Female friends .

They don't exist , do they ?




Byunghun sat  comfortably  on a branch of one tree that overlooks the glassed windows of the cafe where Chanhee had his date with Gyuri , his fairy form ensuring his privacy .


The plan was to text Chanhee the orders Byunghun found necessary for that so called relationship to bloom .


The elder’s phone buzzed signalling a new text message which he hastily read , earning confused glances from the girl in front of him .


From Tiny Fairy : Listen , I want you to follow exactly what I say . When I text you , you gotta chuckle and evoke both  her curiosity and jealosusy .

And when she finally asks you who you are texting , you tell her it’s just a friend of yours . Show her you are not exactly so desperate , you have other people filling your life too , make sure she doesn't take you for granted .


God ! I mean jealosuy ! Aish Jealousy !  Damn typos !


From Chanhee Bunny : Hahahhahaha . It’s ok . we all have our terrible moments when it comes to typos . But , What if she doesn’t get jealous ? What if she leaves ? !! She is my first girlfirend , I mean girlfriend … See ? We all suffer from typos .


Byunghun glanced up to find Chanhee Chuckling silently whilst texting him and that made the fairy feel some sense of achievement .

The elder was smiling because of him not that girl .


Speaking of which , she started to look annoyed , the thing that made Byunghun smirk evilly .


But then he focused on Chanhee’s text .. Was he teasing him about the typos or really trying to comfort him ?


Either ways , he had to watch the date closely just in case .


And true enough .. There was this time Chanhee had almost spilt the juice across the table  due to his overly excited hand waving .. That .. would have been a total turn off !


That was such a memorable date .

Everything went fine and Byunghun made sure Gyuri knew Chanhee’s worth

And of course made sure Chanhee’s luck never ruined it .



Something else ..


Byunghun urged Chanhee to take a step further .. To tell Gyuri that he wanted her to meet his parents .


The girl seemed startled at first but then blushed liking the idea ..


Days have passed and it was finally time for Gyuri to meet Chanhee’s parents .

She was greeted like a queen , with so much care and hospitality seeing as she was the first girl to be introduced as Chanhee’s girlfriend  .


And although Byunghun could feel a tinge of jealousy regarding such thing , he could do nothing about it .

That was his job after all .


He shouldn’t feel he wanted her place .. He shouldn’t feel he wanted to be acknowledged by Chanhee’s parents ..


He was there to do his job .. And once his job was done , he was supposed to leave ..


~  ♦ 





One day , Mrs lee was casually passing by the hallway when she heard her son talking .. to himself ?


He didn’t utter any names or showed any sign of talking on the phone so she gasped and quickly glued her ears to the door , listening intently before she  rushed to her husband in the living room  .


But what she didn’t know was that Chanhee heard her exaggerated gasp and sneaked his way after her .



“ Lee ! Our son is talking to himself ! And it looks like he is flirting .. Why would he flirt with himself ? He must have gone delusional .. I knew it .. One girl is not enough in his life .. He needs to  have other female friends in his life and behave like normal teenagers . “  Whispered the mother , her expression changing from worried to irritation at her relaxed husband who took a sip from his tea and just nodded , reading his newspapers .


He probably didn’t hear a word of what she has just said .


“ Yah ! I’m telling you your son is talking to himself ! “ She yelled now , snatching the newspapers away from his grasp  .


“ Oh my God , really ? “  He whistled in surprise  , giving  her his undivided attention But then they heard steps approaching ..


The mother slowly turned her head , the newspapers serving as a cover for her gasp now .


“ Mum ? Dad ? Why did you stop talking as soon I came ?  “

Asked Chanhee , his gaze directed at his mother who shook her head then his father who waited for the signal from his mother and shook his head .


“ Are you hiding something ? “  He squinted his eyes and crossed his arms pretending to be serious .


His parents shook their head in sync  .


“ Hm .. Okay then . look ,  I wanted to invite a friend . “  

Requested Chanhee , trying his best not to burst into laughter because he knew how his parents would react .


“ Friend ? “  Mumbled Mrs lee .


Mr lee darted his eyes between his wife and his son , waiting for the whole story .



“ Yea , mom . She is - “


“ She ? !!! “ Interrupted Mrs lee , her eyes sparkling making it even more difficult for Chanhee to proceed .


“ She is a relative of one of my new friends in the school , you know him . Byunghun . “

Informed Chanhee as he ran his hands through his hair casually .


His parents has never seen Byunghun but they have heard about it him from Chanhee or Niel and the others .


Once he has gotten his parent’s approval , Chanhee rushed to his room and picked his cellphone texting Byunghun in the speed of light .


“ Hey , Byung . you gotta do me a favor ! I kind of got myself into trouble .. “


“ What do you mean  ? wait ? where did you go ? we were practicing on how you would be talking to Gyuri . “


“ My mum .. She heard me talking to you and thought I was talking to myself then started her weird assumptions of me being delusional about girls and stuff .. Anyways .You gotta come here tonight and transform into a gir-


“ Are you NUTS ? “


“ Please Byunghun , help me .. Pretend to be one of female friends .. I would be damned if mum thought I had no potentials ! I told her that you - the girl you - is Byunghun’s relative . That way she wouldn’t feel suspicious when I introduce you and you look like a carbon copy of your girl version .. ok ? “


“ … “

“ No . “


“ Oh , please ! “


“ Chanhee ! Chanhee ! You are going too far .. I can’t just transform into a girl and .. “


“ for me .. please ! “


“ Ugh .. Curse you ! “


“ Thank you Byungie ~ “




Byunghun wanted nothing but to throw his cell phone as he paced around the streets , only one thing occupying his mind ..

Chanhee wants me to transform into a ing girl !




He was getting nervous .. seriously nervous ..


Even if he transforms into a girl .. He can’t talk , walk or behave like girls !

What if he ruins everything ?

What if Chanhee’s parents think he was a transvestite ?


Oh God !


what if .. What if he doesn’t look good and that should mean a golden opportunity for Chanhee to .



What if ..


What if ..


A light bulb ignited in the fairy’s head and he suddenly started chuckling and daydreaming .


What if he looked actually pretty and Chanhee liked it  ? What if he looked better than that Gyuri ? What if it made Chanhee notice him ? What if the elder’s  parents liked him more than Gyuri and convinced Chanhee to switch from Gyuri to Byung-


Wait !


OMG He still had to come up with a female name !


Something quick and short , easy .. Something like Ljoe ..


L .. sun ?


Lsun sounds cute , right  ?










Hello ~

It's sept 7 !

This chapter is dedicated to my unnie’s birthday ~

Reina unnie , happy bday

I hope you like this ~


I’m so excited for the next chapter , Chanhee and Ljoe are gonna discover something ~

The turning point is near ~ Three more chapters to go ~






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strafield #1
Chapter 11: sobs thank you for the alternative ending :')
i- asfjkl /cries/
strafield #2
Chapter 9: i- .... /tears up tbh/
strafield #3
Chapter 8: i was seriously enjoyig their date tbh * ^ *
i like imagining girl byunghun with wavy long blonde locks , short white dress and having wings, cutely sitting on the floor with his lips pursed in a small pout- i wanna bite his lips * ^ * /never feel so /
strafield #4
Chapter 7: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh byungieeeeee he called byunghun byungieeeeeee sfjkl asfjklasdjjhljljasdlkdhljdhcskdj save meeeeee omfg the story gonna end soonnnn i dont wannaaaaaaaa omfg im spamming your comment box asfjkl i swear i sould stop spamming ohmy ohmy
strafield #5
Chapter 6: /gasps/ getting intenseeeeee
i want to continue reading but i dont want the story to end , i dont want to run out of thisssss T ^ T
strafield #6
Chapter 5: shizz lee chanhee being annoying ugh i wanna tape his mouth o n o
/huggles my byungbaby tbh/
strafield #7
Chapter 4: little byungie sho cuteeee i cant help but squealing each time asfjkl my feelsss
strafield #8
i- forgot about this o n o
i gotta read from the start again * ^ *
Chapter 11: unnie~~~~ you're the BEST!!! Thank you thank you thank you~~~ ♡ I needed something like this now ^-^ it was so damn cute~~~ *-* thank you~
and Byung's wings glowing in the dark is such a beautiful scene :) (and him getting when Channie touches them is so funny and cute too~)