Without you



It's been so long .. It has started few years ago in fact . Some people say , when idols in a band start pursuing solo activities , it's usually a bad sign . And the Examples supporting such theory are numerous . Change is inevitable and sadly , that's how life is . It doesn't always follow the patterns we wished for . It doesn't always turn the way we wanted . Eventually , all beautiful things must lose their splendour  .



A dedicated fan's attempt at letting her emotions out regarding ljoe's case . 


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byungtokki #1
Chapter 1: beautifully written, as always you did a very good job portraying each member's emotions and thought. reading this has evoked a lot of my own emotions regarding ljoe's departure.
well done unnie~
Chapter 1: I've gone through all of these emotions... It still hurts... but my Love for him is too strong that I can't let go... I just wish the best for him and the members...
Chapter 1: Reading this helps me with closure in some way lol