Past and Present

Love is All, Love is You

Yifan chuckled upon seeing Likun slumped down on the long couch after she rushed to the upstairs to checked on her children. A Chen, the seven years old Gege, who was in deep slumber with his hand on his sister’s waist, Tian Tian, protecting her.


‘A Chen is very resposible brother, you can count on him to take care of Xiao Tian,’ Yifan commented as he sat down next to Likun.

‘He is,’ the mother proudly agreed with smile on her face, ‘he’s after his father,’ she added.


Suddenly Likun regret herself upon saying that, in this time like this — when she went back from her work or event — all she wants to do was cuddling with the father of her children, the only man she ever love so deeply.


‘The party went well and that’s beyond our expectation, I’m sure we’re approaching another success,’ Yifan tried to stirred the subject upon sensing the thick air in between them and he rested his head to the backrest while Likun only hummed as respond.


Tonight was Likun’s new fashion collection launching and being one of the director, Yifan was present at the event too. To say that the launch was success actually was understatement, because it was huge, there numerous big names willing to invest, and both of their PAs were now busy sceduling the meeting appointments.

Unfortunately, Likun was least to concern with all their success tonight, when she was at the party, most of the time she was busy to check on her children at home. Her parents in law were out of the town thus she had no other option and let the house keeper to stay back to keep the children company. To make everything worse, she can’t stay until Likun come back home because she was also have children to care of. Likun was rushed home once they wrapped up the party and here she was right now, slumped down on the couch still on her night gown, she was too tired to remove her make up or to do anything else.




Likun opened her eyes, just now she realized she had her eyes closed. Yifan was standing before her, stretched out his hand, offering a glass of water.


‘You look exhausted, go and change then have some rest,’ Yifan told.


Likun unconsiously stared at the man in front of her, he alredy took off his jacket and so did his bow tie, the first three button of his dress shirt were undone and she didn’t know whether it was because of her living room’s lighting or actually his dress shirt was almost see-through? And beside, it’s only right now Likun found that Yifan had broad shoulders, maybe the same as Luhan's, and only now, too,  she realized that the best friend of her late boyfriend was also attractive as hell.



But Luhan ...




Yifan’s question snapping Likun back into reality, she hastily took the glass and downed the water, mentally fanning herself for having such a ridiculous thought.


‘Nothing,’ Likun shortly replied.

‘You’re staring at me,’ Yifan chuckled.

‘Well, I thought you’re still sat down here, who knows that you’re already take of your jacket and tie,’ Likun spat a quick lie before Yifan suspect anything else, fortunately the man seemed buying her crap.

‘You’re in deep thought, that’s why, are you okay?’ Yifan laughed upon hearing Likun’s explanation,

‘I’m okay,’ Lilian weakly replied. No I’m not okay, you made me recalled my memories of him.

‘You look not okay to me,’ he said, by now, Yifan was crouching down in front of the woman he loves secretly for almost five years now. He reached out to thumbed her left cheek which she gladly leaned over, enjoying the soft movement of his thumb.


Seconds passed by and both of them stayed like that, none of them speak a word, just silently savouring the time they have.


‘Hey. Are you okay?’ Yifan asked once he felt wet on her cheek.


Likun had her eyes closed but there drop of tears escaped from the corner of her eyes. Yifan cupped her face and wiped her tears away, that’s when she start to sob silently.


‘Hey —’

‘I miss him, I miss him so much and it hurt me so bad,’ Likun cried softly.

‘Shh ... it’s okay,’ Yifan hugged her, tightly, it broke his heart to she the one he loved hurting. ‘I’ll be here, don’t be sad okay? I won’t leave you, please don’t cry.’


It took sometime for Likun to calmed herself down and finally breaking free from the hug.


‘Sorry,’ she sniffle bit. ‘It’s like just yesterday he proposed me and not even a day after that  he left me, he left us, how could he? Why didnt didn’t he take us with him?’

‘Don’t say that!’ Yifan sharply said. ‘How could you wish something like that! A Chen and Xiao Tian need you, you have to be stronger.’


Another tears streamed down in a silent cry.


‘I know,’ Likun hung her head low, ‘they’re the only reason I can survive in the past five years,’

‘Then you’ve to be stonger, never think negatively. Please remember, you still have me, I’ll always be here, I won’t leave you alone, okay?’


Likun nodded weakly and she raised her head.


‘What I can do without you?’

Yifan chuckled and shook his head, ‘nothing,’

‘I think so,’ Likun softly laughed.


Maybe Yifan was true, without him that encourage her endlessly after the tragic event five years ago, she was not sure if she’s still can chin up facing the world that never stop rolling seasons after seasons.

Yifan reached out his hands and wiped away the remaining tears and he leaned his forehead into Likun’s.


‘There you smile, this is Likun I used to know, a happy cheerfull Mummy,’

‘You always have a way with your word Yifan,’


Yifan did not reply it but he leaned down and before none of them can comprehend, their lips were touching each other.







A kiss.


It was one soft and tender kiss. They moved slowly and tenderly, they treated each other as if their partner was a fragile chyrstal. And after sometimes, Yifan’s sense snapping him back to reality and slowly he pulled away.

Stared at each other eyes intenly, it need huge effort for Yifan not to claimed back the slightly swolen lips in front of him. But all the Yifan’s effort to restrain himself crumbled down once Likun pulled him for another kisses. This time the kiss was not innocent anymore, it was the kiss where people threw  their feeling away. For Yifan, it was his very first time for him to let out his feeling in the past few years. As for Likun, her longing for physical affection have blinded her. And here they are right now, kissing each other in the living room.

Breathless, both of them pulled away, Yifan quickly stood up, he had no idea what kind of soul that possessed him just now but whatever it was, he knew for sure, he needed to leave as soon as possible before he couldn’t control himself.

‘I— I have to go,’ Yifan stuttered and turned back around only his hand been tugged back.


Likun was standing behind him, reluctantly holding his right hand.

‘Can’t you stay?’ her voice was marely a wishper.



No, I can’t



‘Can I?’



She was vulnerable, she was timid, she was hurting, she was ... she was all he wanted, not from the beginning, but somewhere in the middle.

Yifan turned around and for the third time in that night they kissed, again.


Likun’s eyes fluttered open. Smile formed in her face, she had very nice, cozy and warm sleep. She almost forget when the last time she had such kind of sleep, maybe it was five years ago. The time she will always fallen asleep and woke up  in Luhan’s arms.


Luhan ...


Likun turned her head much to her surprise, it wasn’t Luhan who held her, of course it was not him, he was gone, long gone and would never ever comeback, Luhan left her alone, along with their two babies. She let out a soft whimper and tried to removed Yifan’s arms on her waist, fortunately, Yifan stirred and laid flat on his back. Likun glanced at the digital clock on the night stand, 5:59 AM, it’s about the time she should wake up.

Carefully she wakes up and reached out Yifan’s dress shirt and pull it on, sighing quietly at her dimmed lit room when  her eyes still could catch their scattered clothes, her night gown pooled helplessly on the floor right under her feet right now — which she picked it up and hung it on the chair nearby — and as she headed to the bathroom, she found Yifan’s trousers and shoes, also on the floor.

Her heavy heart became worse upon seeing her reflection on the mirror, her make up was smudge, her hair was pretty much a mess. How wild did they go last night?

It’s unlike she did not remember at all, in fact she can remember every detail about last night she shared with her fiance’s best friend slash her own very best friend. Last night was wild, hot, passionate and affectionate as well, Yifan could be so rough yet at the same time he took good care of her. The night was bliss, beyond of her imagination but he was Wu Yifan, he was Luhan’s best friend, brother instead and, she, as Luhan’s fiancee, how could she slept with him?

Likun trembled and quickly she sat down on the toilet bowl, sobbing silently as she stared at her bare tinghs. How could she so careless? She should resist the temptation, how could she betray Luhan?



Yifan’s voice snapped Likun’s into reality and she stood up once again and wiped away her tears before replied with cracked voice.




Not a second later, Likun heard the bathroom’s door opened, revealed Yifan with only his boxer approaching her, she knew even though she quickly applied facial foam all over her face, she wouldn’t be able to lie to the man standing behind her. And the stupid tears of her wouldn’t stop streaming either, it mixed with water she poured on her face to wash away the foam.


‘Hey, what’s wrong?’ Yifan closed the gap and rubbed Likun’s shoulder, that was the time Likun surrender into her tears, completely.


Clutched on the edge of the sink, Likun hung her head low as she sobbed.


‘Hey,’ Yifan slid her arms and back-hugged her, preventing her from falling since her legs seemingly will give up anytime soon.


Only right now Likun realize how safe she was being on Yifan’s arms. How nice it felt when somebody held you close, she was almost forget the feeling, until today. She missed the feeling, and now she knew how much she needed a shoulder to lean on, she was tired of doing everything in the past five years, during her last few months of her second pregnacies, the pain when she gave birth to her princess and her everyday life of being a  parent. She was tired, she really was.


‘Hey, you okay?’ Yifan wisphered on her ears softly.


Likun slowly opened and much to her surprise, both of them were already sitting down on the edge of her bed with Yifan was still holding her. When did they come out from the the bathroom?

Stiffly Likun nodded and muttered sorry which Yifan did not respond. Silence enveloped both of them and after sometime it was Yifan who broke the ice.


‘Did you regret it?’

Likun breaking free from Yifan’s hug and looking at him straight on his eyes with questioning look.


‘About last night, did you regret it?’

‘Oh,’ Likun shook her head and that was enough for Yifan to pulled her back into hug and tightening his hug and sighed in relieve. He was so scare about the possiblity that Likun might regret it because the last things he wanted to do was to dissapoint her, to make her feeling guilty and uncomfortable around him. ‘Last night was a mistake,’ Likun added with small voice.

To say that he was okay it was big fat a lie, eventhough Yifan already expect it but still he can’t help but felt the pain cracking inside.


‘Yifan, I’m sorry for using you,’ Likun still stared down at her intertwined fingers on her lap.


It was the truth, for Likun, as much as she enjoyed the night she shared with Yifan, she can’t help but mad at herself. She couldn’t just giving in, she shouldn’t using Yifan, the ones who help her going through her life since Luhan gone in any way and was the worst way indeed.


‘Likun,’ Yifan softly called after silence. ‘Will you give me a chance?’


Likun turned around and faced him almost immediately and Yifan was also looking down at her, right in her eyes.


‘Yifan ...’

‘Let me stay for you, for the kids, let me do what Luhan fail to do and to give. Use me as you like, just, let me stay by your side, don’t push me away.’

‘N-no, no, you can do that —’


‘— you don’t deserve helpless woman like me,’

‘Wang Likun!’ Yifan sternly called as he pulled woman in his hold into arms lenght. ‘How could you say that you’re helpless,’

‘But I’m Yifan,’

‘No, you’re not, please don’t look down of yourself, you’re an amazing mother.’ Yifan shifted and crounched down in front of Likun, held her hands in his. ‘I’m sorry if I ruining what we already have thus far, I don’t know how or when but this feeling is the thing I felt right now. Let me be the father of your children,’

‘I don’t know,’ Likun replied almost a whisper.


‘I can’t promise you anything,’ this time Likun dare to look the man in front of her right in his eyes and she gulped, he was looking at her with gentle stare, sincerity was all Likun could see from the dark orbs, courtesy of her best friend, Wu Yifan.

‘I didn’t ask you to promise me anything, just let me take over what Luhan left behind and we started over, a new and fresh beginning?’


Yifan sighed in relieve when Likun smiled, he got up and pulled her into one-bone-crushing-hug.


‘Ugh ... Yi—Yifa ... n I can’t breath,’ Likun chocked.


Yifan laughed as he released her and leaned down to capture her lips, it just like last night, the tender and loving kiss. But it didn’t stay long once Yifan had one of his hand travelled up and pulled Likun’s nape to deepen the kiss.

Likun gigled in their kiss when she felt Yifan’s other hand caressing her .


‘What?’ Yifan pulled away nd look at her with slighlty confuse look, there’s nothing funny here.


Likun tilted her head to the side and Yifan followed her gaze, to the digital clock on the night stand, 6:24 AM

Yifan furrowed, what does it mean?


‘I almost late —’



Before Likun could finish her sentences, there loud bang on her bed room door followed by yelling.


‘That’s what I mean,’ Likun chuckled and shouted, ‘in minute baby,’

‘Well, I forgot that there two -blokers here,’ Yifan laughed and he grabbed Likun only to give her a chaste smile before let her go to the walked in closet and take out fresh clothes and fresh towel for Yifan.


Likun quickly changed and opened the door once Yifan dissapeared behind the bathroom door.


‘Morning baby,’


She was greeted by huge grin of her two kids, both of them were already dressed up for school. A Chen must be in charge again, the only things that not done was Xiao Tian’s hair, much to Likun’s proud of her eldest son.


‘Morning Mum,’ they chorused.


Likun crounching down and give each of them kiss on their cheeks.


‘You’re late,’ A Chen pointed out.

‘I’m sorry okay, Mum home pretty late last night.’ Likun smiled, well, it’s half a lie. ‘But thank you, you did very great job baby,’ she added and pinched the boy’s cheeks lightly. ‘So breakfast?’


Three of them walked side by side to the dining room. A Chen helped Xiao Tian to sit on her chair while Likun headed to the cabinet and took out chocholate cereal for the kids.


‘Mum,’ Xiao Tian called.

‘Yes baby,’ Likun strode over her children with two bowls of cereal.

‘Can I cut my hair short?’ the little girl asked.


Likun raised her eyebrow.



‘Because, Chen Ge can’t do my hair,’ she replied.

‘Oh, it’s okay, I’ll do it,’

Xiao Tian shook her head, ‘if Mum late again like today, Chen Ge can do my hair if my hair shorter, right Ge?’

‘Umm it was me who suggest her to cut Xiao Tian’s hair Mum,’ A Chen spoke.

‘There’s no need okay? Long hair is prettier, don’t you think? And Mum promise, I won’t be late again okay?’


The young mother stood behind the little girl to do her hair. While A Chen quickly passed his mother a blue box, the magic box where they keep everything for his sister’s hair.


‘Thank you,’ Likun smiled.

‘Xiao Tian always cries if I try to comb her hair,’ A Chen said.

‘Because it’s hurt Ge,’

‘When combing her  hair, comb it slowly, like this,’ Likun demonstrated and A Chen looking at his mother attentively. ‘And if your comb stuck somewhere, don’t force it, instead, use your fingers to untie the crumpled hair,’


Likun was done combing Xiao Tian’s hair and tied it into ponytail and about to put a ribbon when A Chen commented.


‘I always force it up and Xiao Tian will cry,’ A Chen nodded, understood where he did the mistake. ‘Girl is troublesome seriously, but Mum I can’t tie prettily like you do,’

Likun smiled, ‘do it like this then okay, you know,’ Likun untied Xiao Tian’s hair, and let it fall down around the little girl’s shoulder and she put hair band. ‘See, pretty right?’

‘Wah! You right Mum —’

‘A happy morning huh?’

Three heads turned almost immediately to the voice. Yifan was leaned against the wall with arms crossed in his chest. Little did they know Yifan was observing the chit-chat and demostration and it just confirmed his feeling that he would never regret his choice. He wanted to be part of their happiness.

‘Bab —’

‘Oh Kris you’re sleep over?’ A Chen exclaimed and interjected his sister, the boy give his little sister glare before turned again to the man who walked closer to them.

‘Sorry,’ Xiao Tian mumbled.

‘So, morning guys,’ Yifan greeted them and slightly ruffled Xiao Tian’s hair before he pulled a chair across Xiao Tian while Likun leave them to prepare toast for Yifan and herself.

What a nice morning to start a day, Likun thought as she wait for the toaster and eyeing Yifan and her kids chatted and laughed every now and then. Maybe it was not a bad decision.

You won’t oppose this right Luhan?


‘Study hard okay guys?’ Yifan told and the kids nodded.


Four of them were already at the gate of A Chen and Xiao Tian's school.


‘Don’t forget, my size is 6,’ A Chen told.

‘Can you buy me one too?’ Xiao Tian asked.

‘I’ll try to find for your size okay Princes?’

Xiao Tian smiled widely upon hearing Yifan’s promise.

‘Well, it’s time for you to go,’ Likun told her kids, ‘behave will you?’

‘We will Mum, don’t worry,’ A Chen said.

‘Okay, see you guys after school,’ Likun kissed their cheeks and the adults wait until the kids completely vanished into the crowd before back to their car and drive away to Likun's office.

‘So, what did you promise them,’ Likun asked after moment of silence.

‘Oh, I told them to watch Beijing United match next week and find the jersey,’ Yifan casually replied.

‘Yifan, you don’t need to do this,’

Yifan glanced to the woman next to him, ‘what do you mean?’

‘All of this, don’t burden yourself —’

‘Burden?’ Yifan frowned but he still keep his eyes on the road.

‘You don’t like football and all and —’

‘Look — Yifan stopped the car in the traffic light when it turned red — I don’t know where you have the idea of me burdening my self with the kids, but when I told you I want to have a new beginning with you, A Chen and Xiao Tian were included. I’m not only after you but also your children.’

Yifan started back the engine after hearing loud honk from the car behind them. The rest of their drive was in silence, no one of them spoke a word.

‘We’re here,’ Yifan annouced when they reached Likun’s office building. ‘Likun,’ Likun raised her face, looked up to Yifan. ‘I’m sorry with my outburst, but I mean it, I love A Chen and Xiao Tian as much as I love you, I might not be their biological father but I’m pretty sure I can be their father they needed me to be. So please, never think that they burden me, okay?’


Likun was almost tearing up upon hearing Yifan revelation, what did she do in the past so she deserve this man’s love?


‘Well, lets have lunch together later and help me to find jersey for them, hm?’        


Likun sighed. If that what he wanted then she wouldn’t oppose it. Let him be. In the end she nodded.


Yifan smiled and planted soft kissed on her forehead, ‘now off you go, I’ll pick you up for lunch. Have a good work,’

‘You too,’ Likun said and gathered her folders and bag before she get off the car.


Her life wouldn’t be different anymore, would it?


Yifan sat acrooss the elder on the single leather sofa in one luxurious office room.


‘So, what is it?’ the elder asked.

‘Actually, there nothing special and this is not about bussiness either,’ Yifan started, ‘I just want to invite Shushu and Ayi dinner,’


Yifan nodded, ‘there something I need to discuss with you and Ayi,’

‘Is this like what I think it is?’ the elder asked again.

‘Maybe?’ Yifan sheepishly scratched his nape.

‘Well, when is it?’

‘When Shushu and Ayi are available?’

‘What about tonight?’

‘It’s great, I’ll send your PA the restaurant’s address,’

The elder nodded and smiled, ‘thank you,’


Yifan stood up and excused himself and the elder followed the younger and patted his shoulder once he was about to made his way out of his office.


‘Thank you again,’


Yifan nodded. One bussiness done, but still one left for today.


The hill was quite, the only sound was from the chatting wind who flagged each branches from the Japanese mapple trees along the narrow dirt road. For today, Yifan left his car down at the carpark below and he climbed up to the hill. With a bucket of flowers in his right hands and his jacket on the left, Yifan walked slowly, enjoying the nice and quite surrounding.

It took almost twenty minutes before he could see the particular tree in the tophill, and soon he reached his destination, in the end of the Japanesse mapple trees tunnels. The greenery was all about in this place, in the middle of the green neatly cut grasses,  a big Japanesse mapple tree was standing proud and gracefully, protecting everything below. In one of the biggest branch, a swing swinging slowly by the wind.


So peaceful.


Yifan smiled as he placed the bucket on to the white marble stone that majestically stood up just next to the tree, across the swing.


‘How are you?’ Yifan greeted and slowly he get down, sat down on the green grass underneath him. His fingers traces along the photo and the name curved on the grace stone. ‘I’m fine, great actually, your family as well, they’re doing great.’ Yifan sighed and face the smiling face on the stone.




Yes, Yifan was on Luhan’s family’s graveyard. The precious place for the Lus and and for him too and here he is right now.

This place was Luhan’s resting place in the past five years, after the dreadfull event that afternoon. A bloody and horrific one.

That day, Luhan was just proposed his long girlfriend and mother of his son and an unborn children and finally she said yes to him. Unfortunately his PA called and told there’s an urgency, Luhan excused and ask Yifan to stay back until he returned.

But he never did.

A fighting couple crashed their car into Luhan’s and pushed his car into the river. His body was found on the next day miles away from his car, no body can explain how but it seemingly he tried to escape from drowning car but unfortunately he couldn’t survive.

Likun was devastated, she didn’t sleep that night and passed out several times upon hearing the news. It took nearly month for Luhan’s body to be cremated because Likun was not ready yet and the Lus respect their supposed to be daughter in law so much.


‘Luhan, you won’t mind right? I surrender last night, I can’t deny my feeling anymore. Just for you know, even in my wildest dream, I’ve never imagine I’ll fall for Likun. Along this time, I stay by her side because you asked me too, did you remember you asked me to acccompany her until you back? But you broke your promise Luhan. You did it.’ Yifan voice trembled as he fight his emotion, he determined to control himself and not to let his emotion broke down. Not when he was about to ask from his bestfriend’s permission.

‘I love her and today I’d like to tell you, I’m not gonna leave her like you do, I’ll keep her safe and I’ll be good father for A Chen and Xiao Tian, I’ll make you proud of them.’


Likun was busily sorting out the photo papers of her bag designs on her table thus she failed to notice that there someone opened her office’s door.


‘Oh God!’ Likun shrieked when accidentally she turned her face only to find Yifan leaned against the doorway.


Yifan smiled and crossing the room before sat down at the empty chair in front of Likun.




‘Oh you have no idea,’ Likun whined and rubbed her temple. ‘Honestly I don’t know if I should be glad or not about this success,’

‘Then you should take some rest before back to work,’ Yifan leaned forward and kissed Likun’s forehead which the woman instantly closed her eyes. Much to her surprise the simple kiss was almost lighten up her mind. ‘So, lunch?’


Of course this wasn’t the first time Likun went out with Yifan, in fact they were went out for countless time in the past five year. But today, it was different, today was the first time they went out with different status. They were no longer best friend, but did Likun ready to call Yifan as her boyfriend either? Maybe it’s too fast.

Lunch went surprisingly okay despite Likun’s stiff expression, she was like having too much to think, well it’s true, she was, but it didn’t go awkward either. It just bit weird to see her behave like that around Yifan. Don’t think that Yifan didn’t notice the change within Likun but he just simply didn’t want to make fuss over it. It was like miracle for him to make Likun agree with all his proposal last night.

Both of them didn’t stay long in the restaurant, when their lunch was done, they left the packed restaurant for some reasons. Yifan didn’t want to make Likun more uncomfortable then she already was and they were still have something to do, to find jersey for both A Chen and Xiao Tian.

Yifan grabbed Likun’s hand and pretending he didn’t do anything when Likun looked up from their interlaced hand to his side profile while they made their way out of the merchandise shop. There nothing she could feel but wamth, solace and comfort, something she didn’t realize before or it was because now Yifan was open up his feeling to her?


‘Hey,’ Yifan squeezed her hand softly, cutting the train of her thought.

‘Huh?’ Likun looked at the man beside her almost immediately but he didn’t answer, instead only gestured to her to get in the car, the door already opened and Yifan hold it with his free hand. Likun was oh-ing since she had no idea what to say, she was spacing out, that’s for sure.

Sighing, Likun pulled her hand from Yifan’s grasp and strapped herself into passanger seat.


Damnit, can you control yourself?


‘Why are you so tense around me? This wasn’t the first time we’re going out was it?’ Yifan asked as he was also settle himself behind the wheels.

Likun sighed.


‘Is that obvious?’ of course you stupid.


Yifan laughed and turned to face the girl.


‘Am I make you uncomfortable?’

‘N-no, I guess it’s all about me?’ Likun stuttered.

‘It’s okay, do you know they easiest way to take a look your heart when you’re confuse?’

‘How?’ Likun’s eyes were lit up with curiosity, those eyes were sparkle with the shine that Yifan loves the most, maybe now he can start to listing the things that Likun drew him closer.

‘Close your eyes,’ Yifan told, ‘come on close your eyes,’ Yifan repeated once again once Likun didn’t do what he told and casted him a look, a suspicious look.

‘You won’t do something funny, will you?’ Likun asked as she started to closed her eyes.

‘Don’t worry, even if I do, I won’t do it in here,’ Yifan chuckled and Likun’s eyes shoot open before she glared.

‘Okay, okay, just kidding,’ Yifan raised his both hands in defense, ‘just close your eyes,’

Likun closed her eyes for te second time and Yifan instructed another one. ‘Now, imagine your happiest moment,’

‘Yifan ...’

‘Just do it,’ Yifan told.


Yifan took the time when Likun closed her eyes to studied her features, her shape, her nose ...


‘Relax,’ Yifan reached out her hands and soothingly rubbed Likun’s shoulders ups and downs. ‘If you’re this tense, you can recalled your memory, relax and focus.’

Likun tried to do what Yifan ordered to her and once Yifan felt her relaxation, he retreated his hands.


‘Found one?’ he asked and Likun nodded.

‘Now, your the most painful memories,’


In seconds, Likun’s face scrunched and her face reflecting the pain.


‘Keep that pain in there and imagine, just imagine you open your eyes now, who or what did you see?’ Yifan instructed once again then almost immediately he added. ‘Don’t tell me, just keep it for yourself.’


Likun’s expression changed and Yifan took it as sign that her vision was changed.


‘Done?’ Likun nodded. ‘You can open your eyes now,’


Slowly, Likun opened her eyes only to find Yifan gazing at her adoringly, like he usually is. Something Likun only realize it after his cofession yesterday. And now Likun stared back at him.


‘What?’ Yifan amusingly asked.

‘Why did you tell to keep my vision only for myself? Didn’t you curious?’ Likun asked.


Yifan shrugged and turned his body and preparing the engine.


‘Well, of course I did but I don’t tempted to know what did you see just now,’ the engine was wrooming and slowly Yifan pulled off the car out of car-park and str’aight to the busy road. ‘One day, when you tried to do the same thing and when you imagine you openened your eyes and you see me there, then you can tell me.’


Likun didn’t know how to respond thus she just kept quite but for some reasons she kept her eyes on the breathing perfection next to her.


‘What is it again?’ Yifan took glance and Likun didn’t bother to looked away having caught of staring at him.

‘Umm ... where did you find out about the things,’

Yifan frowned, ‘things?’

‘The imaginary things?’ Likun replied, bit unsure.

‘Oh, I learnt it when I joined drama club back in my high school,’


Likun bursted into laughter almost immediately.


‘Why?’ Yifan amusingly asked, the laughing Likun was the most beautiful thing his eyes ever laid upon, he concluded.

‘Drama? You ever join drama?’ the image of Yifan being on the stage with somebody else’s character apperantly amuses Likun.

Yifan shrugged and by now their car was slowing down as they’re approaching traffic lights.


‘Well, I always chosen as main cast though,’ Yifan smirked.

‘Oho ... main cast?’

Yifan shrugged, ‘I have the look you know, this super gene of mine is very rare in this world,’

‘O-okay ...’


Yifan laughed and they resume the drive as the light turned green.


‘Honestly, I joined the club ‘cause I like the way they trained and it help me to learn how to focus, so much,’

‘I think,’ Likun turned to the side, now facing the road. ‘I don’t know anything about you,’

Yifan took glance and smiled, ‘I’m willing to open up, just ask me whatever you want to know about me,’

‘Girls,’ Likun blurted and she regreted it almost immediately.

‘What?’ Yifan turned his head for second and back again to the road.


Likun sighed, there’s now way to escape now.


‘Well, along this time, I’ve never see you seeing somebody,’

‘Oh,’ Yifan chuckled. ‘Well, including you, I only have three memories, I’m serious,’ Yifan laughed when Likun casted I-don’t-believe-you look. ‘The first girl was my first love, I really like her when I was five years old —’

‘FIVE YEARS OLD???’ Likun shrieked.

‘Why? I did really like her back then,’

‘Wait, are you okay?’ Likun shook her head in disbelieve and she added, ‘I think I can’t let A Chen hanging around you too much,’



Likun didn’t answer only kept shaking her head, five years old was already fall in love? Wow just wow!


‘And the second?’


Yifan heaved a deep breath before he pulled off the car to the road side that facing the river and replied, ‘she was my finacee, we were set up by our parents but after the time passed by we’re fallen to each other, it was great feeling really, and we supposed to get married a month after she graduated but she was never graduated,’ Yifan’s voice trembled but he continued the story. ‘The night before her graduation day, we went to dinner with our friends, we home late and that was my mistake for not drive to the usual rute, I took short cut ‘cause I need to get her home as soon as possible, we caught up in the crazy mass, I don’t know what happen but we were in the middle of chaos. Later on I learned that was a race fight, you know black and white, we were robbed, my car was destroyed, I don’t care though, I tried my best to escape and keep her close. Then, I heard loud bang next to me and she fell from my grasp, she was shoot, before I could take what that actually happening, something hit me, just before I close my eyes, I saw her smiling at me.

‘When I woke up, it was a week later and our families were preparing for her cremation.’ Yifan sighed heavily. ‘I lost her because of my stupidity,’

‘I’m sorry,’ Likun whispered.

Yifan nodded. ‘It’s okay, I move on I guess,’

‘Didn’t you feel you betray her when you’re with me?’

‘At first yes, the moment I realized my feeling for you is change, I went through alot of time to think and to blame myself, but then again, love is not something wrong, and she must not happy if I live in past forever, I have to go out and new love is inevitable. That’s something humane I think.’

‘Is that why you say, you give me all the time I need?’


Yifan nodded and smile.


‘I know what you’re feeling, just take it slow and let it flow,’



phewwwww finally! Actually I'm about to make this Rate M fic but well I can't bring my self to do so LOL

I cant write !!!!

well the second part will up next week ^^

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52Panda #1
Chapter 2: It is a nice story! Can you write more stories about FanKun? I am a big fan also!