Chapter 7

Two Sides Of The Same Coin

A/N: GUYS!! In order of the good news we recieved today I decided to upload the chapter!! I'm so excited for Yongguk's. Dae's and Zelo's solo song!! Hopefully this means good news for B.A.P! well hope you guys enjoy. <3 ily all


Daehyun can't talk, much less put his head up but he knows he owns the stranger an apology so with his head hanging low and his eyes glued to the floor he said "I-I'm-I" Daehyun wants to punch himself for his stuttering so he takes a deep breath and tries again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. It wasn't my intention to ruin your shirt and night since now you're going to have to be with an ugly stained sticky shirt." Yongguk chuckled at the boy coyness, "You actually did huh?" He said, he saw the boy back off a little more and he thinks that came off rude.

"Hey, it's fine, really. It's just a little stain right?" Yongguk eyes looked to Himchan for confirmation but his friend shook his head no. 

Daehyun finally found courage to lift his head and look at the stranger but when his eyes met the strangers felt like putting his head down again.

The guy it's slightly taller than him, black raven hair with bangs falling on his forehead effortlessly, deep brown eyes, cute nose, thick lips, wide neck, long legs and a torso so long that seemed to go on forever, He also noticed that the stranger couldn't be a couple of years older than him. Daehyun could spot a tattoo just under his arm and he found himself thinking if he had any others.

Yongguk was finally granted to see the boy face, his cheeks were a permanent shade of red, long ash blonde hair, brown eyes, long nose and the plumpest pair of lips he's ever seen, the boy was just mere centimeters shorter than him, with thick thighs that for a minute his eyes couldn't stop staring at for reasons unknown to him; the boy looked younger than him not by much but younger still, he decided that the boy was really cute.

A long staring contest was happening between them until Himchan cleared his throat and said "If we're all done with the creepy staring, Guk can we do what we actually came here for; I don't know have some fun."

Daehyun seemed to be brought out of his trance when he heard the person behind them speak "I-I'm sorry about your shirt again" was the last thing he said before leaving, knowing that his embarrassment will haunt him for the rest of the night.

Yongguk was shocked at the boy reaction and just watched him rush to the exit, shoving past the moving bodies on the dance floor. He then turned to his friend with a glare "See what you do with your big mouth and stupid comments? You scared the poor guy away."

Himchan scoffed and waved his hand in a dismissive manner and said "I didn't scared him away, if anything you're creepy staring and his own embarrassment did. Now can we start drinking?"

Yongguk didn't feel like being there anymore not with his shirt sticking at his body and a giant stain present but he figured he was already there so he might as well stay.


Daehyun was relieved when he reached the exit and he let out a breath he didn't knew he was holding in the first place. He asked the valet to call for his driver, he wanted nothing more than go to his hotel and sleep off the horrible accident.

But no matter how hard he tries, he couldn't stop thinking about deep brown eyes and thick lips stretching into a friendly smile; he figured he was finally going insane.

Once he spotted his car he got in immediately and in a rushed manner asked his driver to please take him to the hotel as fast as possible.


Inside the club Yongguk couldn't stop thinking about red cheeks, plump lips, and worried doe eyes he wasn't far gone yet but he desperately wants to be because, maybe like that he would forget about the stranger. He doesn't know why he's giving the guy so much thought if it would've been any other person he probably would've snapped.

Maybe it was because the boy looked so fragile and scared that made Yongguk stay calm and collected. He figures he's giving it too much thought because he couldn't apologize for Himchan's big, inadequate mouth.

Chances are he'll never see the guy again so he concentrates on his drink and starts looking for a pretty girl he could sweep of her feet, and at the same time prove to Himchan that the art of being able to communicate with them did matter.

Talking about said Himchan, his best friend wasn't at his side anymore and he will never admit that he freaked out a little, until his eyes spotted him talking to a girl on a table across the dance floor. He immediately snapped out of his trance and started to look for a lady he could spark interest in; he can't let Himchan prove him wrong, he will never hear the end of it.

He didn't had to do much searching because, a tall blonde, with dashing baby blue eyes, long legs and a killer body approached him saying that he looked lonely and in need of company. Yongguk smiled at her and gestured for her to take the seat beside him, he looked over at where Himchan was but his friend only winked at him and raise his thumb in form of encouragement.

But as the night went on Yongguk found himself once again thinking about doe brown eyes, an specific shade of blonde, and plump lips. He cursed himself wondering why his brain refuses to delete the image of the boy.


When Daehyun finally settled on his bed, he felt refreshed. Glad that he doesn't smell like the odor the club had and that he could finally be able to let go of such an embarassing event.

But boy was he wrong, as soon as he closed his eyes the image of the particular attractive stranger came back to his mind. All he could see behind the darkness of his eyes was long black hair, tattoo, a wide gummy smile and thick lips; he snapped his eyes open and figured that the event won't leave his mind unless he talks about it with someone.

That's why he reached for his bag and looked for his laptop, opting that a Skype call to Youngjae will make him feel better and hopefully help him forget about everything that happened.

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Chookie #1
Chapter 15: Oh my God, I really really need an update >//<
bangdaebak #2
Chapter 15: OMMONA this is too good. I need update asap. Keep writinf and thank you so much xx
J-hopearmy #3
Chapter 15: Omg omg omg woww!!! I Love it!!! Keep going please^^
Chapter 15: i am waiting to the 16 chPTER??!!!!!!!!!!
luchiis #5
Chapter 15: Oww ;--;
They kissed in the airport... hope nobody saw them...
update sooon
Lilydae91 #6
Chapter 14: oh my god what is this feels..although I wish yongguk tell daehyun about his situation cause I know someone will get hurt and ugh they just starting something although it might be complicated but so far so good :)
Chapter 14: THEY KISSED. XD I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THEIR KISS. But they have to part ways now. Sighs. Thanks for the update~ =)
Chapter 13: Omg. This is so nice~~ I wasn't even paying attention in class because I was thinking about this fic. Guess it's my fault for reading before class. XD Idk, I seldom see this type of bangdae fic or is it just me? XD But this is really nice and I feel so happy for Daehyun while reading this. Thanks for writing~~~~ I will wait for the next update~~
daehyundarklight #9
Chapter 12: thank guk, you give dae the freedom... although it's just for hour...
phoenixminaj #10
Chapter 12: I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Addicted already after binge reading