weeks since Likun allowed her children to called Yifan, Baba. And Yifan can tell that the relationship between them, Yifan and Likun, was progressing so fast. Yifan practically was moving in, he only went back to his home to check on Ace, his snowy siberian husky — Likun’s building didn’t allow for the pet to reside. But in the past few days, he felt something strange. Likun was hiding something from him, he can feel it. However the young fashion director tried his best for not suspecting anything, Likun was probably too stress with all her work — though he was sure it’s not the matter — or she simply have monthly stressing period?

And today was another worrisome day once his call left with no answer and she was not at her office either. Call him stupid but right now Yifan was on the way to visit her office when his frown went deeper as he approached by Likun’s PA. He was about to ask when the girl beat him for that.


‘Mr. Wu, can I talk to you about something in private?’

‘What with this sudden request?’ Yifan’s narrowed.

‘I’m so sorry Mr. Wu but this is not about me, it’s all about CEO, please, I need your help.’


Upon hearing the CEO’s word, Yifan opened Likun’s office door and ask the girl to come inside. Much to his surprise, Likun’s blazer was a the hung, her bag was sitting at her desk with open flies.

She was out without her belongings?


‘So?’ Yifan asked as both of them were sitting across each other at the Likun’s mini livingroom inside her office.

‘CEO is not herself recently and I’m afraid she’ll hurt herself,’ the girl said in worry voice.

‘What do you mean?’ Yifan, though he knew that but he wanted more information from the PA thus he pretended that he knew nothing.

‘Mrs. Wang didn’t work properly, she often went out of office without proper excuse and leave all the work to me, it’s not I complain but Mrs. Wang is not the type of slacking person and her constant missing out is not for fun purpose. I caught her cried once. So I guess she is in trouble,’

‘Thank you,’ Yifan sighed. So it’s true Likun was in trouble, but from what? ‘I’ll try to talk to her. Thank you for your care.’


The PA nodded and excused herselves, left Yifan alone in the usually warm office which now he felt colder than the fridge.


‘What is in your mind?’ Yifan muttered to himself before he stood up, took Likun’s blazer and bag, which he realized that Likun was only broght her phone and purse with her.


Where she was going?


‘Baba! Oh, you’re home early?’ Xiao Tian asked when she surprisingly found Yifan approaching her and A Chen who was watching TV on the living room downstairs.

‘Hey Baby,’ Yifan came closer and give A Chen and Xiao Tian a kiss. ‘No, I just home to take my folder,’

‘I thought you’re home early,’ Xiao Tian pouted.

‘Hey, don’t be upset Princess, I have to working hard so we can spend weekend together,’ Yifan coaxed the little girl. ‘So, there Beijing United match this weekend, anyone come with me?’


A Chen cheered almost immediately.


‘You really wanna watch the game? I was about to ask you but I’m afraid that you’re busy,’ A Chen said.

‘As long as the game is on weekend and I don’t have business trip, we’ll go. And, for Princess, I have these,’ Yifan took out some tickets from his jacket pocket.

‘Wow! Disney Musical?’ Yifan nodded. ‘Thank you Baba!’

‘Anything for my babies, well now, I have to get back to work so we can have fun on weekend, okay?’


Both of the children nodded and kissed Yifan each of his cheeks and the man made his way to the Likun’s room to “take his unexist folder”. Likun wasn’t there, her room was still tidy, obviously she hasn’t come home yet. Once again, where is she?

Yifan mindlessly driving down the busy street of Beijing while his mind wander around about the possibility where his girlfriend may be. Suddenly there certain place popped out of his mind and Yifan quickly switched lane and seek for the nearest U-turn before he gas his car.

He breathed a relieve breath when he found Likun was there, she was sitting down on the grass, leaned against the tombstone. Yifan’s heart clenched upon seeing the sight, he wondered, what the matter that bothering her so she prefer comfort from her late fiance than him, her present boyfriend. However, he knows, when she thinks the time is right, she will open up, he needs years just to convince Likun to open her heart, this must not that hard, he thinks.

Yifan silently sat down next to her, he didn’t fail to see surprising look from Likun but Yifan choose to ignore it. He reached out one of Likun’s earpiece and plugged into his ear, surprisingly, it wasn’t any of the songs she listened to in the past five years but the recent song he was listening into, Sandy Lam 至少還有你 (zhisahao hai you ni | at least I have you ). That makes Yifan looked at his girlfriend almost immediately and for some seconds both of them stared to each other. Still without a single word uttered, Yifan pulled Likun by her shoulder to leaned on his. The couple quitely enjoying the afternoon breeze with shared earpieces, far away there, the sun slowly was setting down, left the golden red of lights around the silent surrounding.

It only when the sun was completely hiding behind the hill, Yifan shifted and stood up, offering his hand to Likun.


‘It’s getting dark, lets go home,’


Likun reached out his hand and slowly nodded. Both of them climbing down the hill—still—in silence. Half way down, Yifan freeing his grasp and in return he drapped his left arm on to likun’s shoulder, providing the girl the warmer scent.

Maybe this is one of the things why Likun adore Yifan more than she can imagine she can, because the man who hugged her right now knows that sometimes all Likun’s need is only silence company. And Yifan was proving himself that he can, even before they’re start dating, there countless time Yifan silently stay by her side.


Yifan’s eyes fluttered open, his ears perked up. He thought he heard faint sob somewhere, did he dream? He glanced at the side table and spotted the digital clock glimering in blue light, 5:45.

Morning, he muttered to himself. Yifan was about to ask Likun about the strange sound when he realize he was lying alone, it made him almost jumped out of the bed. Compossing himself, Yifan threw the blanket aside and got out of the bed and followed the sound.


‘Oh my God! Baby are you alright?’ Yifan rushed and crossing the bathroom with his wide steps. Likun was clutching the edge of the sink and there some of the foul liquid she threw up before and hasn’t flushed yet and she was sobbing. Gently, Yifan pushed back Likun’s hair and helped her to wash .

‘You’ve fever,’ Yifan murmured when he felt her body burning hot.


Likun however, she didn’t said a thing when Yifan carried her back to the bed room and tucked her under the blanket before rushed out the room to take ice water to help to reducing the fever.


‘Where’re you going?’ Yifan asked, bit confuse when he opened the bed room door Likun was standing behind it with her pale face.

‘The kids,’ she weakly replied.


Yifan frowned but once he understand what did she mean, he ushered Likun back to the bed.

‘I’ll take care of them, you just get some rest, I’ll call dr. Zhang to check on you.’

‘No, I’m fine,’

‘Baby please, you’re sick.’ Yifan said as he applied a damp white towel onto Likun’s forehead.

‘You don’t need to call dr. Zhang, I visited him yesterday,’ Likun said.

Yifan raised his eyebrow, ‘really? So you’re already sick since yesterday?’

‘I’m fine I just catch cold —’

‘And fever.’ Yifan interjected.

Likun sighed. ‘I guarantee I’m fine, there’s nothing for you to worry about.’ Yifan was about to argue once again when Likun cut him. ‘A Chen and Xiao Tian will be late,’

‘Alright,’ Yifan surrender, ‘but you’ve to be here still, when I go back from sending them to school,’

‘Okay, but seriously don’t call dr. Zhang.’ Likun quickly added when she saw Yifan was about to insist. ‘My medicines’re at the first drawer,’


Yifan quickly open the said drawer and there he found a small paper bag contained strips of pills and a bottle also contained pills.


‘I told you so,’

‘Okay, I’ll send the kids to the school and we talk again later,’

‘Didn’t you need to go to office?’ Likun’s questioned him.

‘I can always take up leave, I’m the boss remember?’ Yifan stood up only to bended over and kissed Likun on her cheek. ‘Take good sleep, I love you.’ With that Yifan made his way out of the bed room and headed straight to the kitchen where he needed to prepare breakfast for both A Chen and Xiao Tian. It wasn’t long ‘till both of the kids appeared on the kitchen doorway with confuse look.

‘Baba? What are you doing here?’ A Chen asked as he approached Yifan.


Yifan looked up and smiled.


‘Come, breakfast?’

‘Where’s Mum?’ Xiao Tian asked as she looked around the room, no sign of her mother.

‘Mum is a little unwell, thats why I’m here,’ Yifan grinned as he placed two plates in front of them. ‘Hot breakfast for today...’


‘Hey Baby,’ Yifan greeted Likun who was sitting and leaned against the pillows, reading a book, the damp towel was still intact on her forehead. ‘Feeling better?’ he put his palm on Likun’s jaw and cheeks, inspecting the heat. Thanks God, the fever is died down.

‘I just catch a cold, there’s nothing to worry about,’ Likun looked at Yifan with I-told-you-so-but-you-didn’t-believe-me look as she closed her book.

‘’Cause you often make me worry,’ Yifan shrugged and climbed up to bed, slipped under cover and reached Likun by her waist, pulled her closer.


Both of them were cuddling in silence, Yifan was mindlessly playing with Likun’s hair.


‘Why do you love me?’ Likun broke the ice with sudden question that make Yifan looked down on her but she buried her face on his chest deeper.

‘I don’t know,’ Yifan replied and once again silence befallen over them. It’s only after sometimes, Yifan continued. ‘I’ve never imagine I’ll fall you, even in my wildest dream. Maybe its because of our togetherness in the past five years. I’ve seen your happiness, your laughter, your cry, your sadness, your insecurity. I think all of those that drew me closer to you.’

‘You won’t leave me right?’ Likun asked again.


This time Yifan pulled Likun into arm length and lifted his upper body a bit, recently, Likun often ask that kind of question, will you leave me someday?

‘What is it Baby? You keep asking me that question,’


Likun sighed and leaned back into Yifan’s chest thus pushed him back to lied on his back again.


‘I just... scared that you’ll leave me like Luhan did.’

‘I’m not Luhan, you know that,’ Yifan irritatingly said.

‘I know but I can’t help it, especially right now,’

‘Right now?’ Yifan parroted.

‘Wu Yifan,’ Likun woke up and now she was sitting before Yifan, pierching the dark orbs in front of him. ‘Promise me that you will never leave me, us. Promise me that you will take us along wherever you will go, even if you go suicide or —’

‘Wang Likun!’

‘Just promise me first,’ Likun insisted.

‘What’s wrong with you?’

‘Promise me!’

‘Alright,’ Yifan threw his both  hands over his head. ‘I promise you, I won’t leave you. Now tell me what happen with you.’

‘I... I-I just scared that you’ll leave us, it feels like dejavu all over again,’ Likun hung her head low and played with her own fingers.



Likun looked up and her eyes were teary.


‘Yifan,’ she whispered. ‘I’m seven weeks pregnant.’

‘You what!?’ Yifan stared with wide eyes, he almost didn’t believe with hie ears.

‘I’m pregnant with our baby...’

‘Oh my God, is this real?’ Yifan pulled Likun into bone-crashing-hug and showering her face with kisses. ‘Oh God, I’ll be a real father?’

‘You won’t leave us right? ‘Cause I don’t think I’ll make it if you leave me too this time,’

‘Oh Baby, no of course not! I’ll take you and A Chen and Xiao Tian wherever I go, I promise you. So,’ Yifan rubbed Likun’s belly softly, ‘our unborn baby is growing in here?’ Likun nodded. ‘Is this the reason you’re acting weird lately?’ Likun nodded once again.

‘I knew I’m pregnant last month —’

‘Last month? Why did you hiding it from me?’

‘I told you I was so scared that you will leave me like Luhan did. I’m scared and confuse and... I don’t know what I should do,’

‘You don’t need to be worry, I won’t go anywhere but here okay?’ Yifan pulled Likun closer again. Both of them were now cuddling like before

‘I’m seeing Anne,’ Likun stated.


Anne is Likun’s personal psychiatrist that help her alot to overcome her grieve after Luhan’s death.


‘What did she say?’

Likun shook her head, ‘she said I’m fine, I only need to trust you more,’

‘She’s right,’ Yifan laughed. ‘Can I ask you something?’

‘What is it?’

‘Have you ever think about moving?’


Yifan nodded. ‘Moving to the real house where we have yards of backyard and beautiful garden and let our children running around the yard every afternoon and playing with Ace too,’

‘Is that your dream?’

‘Haha you can say so,’ Yifan awkwardy laughed.

‘I never think about that, maybe it’ll be cool if we have a house like that.’ Likun commented.

‘So, you like the idea?’ Yifan asked.


Likun nodded.


‘And, there one thing I want to ask you, but this is only a question, don’t feel pressured or anything but I want you to answer it with honest. Okay?’


Likun raised up her head and looked Yifan right on his eyes, those dark brown eyes reflected a worry.


‘Now you’re scaring me,’

‘Well,’ Yifan took a deep breath before continue and carefully asked, ‘what do you think about marriage, do you ever feel to get married?’


Likun leaned back onto Yifan chest without saying anything, leaving Yifan in fear of rejection or dissapointment.


‘If you keep your promise and you didn’t plan to leave me just like what Luhan did, then I’ll marry you,’ after pregnant silence Likun broke the ice with small voice though it could be heard clearly for Yifan.

‘Did you think Luhan planned for not return back?’ Yifan asked in disbelief.

‘Whatever he planned it or not the fact is, he left me alone without warning, he left our babies growing up without father. Can we not talking about him?’

‘You the one who bring him up,’ Yifan stated the matter of fact.

‘’Cause you the one who started it,’ Likun raised her voice, angry. And she was trying to move but Yifan quickly tightened his hold and sighed, the damn pregnant hormon.

‘Alright, I’m sorry. Let’s sleep,’ Yifan pull the blanket untill the sheet covered Likun’s neck and planted one kiss on her forehead.


Today is New Year Eve, one special day for Likun and her family. Every year in this day they’re will gathered together in  Green Hills  for one special ceremony. Paying respect to their beloved ones, a father, fiance and son, Luhan.

A Chen and Xiao Tian walking hand in hand and a bucket of while lily on Xiao Tian’s right hand. Behind them, Yifan and Likun, also with white lily on her hand. Aside the family, there Lus and Wangs who was also with bucket of flowers in their hands. One by one they laid the flowers and greet him by the tombstone.

Without saying a word Likun traces her fingers along the curve of Luhan’s name and his photo.


‘I’m waiting in the car,’ Yifan whispered and kissed the top of her head.


It’s left only both of them, A Chen and Xiao Tian was left moment ago with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lu and soon it was only Likun, alone.


‘I’m still hoping that you’re here Lu,’ Likun murmured. ‘I’m happy with my life right now though I don’t know if I’m happier if it’s you or Yifan. But Yifan is my present and future, he promised me to stay and won’t leave me. A Chen and Xiao Tian also love him so much, I used to think that they can’t have another man to be their father, but Yifan open my eyes, he didn’t let them call him Daddy, he told them, there only one Daddy, and it’s you.’


Likun stop speaking and took a deep breath, her eyes—sad eyes—never leave the smiling face on the stone.


‘You’re happy if we’re happy right? You asked Yifan to keep me company that day, and he did, until now. He’s great man, and I’m very lucky to have him in my life, don’t you think so?’ Likun stopped again and looked around the surrounding, it’s quite, and she stood up. ‘I think I have to go, Yifan is waiting for me. I’ll come again some other time. You’ve to be happy there, I love you Honey,’ with that Likun leave the graveyard.


It just few steps a head and Likun took the last glace behind her and she almost sure she saw Luhan standing there with both hands inside his white pants, smiling, as if saying;



“I need you to be happy, I love seeing you smile Honey.”


Likun was observing her family from the veranda, Yifan and A Chen and Xiao Tian and Ace was running around the yard, the big man tried to escape from the kids grasp but A Chen was fast at running too, showing his progress at sport. Few weeks ago Yifan told her to let A Chen properly trained as football player and after much of hasitancies and disussions, Likun finally let her eldest son to join football club.

The family moved to the big house with yards of backyards shortly after they married. It was simple and quite married since Likun was still pregnant and she didn’t want big fuss despite their status of CEO and Director of one of big fashion company. They haven’t made any official announcement yet though their employees already knew about their marriage and pregnancy.

Back to the yard, Yifan was tackle down by A Chen and two of them falled down by their , Xiao Tian and Ace following them and soon four of them rolling around on the neatly-cut-grass. Likun chuckled upon seeing the scene and she waved back when she saw her husband waved at her.


‘Mum!’ Xiao Tian called, ‘come here, join us!’


Likun didn’t answer but she started to stepping down the marble stairs and approaching her family, A chen shifted and make room for his Mum, while Yifan reached out his hand, helping her to sat down beside him.

Now the parents was sitting next to each other and Xiao Tian by Yifan’s side and A Chen by Likun’s side with Ace, they were enjoying the sun that slowly setting down.


‘The sunset is beautiful,’ Xiao Tian said.

‘It is,’ Yifan agreed.

'Yifan,' Likun called.


'Do you remember about your imagination thiggy once you aks me to do?' she looked up at her husband. Yifan nodded. 'Do you want to know who I saw that day?'

Now Yifan looked at Likun with curiosity written all over his face, he forgot about that thing until Likun brought this up right now.

'It was you, all I see from then until now is you, it always been you.'

Yifan smiled and leaned down to captured her lips.

‘Thank you,’ Likun said after both of them pulled away from the kiss and three head turned to her almost immediately. ‘Thank you for being my greatest family, greatest husband and greatest children,’ she added with smile.

‘I love you Mum!’ A Chen and Xiao Tian exclaimed as both of them kissed their mother on each cheeks.

‘I love you wifey,’ Yifan kissed her full on much to the kids amusement.








‘Happy New Year,’ Likun said.


‘Happy new year,’



Second and the last chapters is up! Enjoy ^^

See you in another story


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52Panda #1
Chapter 2: It is a nice story! Can you write more stories about FanKun? I am a big fan also!