
Ignorance is Bliss

She the shawl that was carefully draped over her shoulders; face turned toward the window, the sunlight seemed to taunt her as she shuddered in her cold room. Movement stirred outside the door as her hands quickly turned her wheelchair to face the intruder. The door opened carefully as a familiar face peered inside. Body frozen momentarily, her rigid shoulders moved forward as she pushed herself closer to him. He stepped back cautiously, slightly pressed against the wall when she stopped. 
"It's been a while," she smiled, eyes hard yet warm. "Kai."

Sera woke up to empty sheets.
It didn't really surprise her; she remembered that she could've done the same. Ruffling her hair, she left the room drowsily, tugging at the loose sweater that kept her warm. Brushing her teeth, she looked down as her phone vibrated. 
"Hello?" she answered, still scrubbing away. 

On the other side of the phone, Kai scoffed as he heard her rinsing . Every small thing she does was so careless.
"Did you just wake up?" he scolded, eyes looking back at his passenger. She was looking quizzically at his phone.
"What's up?" she ignored his question, wiping at her face. 
He pulled into his parent's driveway, hitting the brakes suddenly. "Meeting at your in-laws, 10 o' clock. On time, please."
Pressing the red button to end the call, he opened the door and helped her roll down the ramp. Her wheels hit the curb, causing her to leer back. He lunged over, his firm hands gripping her handles and steered her back onto firm ground. "Be careful," he growled, dusting his hands off on his pants. "Sooyun, you just got out. Do you want to go back in?" 
She laughed, patting his arm. "I got it, dad. Now help me inside."

Slipping through the large wooden doors, her head bowed instinctively to greet her in-laws. After a brief moment of no response, Sera looked up confusedly, only to see Kai and a stranger sitting beside him. Raising an eyebrow at his direction, she seated herself from the two; her eyes were only on the wheelchair-confined lady. 
His fingers ran through his hair as he began the introduction. "This is Sooyun. She's one of my friends since I was younger." he began, gesturing toward her. "And this is Sera, my wife by contract." 
"I know. I know. You don't have to repeat it," Sooyun smiled, waving her hand to greet her.
Sera nodded in return, her hands gripping the dress she had so carefully put on. "It's very nice to meet you," she teethed, forcing it out of her false smile. 
"She's here because she just got out of the hospital; she'll be staying at this residence for now," he continued, standing up and dusting off his pants. "Now introductions aside, let's go home." 
She stood up, not sparing a look at the two of them. "I can drive myself back. Let's meet again, Sooyun." Sera gritted her teeth as she walked ahead of Kai and stormed into her car. 

He watched her rush off confusedly, scratching the back of his neck as he himself unlocked and boarded into his car. "What's her problem.." he muttered, starting the engine before pulling out of the driveway.
She stared as his car left, collapsing into the seat of her own vehicle. Smacking her head, she groaned as she closed her eyes. "Why am I so immature.." she breathed, sighing. Remaining in the position for several minutes, she dialed Min's number. They needed to have a talk.

"One Americano, and a green tea latte," Min smiled, handing the cups to his customers. He checked the time, tapping his foot impatiently when the one he was looking for busted through the front. Why was she always late? Chuckling at his thought, he grabbed the dish towel to wipe the counters.
Busting through the front, she
 waved, smiling, and walked swiftly towards him. "Min-ah! One-"
"-frappe minus the milk? I got you," he winked, starting her order. She reached over, ruffling his hair before seating herself in front of the barista. The chair creaked as she eased into her seat, placing her bag in the stool beside her. 
"What's up?" he asked, stirring the mug before sliding it over to Sera.
She sipped the coffee, closing her eyes dreamily at the taste. "It's Kai."
His hand froze, body reacting negatively at the thought. "What about him?" He put away the dish towel, mechanically pulling a chair to sit and listen.
"Do you know..Sooyun?" she murmmured, the whipped cream that was on her lips.
He was still, back rigid as he nodded slowly. Sera looked up at him, running her fingers through her hair. "She's living at the Kim residence."
"Oh." Stunned, he turned away to warm a glass of milk. Looking into the lights, he blinked, trying to rid himself of the feelings that now overwhelmed him.

"When you're about to cry, look up at the sun!" Sooyun smiled, wiping at Min's eyes. He sniffled, pouting. "Won't I go blind?" 
"No, silly," She giggled, tumbling forward to jump on him. The eight-year-olds played in the grass, carefree and unexpecting. As they breathed heavily on the soft field, she closed her eyes, allowing the sun to warm her face. "When I grow up, I want to marry Kai." His eyes widened as he jumped up. 
"No, I'm for sure going to marry Kai," she repeated, pulling herself up to her feet. "And nothing is going to stop me."

"Kai?" Sooyun murmured, waving a hand in front of his face. Kai blinked before shaking his head rapidly.
"Sorry. I was lost in my thoughts," he smiled, adjusting his position in the leather seat.
The cafe buzzed with noise, their coffees steaming on the table between them. Lifting the mug, Sooyun delicately took a sip.
"As I was saying," she continued. "Sera seems to be really.." Her voice trailed off, leaving a blank for him to fill in.
He blinked twice. "Average?" She frowned. Wrong response.
Setting her mug down, she leaned back in her wheelchair. "Not your type."




Author's Note:

And this the end for today! I will update a lot more often, so I hope you'll stick around!


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I like this story. But when I read, it's a bit confusing. For example, when flashback you did not put in clear view that it is the past. And the Pov also not mention. It a bit jumpy in the character. Example, when you write about Sera then the next you jump to Kai whereby both of them at different place like in chapter 3. But I still would like to read more for this story. Fightting ya.
Chapter 2: I really like your plot because I'm such a up for arranged marriages, but you should space out the dialogue after each character speaks so it would be easier to read. Also, I like the past and present idea to build up plot and character, but you should put it in italics or something to make it more ovious as to avoid confusion.
Chapter 2: It's so interesting! Can't wait for your next update!
Reyna_Chavez #4
Chapter 2: Update soon!
Superdbskjunior #5
It doesnt seem like its completed
Loveexo1 #6
Chapter 2: Woooo! Update soon can't wait!!! :D ~~~~~~
Songminhee #7
Chapter 2: Hey new reader here~
update soon!!?
Chapter 2: Omg this is so amazing!!!! Please author-nim continue this amazing fic!!!
gigzkaichu #9
Chapter 2: Update soon ... its seems interesting. .
EverydayJackJi #10
Chapter 1: Looking forward to your update writer nim.