jst my way-

happy borndae myonsu \o\ |o| /o/

in love terms, obsession is when u try to control someone that u "think" u're in love with. u get them or try to get them. if they break up with u then u'll get mad- so mad that u would want to destroy their lives & hurt them internally. this is a true obsession.




obsession is also almost an insane desire, longing or burning lust for someone or something. u feel like without that thing or person, u're not complete & can't cope, or in extreme ciscumstances-- live, unless u have the objct u desire.

love is a feeling of complete bliss & peace, that feeling can only be rivaled by the feeling of absolute sadness when the two ARE NOT TOGETHER

thinking & caring abt someone a lot is not obsession.

true love is also respecting your mate- not putting ual pressure in them.

so what 'm trying to prove is 'm not obsessed. its jst my way of showing love & care for u-- which is in a very possesive way. 


obsession u say but its jst--
an act of true love


matryoshka © 2014



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