/ cheatsheet。

「 rosa。dream tea entertainment
guidelines and information.
basics. the application is fairly  basic and minimalistic. you're urged to use hangul or other characters when able. adding pictures and other designs are aloud, just be sure to do your best to keep the application neat. ( shift+enter is a life saver. ) there aren't many restrictions or rules regarding your characters, so feel free to go crazy. warning, this is really realy long! the important things are in a darker shade for your convenience.

originsafter reading the plotlines, you'll notice that there are a multitude of foriegn characters involved in the story. certain plotlines are restricted to certain areas of birth, as their beginnings will play a big part in the story.
。 make sure the birthplace and hometown line up with your character's plotline.
。your character must be  at least half-asian, apart from that, there are no ethnicity restrictions.    

age range.   THE set age range is from 1994 - 1999. the members are debuting at a young age in order to gain a bigger fanbase. (because, let's be honest, a lot of fans are s.) ideally, most of the members will still be in high school. the leader doesn't have to be the oldest or even one of the oldest members.  

languages.  there's a maximum of three. keep in mind that the girls are still young, learning a new language takes a lot of work, and they don't have a lot of time to study with all of their training.   

faceclaims.  may be anyone of asian descent. youtubers, ulzzangs, models, idols. as mentioned in the application, you need to provide a gallery if your faceclaim isn't an idol. i would suggest trying to match your character's age and personality with their faceclaim.  
( lee haeun is taken as a faceclaim. )

personality.  there are no set personalities for any of the plotlines (apart from the laevigatae plotline, who needs a 'protective' trait), so you can develop your characters however you want to. having contradicting traits are alright, as long as you explain the personality in depth. there's a minimum of two paragraphs on the personality but feel free to make it longer.  

background. your character's history will play a huge role in the story, so there's a minimum of three paragraphs in the background section. sob-stories are allowed but please make everything as realistic as possible. almost all of the plotlines were scouted, so be sure to introduce how they were found by dream tea in your application. make sure your character's history matches with her plotline. this is just about the most important thing on the application.

trivia there's no limit of trivias you can add to your application. I ask that you fill out at least three likes and dislikes, two hobbies and habits, and three 'others'.  be sure to have fun with it! i love adding trivia about your character in the story, so don't worry about writing too many of them.   

Talent twins your character is only set to have one talent twin (for rapping, singing, and dancing). your character shouldn't be the main in everything, so make sure that your talent twin matches up with your group position.  
( LEE Hi IS TAKEN AS A talent twin. )

Trainee life like your history, your character's trainee life should match the plotline information provided. there's a minimum of one paragraph. dream tea isn't as big as other companies are, girl's day are really their only leading artist, keep this in mind as your write their trainee life and remember to stay realistic.   

information regarding dream tea's trainging program:
there are around twelve female trainees (including the rosa members) and eight male trainees, who typically have a close-knit community. most of them do not have a large profile  or many pre-debut activities. girl's day is one of the only artists signed by dream tea, and the trainees don't have a lot of idol-connections outside of the company. the trainees can  either chose to live in their own housing or at a dorm. (there are four people to one room, most chose to live in their own homes). there's a practice building open at all hours, consisting of a dance practice room, a vocal training room, two managers offices, and a conference room. training isn't as harsh as other companies but the trainees still average around five hours a day of practice. 

。remember to be realistic about your pre-debut experiences as well. despite being an amazing dancer, the canina plotline isn't going to have been a yg backup dancer.

relations this section includes friends, family, and just about anyone else you can think of. (Love rivals and rivals should be concluded in here too.) idol relations are completely okay. note, the more information you provide about their family and freinds the more likely that they'll be mentioned in the story. 

love interests The only section of your application that is completely optional. your love interest can be anyone. oc's, idols, actresses/actors, comedians, whatever. (my character, joo hyeja is also available as a love interest!) there are no taken love interests as of right now, as i'll decide after the final members are chosen. 

ending. i told you that it would be long! if you have any questions regarding the application, the story, or anything else feel free to shoot me a pm or leave a comment down below! the password can be found in the rules section of the foreword! thanks for reading.
20150317 : the cheatsheet and application code (1.0) are posted. 
20150401 : the plotlines page has been updated. the last plotline, 'synstaylae', is no longer required to be the maknae. there is now no age range set for any of the plotlines, as the maknae wil be decided when all final members have been chosen. a final deadline is also being decided.


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「 rosa。thank you for the 30+ subscribers! have a great easter, or if you don't celebrate it, a great weekend. the teaser will be up soon! (04/05)


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is there a set deadline?
Chapter 1: is this still open?
forward #3
Chapter 4: awww thanks for the really, really sweet
well i sort of rushed the application bc i'm
perhaps too excited lol so i expected to have
some contradicting points throughout the
app (luckily there's none) hence i hope the
app won't burn your eyes<3
i'm glad you like hiuming and thanks for the
review, again!:)
Chapter 3: alright, just wanted to let you know that i've changed the talent twin~ ^^"
also gave you links of the "dance" and "sing" so it'll make some sense? ^^"
anyways, do let me know though!! :D
subreddit #5
Chapter 1: i tried to edit it as well as i could hehe
subreddit #6
Chapter 3: im glad you liked her hehehe I'll edit it when i get my laptop back
Chapter 3: lol Mariana H.O. Choe should be a fun topic to talk about. XD
anyways, thanks! glad you like her!
as for the dancing... you can say it's a hobby, but she's really not that good at all. XD
also, i love the childhood boyfriend part and thought it would be fun to add and do since i heard it from this one youtuber where it happened to her. XD actually the stalker ex-boyfriend wasn't suppose to happen... but i thought it could add in some drama of sort? usually i don't do this, but i thought i could just... try something else. lol
um... Brazil is lovely! and i love doing different things once in a while and kind of reuse it since i like making mixie girls. XD
i think that's it. lol thanks a lot and good luck with more!!