Sneaking into your heart

And just when you thought you found love...

Yunho doesn’t lose his cool when he’s in front of millions of screaming fans. He doesn’t lose his cool when he and the other members of Dong Bang Shin Ki are surrounded by cameras and such. But he did, surprisingly, lose his cool on this one simple date. Yunho was a nervous wreck before and during his date with Sun Hee. It was like he was back to the auditioning days. Only he wasn’t there to impress a number of judges, he was there to impress one girl.

And things were not going according to his plan. He picked Sun Hee up after their work that night and went to the movies. Since it was Halloween, most of the movies that were showing were either horror or thriller. Thinking it was a good idea, he chose the movie “My Soul to take”, to which Sun Hee readily agreed to (Yunho hoped that Sun Hee might get scared and, thus, cling on to him for the rest of the movie). Unfortunately, Yunho’s plan backfired on him. Sun Hee wasn’t frightened by the movie in the least bit while Yunho, well, he actually screamed like a girl when the first guy got killed (after that, he was shaking uncontrollably in his seat). Yunho didn’t have the heart to actually cling on to Sun Hee. It will be weird if he did, anyway.

“I… I, er, didn’t know you were a fan of horror movies.” A blushing and embarrassed Yunho said as they got out of the cinema.

Sun Hee turned to him and smiled. “Actually, I’m not. I usually get scared out of my wits but after my best friends dragged me to watch another horror movie a few weeks ago, I don’t know. Maybe I’ve gotten over being scared. That or maybe this movie and that aren’t that scary.”

 “Oh, but I think this movie really is scary. I mean, everyone in the theater was screaming loudly.” She added, seeing the pout on Yunho’s lips. The singer merely forced a smile as they went on to walk towards his car. He felt ridiculous. More than ridiculous. He was sure he was the only one who screamed that loud and that long, the others only gasped and whatnot. But his was a shriek, a freaking high-pitched shriek that was very much the epitome of unmanliness. It sounded so unlike him. Well, maybe that’s a good thing, after all, he was wearing a beanie and huge sunglasses at night for a reason.

“Yah, Yunho-sshi, don’t tell me you’re still sulking about that movie.” Sun Hee said, moving closer and looking straight up at his eyes through those huge sunglasses.

Yunho swallowed a lump in his throat. Their now close proximity was making him more nervous than before.

“Yunho-sshi?” She asked again.

Yunho tried to chuckle but it came out as a soft cough. “Er, you don’t need to be so formal to me, you know.” He just said.

Sun Hee smiled and walked a step back. “It’s getting late. You still need to wake up early tomorrow for a morning show.”

Yunho pouted. “The show’s not that early.”

“Er, it is. Your manager happened to let it slip a few dozen times earlier when I met him in the studio. So, U-know Yunho-sshi,”—Yunho frowned again at her formality—“we better get going or else I might look for another job tomorrow.”

Sun Hee went behind Yunho and tried to push him towards his car. Chuckling to himself, Yunho let himself be pushed.


Yunho pulled over in front of the apartment building that Sun Hee pointed to him. He quickly got out of the car and opened the passenger side door for his date.

“Thanks, but you shouldn’t have.” Sun Hee said as she got out of the car. A faint blush crept its way up to her cheeks as she smiled at him.

“I know but I wanted to.” Yunho said, looking at her with sparkling eyes.

They stayed in front of the apartment building for a few more moments. Both were silently waiting for something to happen.

“Er, thanks for tonight. I had fun.” Sun Hee was the first one to break the silence.

“Oh, er, I…” Yunho searched for the right words to say but, for the first time in his life, he was too nervous to think. Probably because he knew he now had the opportunity to give her a goodnight kiss. The thought of a kiss alone already made the butterflies in his stomach fly around in chaos.

Sun Hee didn’t let him finish. She moved closer towards the still-stuttering Yunho, wrapping her arms around him and resting her chin on his shoulder. The singer froze in his place. He wanted to slap himself silly right then and there for being idiotic and acting like this was his first date ever but he couldn’t move a muscle.

“Thanks again.” Sun Hee said after what felt like the shortest yet most beautiful forever to Yunho. She parted away from him, smiled then walked on towards her apartment. Yunho still stayed on his spot minutes after she disappeared inside. He could still feel her arms around him and it absolutely felt like heaven, only…

“Wait! I didn’t get to kiss her. Aigoo!”


Sun Hee closed the door to her temporary apartment. With a triumphant smile, she fished something from her jeans pocket. She held the set of keys out in front of her and examined them.


“Oh, er, I…” Yunho stuttered. Sun Hee didn’t wait for him to finish whatever he was going to say. She moved a few steps closer, wrapped her arms around him and rested his chin on his shoulder. Sun Hee felt him tense up a little. She slowly and subtly moved her hands down, towards the singer’s back pockets. Feeling something on his right back pocket, Sun Hee sneakily slid her hand down. She snuggled closely on Yunho’s shoulder as she pulled the set of keys from his pocket. Careful not to let the keys clang, she held it tightly in her hand. “Thanks again.” She said as she quickly hid the keys in her pocket.

End Of Flashback+----------

Still smiling, Sun Hee hid the stolen keys in her purse. It will be handy tomorrow morning. It was a good thing she got it from Yunho, the one who’s best known for always misplacing or losing his things. She remembered the countless of times wherein Yunho came in the make-up room asking if his phone was there or not.

It was a perfect plan. Yunho would realize his copy of the keys to their apartment were missing and, being his forgetful self, would just blame his knack for losing things. Of course, he would eventually find it, that is, until after Sun Hee is done with it.

She grinned at her plan. Now that the day has ended, she needed a nice, relaxing, warm bath to reward herself. As she walked towards the bathroom, Sun Hee remembered how she got the keys. She couldn’t help but chuckle. She just realized that she just d the famous U-Know Yunho’s (firm) .


Wearing something as innocent as a pair of dark gray skinny jeans, V-necklined blackberry bouquet cardigans, a simple ribbed Carlisle hat and her usual black-rimmed glasses, you’d think she’s just here to visit some sick relative or something. But Sun Hee wasn’t here to make a visit. No, her motive for being here in this condominium building is far from being “innocent”.

As she got out of the elevator, Sun Hee got her IPad from her purse. She checked the schedule she secretly got from the boys’ manager’s computer. According to it, they should be in rehearsals starting from 8:30 am until 10. Sun Hee placed her IPad back in her purse and looked at the time. Almost 9:00, meaning their apartment should be empty. She walked on towards the condo unit at the end of the floor. Looking sideways to make sure no one else was there, Sun Hee took the set of keys she took from Yunho last night and used it to open the door. In less than a minute, she was inside.

The apartment was simpler than she had expected it to be. It didn’t look anything at all like celebrities lived here. No grand, expensive looking furniture. No fancy chandelier. No extravagant-looking anything. The only expensive thing that was there was the flat screened TV.

Sun Hee walked on towards the hall on her left. She opened the first door and saw two beds. She examined the things around first, trying to determine which of the members slept in this bedroom. There was a keyboard with a few music sheets on the side of the bed on the right while a light blue elephant plushie lay on top of the other bed. Sun Hee deduced the room was Jaejoong and Yoochun’s. Closing the door to that room, Sun Hee moved to the next. There were three beds inside. Sun Hee quickly spotted Yunho’s bed from the rest since his famous “Bambi” plushie sat on top of it. Closing the door behind her, Sun Hee walked towards Yunho’s bed. There was a cabinet next to it. She walked towards it and started to open the drawers one by one. The first drawer was filled with Yunho’s undergarments—his wifebeaters, and even his briefs and boxers. Blushing madly, she quickly closed that and moved down to the second one. It contained a few shirts and shorts. The third drawer finally was a little interesting. It was filled with a number of photo albums. Sun Hee sat on the floor and took out one of the photo albums. She opened it and saw a smiling little Yunho beaming cutely up at her. She involuntarily smiled. Yunho was really a cute child back then. She turned the next pages and found more adorable childhood pictures of Yunho. Some were with his parents, his younger sister but most of them were just himself, looking very cute and adorable. As she reached the end of the album, Sun Hee couldn’t help but grin. She remembered Yunho in the theater last night. He wasn’t as cute and adorable as he was when he was a kid but Yunho still looked very much adorable—aDORKable, actually—screaming at the movie screen.

“Wait, what the hell am I thinking?” Sun Hee suddenly blurted out loud. She quickly placed the photo album back and took the next one in line. This one wasn’t filled with childhood pictures of the leader but pictures of him in his late teens as one of the dozen or so trainees of SM Entertainment. Sun Hee flipped the pages more. She saw a few singers from the group Super Junior and the other members of Dong Bang Shin Ki before their debut. They were goofy pictures of the now good-looking singers, but they were not actually considered “incriminating”. Sun Hee sighed and flipped to the next page. In the next pictures, she recognized the girls from the group So Nyu Shi Dae. They were group pictures but Sun Hee got her phone and snapped pictures of it nonetheless. She flipped a few more pages, hoping that somewhere in those pictures was some kind of photo of the leader lovingly posing to the camera with a girl. She didn’t find exactly that but she did find some photos of only Yunho and Im Yoona and Yunho and Kim Taeyeon. She took pictures of those and finished looking through the photo album.

After about thirty minutes of scanning through the other albums, Sun Hee still hadn’t found what she was looking for (she merely confirmed that Kim Jaejoong and Shim Changmin indeed had nose jobs, but it wasn’t what she was after). Sighing in frustration, she moved to the last drawer. Sun Hee somewhat hoped that it was filled with magazines, condoms, toys or other stuff. To her dismay, however, she only found music and fashion magazines from Korea, Japan and other countries inside and outside of Asia. It was a collection of the magazines wherein Dong Bang Shin Ki was the cover or, at least, was featured in.

Sun Hee groaned as she closed the drawer. She stood up and tried to look some more. She peeked under Yunho’s bed, under his pillows, covers and even under the mattress. She looked every where and the only thing she did manage to find was a stash of magazines with a huge label “PRIVATE PROPERTY OF MAX” under the pillow of the bed in the middle.

“Aigoo!” Sun Hee irately said to herself. “Jung Yunho, you are such a mystery!”




Comments are loved and much appreciated! :D

Does anyone know what Sun Hee's real job is? I think it's now a little more obvious. lol.

*the stuff said here in this chap are mostly pure fiction. so please don't bash me about the nose jobs and such. they were only added for effect...

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Now that they are exclusive..Sun hee is really in tough, hard position. To make it worse..her boss deny her resignation letter!<br /> like Changmin! He is now more y, right? Show more flesh and chest..tee hee.<br />
Oh yeah my Yunnie bear is <3.. :)<br />
Keep updating~
At medyo nalilito na din ako sa pangalan ko. :))
"Why him?"<br />
Stupid question. It's always been Jung Yunho. I never doubted it. :D<br />
Up to now, it's always him.<br />
===<br />
Arrogant confidence much, Yunho? :))<br />
Oh well, ganyan naman talaga siya hanggang ngayon eh.<br />
He keeps bragging na na-inlove ako sa kanya, imbes the other way around. Kapal ng mukha nun. :))<br />
Pero grabe ah, wala man lang ba nakakita sa amin sa dressing room?<br />
I was imagining Changmin walking in eh. :))<br />
===<br />
Nakooh, mahirap na mag-resign kung ganyan ang boss mo. Sana di ako makahanap ng boss na ganyan ang ugali. -_-<br />
Kinakabahan na nga ako sa after graduation ko eh..
grapestrawberry #5
@missel: LOL :D then I'm glad you were able to guess right! :)<br />
and I just couldn't help but to pick on my ever lovely hubby Changmin, thus, the mention of his and stuff. LOLOLOLOLOLOL~<br />
I have to agree with you on that one. Gosh, and Yunho's recent scans on Smart magazine. DREAMY! :D<br />
thanks for your comment! :D<br />
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@yunhosyeobo: TWIN UNNIE ETO NA! WAHAHAHAHAHAH! <br />
dun na sa next update after this one ang pinakahihintay mo. WAHAHAHAH!<br />
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@Jaejee: fine. you are always right. LOLOL~ :D<br />
No, Sun Hee. I'll tell more about her name on the next chaps so that it wouldn't be confusing but I'll use Sun Hee more :)<br />
gosh, I'm tempted to tell you spoilers but I shall keep my mouth shut! ^-^<br />
yes! I noticed that too. I mean, Jae seems to be the "scandalous" one since almost all the gossips are about him. and Yunho seems to have really less. O_O<br />
it's not only common in the music industry. it's really common in Korea itself. but I guess it's their way of thinking...<br />
yes, I'm evil towards my hubby. but I love him still. >:D<br />
haha. it's okay. Hope you won't get too stressed out by school^^<br />
(ps. I read in UFP that you think Changmin is hot nowadays... O_O I agree, well actually he has been hot ever since, but... just stay away from him, got it? bwahahahaha! I'm kidding, I think. LOLOLOLOL~)<br />
*a little more human hug this time*<br />
Oh, yay, i was right! Not that I'm suprised or anything... I'm always right,lol ^^ XD<br />
Soo... I feel sorry for Yunho. And ohkay, I take my words about Sun Hee (or should I say 'Stephanie'?)- she's not THAT bad. It's her job... it can't be helped. She does seem like a pretty nice girl... ^^ The one's who's really the here is Soo Eun :/ Now HER I don't like >.<'<br />
Yoosu... hmm... well, that was a nice spice, lolz x) and you know, out of all DBSK guys Yunho does seem to have the less scandals and so surrounding him... our clean leader,lol ^^<br />
So... What's next?... Yunho's already fallen for her... now it's her turn, right? That's be interesting... :)<br />
-----<br />
And no, it's not like it was obvious. I'm just that good,lol xD<br />
Well... I'm not uptight about the idea of them having had plastic surgeries... it's kinda common in Korea's music industry so whatever XD<br />
AND I'M SO GLAD THAT YOU DID!! xD It was funny, really XD The King,woo! ^^<br />
Ahh, I've been seriously busy lately X.x Now I'm sitting in my comp class... since it's second to last day of school before our Christmas holidays we're allowed to do nothing productive and just waste time by browsing the net XD I decided it was a perfect moment to finally do my commenting :)<br />
wah, I think I'll go reply to the wall message right now! ^w^
Twin-unnie is present! :))
HAHAHAHA....I love it when I'm right!! YES...YES!<br />
Those ppl who said that they've undergone whatever 'job' are just jealous bcoz the boys are perfect. The Changmin..LOL. <br />
This is gonna be a tough mission for Sun Hee! If I were Sun Hee, I won't be able to look at Yunho..he is such a McDreamy!!
grapestrawberry #9
@sujudork602: Min has funnier things in his drawers. LOL<br />
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@missel: wahhh! it was only a joke! i keep on reading comments about them having nose jobs. don't believe it but it's kinda funny. xD<br />
lol. your guesses are spot on!<br />
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@kyuhyunlover: yes, she was paid to find out info but she's not a PI. :D<br />
--------------<br />
@Jaejee: lol. was it really that obvious? tsk. I guess I need to learn literary techniques more. LOL. nah... :D<br />
Yes. Min and Jae and their "nose jobs". xD I just put it in for fun. I read a few comments (and there are vids at Youtube right?) about them and nose jobs. I don't believe it, actually. but i thought of putting it in for fun. xDD (it's quite obvious I like dishing the dirt on my hubby Changmin xDD)<br />
No! don't like Sun Hee? but she's nice... after how many chaps. LOL<br />
anyways... I MISSED YOU!!! *gLoOoOoOoOoOmMmMmMmMmPpPpPpSsSsSsSsS yYyYyYoOoOuUuU!!!* :D<br />
thank you again! now, when will you update? lol. take your time. I think you're busy so I can wait^^<br />
I'm thinking (and ACTUALLY I thought about this AS SOON AS I read the first chapter/intro) that she's a reporter of some kind. Like she has to dig something up about Yunho that would make great headlines.... (using toys, dating SNSD girl, anything,lolz)...<br />
And the third chapter just confirmed my suspicions x)<br />
oh, and I lol'ed at the nose jobs part x) Min and jae, huh? x)) I'd be mad about you saying that jae got a nose job, but since you said the same about your bias... haha, nah, i'm only kidding, it's perfectly fine and just for the fiction (or not, who know xD) xP<br />
So. I don't really like this Sun Hee girl... x) Yunho, run while you still can,lol ^^<br />
Oh, and the last part about Min and his magazines... X'DD<br />
Loved the updates ^^<br />
---<br />
I have no idea x) that's was a time ago... x)<br />
ah, i saw you've updated UFP! ^^ok, lol, who am i kidding, i've already read the update x) gonna comment later since mom is nagging me to go off the comp now >.><br />
anywayzz... *GLOMPS* ah, I really need to answer your comment on my wall, missed you <3 *hugs again* ^^