Chapter 5

Two Sides Of The Same Coin

A/N: HELLOOOO PEOPLE!! :D I decided since I already had chapter five written down that I might as well upload it for you since tomorrow I'm going to th beach and I might not be able to update hehehe anyways knock yourself out guys! <3


Once inside the plane Daehyun took out his phone and plugged in his earphones, balancing the volume for it to be comfortable and not disturbing for other passengers. He waited for the air hostess to announce their take off, he closed his eyes to try and sleep but for reasons unknown to him sleep wasn't coming his way.

He decided to look at his surroundings to look at the over exaggerated luxury of first class his eyes darted from seat to seat looking at all the business man and wealthy families and wondered if someone, any of them sometimes felt like he did; that no matter how much they had there was always something missing, he pondered if they have ever felt the opressive loneliness he feels.

He shook his head trying to get rid of those thoughts he decided that he should at least try to enjoy this holidays, he knows there's people out there that would kill for all the opportunities he has. So he figured trying to enjoy wouldn't hurt, he promised to himself he'll try; so with those thoughts he closed his eyes again and let the rhythm of the song lull him to sleep.


Yongguk found himself sitting in the private lounge of the airport, his best friend by his side. He knows that when his father wakes up and finds out he's long gone he might as well kill him or worst disinherit him but at least he will have the time of his life for the very last time.

"I can't believe we're doing this! I already feel the sand on my feet, the ocean breeze, my body laying down on the most expensive linens, the exotic food and the ladies! Guk! The ladies!" Himchan said, a little too excited "I knew you were going to snap out of that good boy act you tried to put. I must admit you lasted more than what I originally thought you would"

Yongguk smiled, his big gummy smile and said "I tried, I really did but once I saw the commercial I couldn't help it, it sounded more tempting than being with my dad somewhere in America in a suit surrounded by boring businessman." Himchan laughed and started speaking again "Of course it did, well you're not the only one who's going to be in trouble once we're back, my parents think I'm going to stay at your house the whole week catching up on university work."

Himchan's family wasn't as rich as Yongguk's father but they were quiet the wealthy family and like Yongguk's dad they had big expectations on their son. Himchan's parents and Yongguk's dad think the both of them are brilliant young men but that their impulsive behavior and their act first, think later attitude will only lead them to their doom. They believe that the both of them together it's worse than any nuclear bomb and Himchan couldn't agree more.

They heard a voice booming through the speakers making the first call for the twelve in the afternoon flight to Dubai, they turned to each other; happiness written on their faces "There's no going back now" Yongguk turned to say to Himchan, his best friend only laughed and said "Let's do this. DUBAI HERE WE COME!"


"Ladies and Gentlemen please remain on your seat will be landing in our final destination in twenty minutes." The pilot said, Daehyun would be lying if he said he didn't feel at least a little excited, he's always happy to explore new places and learn from different cultures the only good thing; in his opinion that comes out of their annual vacations.

Once they landed the few employees that traveled with them went to look for their luggage and him and his family made way to their private car that would take them to the hotel.

When they reached the hotel Daehyun couldn't help but look around at everything with amazement, his jaw dropping. The pictures and videos he saw weren't exaggerating you could literally feel the luxury of this place. 

When he made it to his suite his jaw finally reached the floor. The two floor, one bedroom suite was absolutely stunning, it had enchanting floors with ceiling views of the Dubai landscape and the Arabian gulf from his bed which was draped in the most beautiful, soft linen he's ever seen and touched.

The lower level contains a living room with a large lounge, dinning table for four guests and individuals wash rooms, a very own private bar, and a terrace with a view to the beach. Daehyun was in an eternal awestruck, the master bathroom it was what ended taking his breath away with a full size jacuzzi and separate five-head shower.


Yongguk and Himchan were lucky that their seats where next to each other but thirty minutes after their take off Himchan passed out and Yongguk was left alone with his thoughts and music.

He started to think how he let his dad down, again. How maybe this time his father wasn't going to be as understanding; he was already regretting this decision when the voice in his head popped up again luring him in how he was allowed to up as many times possible, since once he gains control of the company he will be expected no to mess up, that if after his stunt he pulled his father doesn't disowns him.

With new rewborn conviction that he did the right thing he allowed himself to close his eyes and put the volume of his phone a little higher so the music could resonate just that much better through his earphones and minutes later found himself darting to dreamland.


Yongguk's dad woke up a little after one in the afternoon feeling fully rested. They had a flight to catch up in less than two hours, he made his way outside his room to go and wake up Yongguk figuring his son was still sleeping but, to his surprise he wasn't there anymore.

He wondered where Yongguk could've gone it's not like his son to wake up so early and actually be productive, he doesn't know why but he's starting to get a bad feeling about the whole situation. When he finally reached the main floor and was met with silence he knew something was up; he tried calling his son but the phone wasn't picked up.

He started to worry what if something bad happen to Yongguk, so he did what he figured was the most father like thing to do and called the bank to see where was Yongguk's credit card was last used.

"Uhh, Mr. Bang" Yongguk's dad picked up some hesitance on the lady's voice and his concerns started to grow. "I have here in my records that the last thing your son purchased with his credit card number was two plane tickets." Okay, now he was more confused than worried, plane tickets? why would Yongguk buy not only one but two plane tickets?

He asked for the name of the airline and decided to figure it out. "Oh! Mr. Bang, nice to hear from you!" the attendant said, he knows they recognized him right away so he figured it couldn't be that hard, he told them that he wanted to know to where exactly he bought those plane tickets and when.

"Well, with the tracking of the card the plane tickets where bought on a Sunday morning under the name of your son with a destination to Dubai" the attendant explained.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing, this was it, his son finally reached his limits. He thanked the attendant for his help and ended the call. He stayed standing still for a while, letting all the information sink in. When it finally did, he snapped.

"YONGGUK!!!!" he screamed to absolutely no one in the empty house.


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Chookie #1
Chapter 15: Oh my God, I really really need an update >//<
bangdaebak #2
Chapter 15: OMMONA this is too good. I need update asap. Keep writinf and thank you so much xx
J-hopearmy #3
Chapter 15: Omg omg omg woww!!! I Love it!!! Keep going please^^
Chapter 15: i am waiting to the 16 chPTER??!!!!!!!!!!
luchiis #5
Chapter 15: Oww ;--;
They kissed in the airport... hope nobody saw them...
update sooon
Lilydae91 #6
Chapter 14: oh my god what is this feels..although I wish yongguk tell daehyun about his situation cause I know someone will get hurt and ugh they just starting something although it might be complicated but so far so good :)
Chapter 14: THEY KISSED. XD I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THEIR KISS. But they have to part ways now. Sighs. Thanks for the update~ =)
Chapter 13: Omg. This is so nice~~ I wasn't even paying attention in class because I was thinking about this fic. Guess it's my fault for reading before class. XD Idk, I seldom see this type of bangdae fic or is it just me? XD But this is really nice and I feel so happy for Daehyun while reading this. Thanks for writing~~~~ I will wait for the next update~~
daehyundarklight #9
Chapter 12: thank guk, you give dae the freedom... although it's just for hour...
phoenixminaj #10
Chapter 12: I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Addicted already after binge reading