Silence Romance

Several days had passed since that accident at the park. And up until now, you were still playing stubborn to reply all the missed calls and texts from your beloved boyfriend, Jung Leo. Sobbing alone in your room might not helping, but you couldn’t help it as your tears would fall every time his face appears on your head. Staring at your ceiling blankly, you were thinking about your relationship with Leo.

Should you continue? Should you end it?

Right when you thought you would just shoo it away and send yourself to the dreamland, you heard your phone buzzed on your night desk. You didn’t even need to check who the hell calling you in the middle of the night because yes, you were going to ignore it again.

“Sorry, Leo…”

Mumbling to no one, you covered yourself with the blanket and closed your eyes, forcing yourself to sleep. I just want you to understand my feelings…


“…” Leo cursed as he threw his phone to his bed, felt frustrated all over again. He ruffled his hair messily—made it looked like a bird’s nest—before thrown himself to the soft mattress, staring blankly at the ceiling.

___… Please reply me…

“Wow wow~ what happened, hyung? You’ve been like this for like, what, five days straight…? Or maybe six?” His roommate, Ken, said with his eyes focused on his PSP. “Are you having a PMS, perhaps?”

Suddenly, a pillow landed on his face, making the sharp-nosed boy groaned. “Ouch!”

When he looked up, he found out that his hyung already sent a death glare at him. Shivers instantly ran down his spine as he quickly jumped off from his bed then ran away from the room. “I-I’m sorry, hyung! I didn’t say anything—ouch!”

Ken groaned for the second time today when he found out that he just bumped into N.

“Watch where you walk, dickhead!” N hit his neck but Ken didn’t say anything and just flee himself to the living room. “What’s wrong with that kid? Tch!”

N raised an eyebrow before he narrowed his gaze at Leo who busy typing something on his phone, groaning and sometimes letting out soft curses. “And what’s wrong with you?”

No response from Leo, so N approached him closer and repeated his question. “Ya, what’s wrong with you?”

Leo just looked at him then sighed. He tossed his phone to his bed again then covered his face with a pillow, turning his back at N. A scoff escaped from N’s lips before he bent down to take the small device and started to check on it.

“Is something happened between you and ___?” His eyes trailed to the countless text messages that Leo sent to you along with the unheard voice messages and missed calls. “You’re ed up, man…”

A pillow flew to N’s direction, but the dark-skinned boy quickly dodged it. Leo sat up on the bed before looked at N with a depressed expression. “Yes, and I think I need your help…”

N blinked, “Whoa… Did Jung 'Mighty' Leo just asked me for a help?” He rubbed both of his arms before grinned mockingly at Leo. “I just got goosebumps and the meteor might fall down tonight…”

Leo groused in annoyance and N laughed at the quiet boy. “Okay, okay, sorry. Go on…”

Leo cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He is not the type of person who would tell someone about his problem. But N is an exception. For Leo, he is the only person in the world that he could trust. The only person that would listen to all his troubles and would back him up when he is about to fall. In description, N is his soul mate.

The quiet boy explained everything to N about what happened between you and him at the park. He told N how he felt guilty about it and wanted to make up with you. He decided he wanted to change himself to a better man, the one that deserves you.

“Hmm… Woman would prefer more if the man apologize directly…” N tapped his chin and looked at Leo in concern. “And I think you should just tell her the truth… I mean, everything. Let her know how you feel all this time and how you can’t express your feelings well to her. Judging by how kind your girlfriend is, I believe ___ will understand…”

“How can I do that when she doesn’t even answering my calls or replying my texts?” Leo ducked his head low then closed his eyes. “It’s been a week, Hakyeon-ah…”

“It’s been a week and why the thought of coming to her house didn’t cross your mind at all?” N shot back and Leo grew speechless.

“I-it’s because—”

Leo bit his lower lips then exhaled deeply.

“—Because you’re scared.”

N continued Leo’s words and the said man just nodded his head in embarrassment. “You’re an idiot, Jung Leo…”

“Well buddy, don’t worry. This mommy Cha here will do something for you…” N gave Leo’s phone back to his hand along with a tap on his shoulder before walking towards the door.

Leo’s eyes went big as a ray of hope lit up inside his heart. “D-do you have a plan?”

N stopped at the doorframe before he turned his head, showing Leo a smug smirk.

“Leave it to me.”


It was Sunday morning and you woke up with a big yawn. Glancing at the clock on your wall, you noticed that the shorter needle has pointed to the number 7.

“Crap… Not again…” You groaned when you realized that you had been waking up too early. “Geez… I can’t sleep at all… and it’s been a week…”

Ruffling your own hair in annoyance, your eyes eventually caught the phone on your night desk.  Fiddled with your fingers, you were hesitating if you should check it or not. Slowly, your hand reached the device and you finally decided to open it. A soft gasp came out from your lips as you found a bunch of texts and missed calls from Leo. Your voicemails were also full from your boyfriend. Opening your inbox, you opened some of the texts from Leo and that’s when a struck of guilt filled your heart.


[Sent: 19.00] ___, please reply me…

[Sent: 19:10] Are you sleeping?

[Sent: 22:30] Please don't ignore me like this…

[Sent: 23:31] ___, please…

[Sent: 06.04] At least let me know you are okay…


Sighing, you closed your inbox, stopping your intention to see other text messages he sent. You refused to give in but then your curiosity rose up when you open your voicemails. Your silent boyfriend definitely rare to send you voicemails and you were dying to know what he was saying. Clicking on the ‘play’ button nervously on the latest voicemail, you put your phone to your ear. And you swore your heart started to beat faster when a soft voice said your name.


You gripped on your blanket tightly, holding back your tears that were about to fall any second. Hell, you’ve been missing his voice; the voice that would always make you smile and happy.

Please answer me… I know I was wrong…

There was a long pause and you thought that the voicemail has ended. But then there were still a few seconds left and you waited until you heard Leo’s voice once again.

I am sorry…

You rapidly closed your voicemail then locked the phone, followed by tossing it back to your night desk. You were afraid if you kept listening to his voice, then you would break down once again. You would definitely back to your crying-mode again and of course, you don’t want that. Woman has pride too

You kept that in your mind and let your boyfriend suffer just a little bit more. “Stupid… So he just realized that he was wrong now?” You chuckled then went off from your bed. “How great… I want you to understand me… Not apologizing…”

Shaking your head, you brought your steps to the bathroom to take a warm shower. But then you skidded a stop when you passed by a calendar hang on the wall near your bathroom. Tracing the dates on the calendar, you found a big red mark circled on certain date—which is today—written ‘my special day’.

Your face instantly frowned before you took a deep breath and faked a smile. “Happy birthday, ___…”


Hyung~~!! We are going to be late! Late! Late! Late!” Hyuk shouted from downstairs while tying up his shoelaces.

“O-okay! W-wait a minute!”

N’s voice could be heard from upstairs followed by loud thumps and hasty footsteps here and there. “Omo! Argh! Damn you, stupid chair!”

“Geez…” Ravi shook his head while leaning on the doorframe. “I wonder why that hyung always late in doing everything…”

“You’re no one to say about being late, Kim Wonshik…” Ken chuckled before opened the car and sat on the driver’s seat. “Because you equally Cha Hakyeon 2.0…”

“Shut up…” Ravi frowned then got into the car as well.

“I’m ready!!” N shouted while running downstairs, almost slipped on the last step, resulting him to bump his face into Hyuk’s back. “O-opps!”

Aishh… Watch your step!” Hyuk shoved the eldest away then fixed his shirt. “You are not even that old but why are you so clumsy, duh!”

“Everyone in this world can trip, you filthy son!” N gave Hyuk a nice slice on the neck before he dragged the youngest to the car. “Oh wait, where is Leo?”

“He’s already on his way with Hongbin…” Ravi answered as both of them went inside the car. “Come on, we’re wasting time…”

“Okay, let’s go!!” N commanded before the car drove away.


Flipping over the channels, you let out a loud yawn staring at your TV with sleepy eyes. Since both of your parents were working overseas since last month, you felt empty more than before inside your spacious house alone. One of the perks of being the only child in the family. Glancing at the clock that shown passed lunch, you groaned in frustration.

“Great… It’s my birthday and here I am sitting alone in my living room doing nothing…” You hugged a cushion tightly then puffed your cheeks before you heard your stomach growled.

“And yeah, thanks stomach, it’s a perfect time to feel hungry… with nothing to eat.” You sighed but brought your to the kitchen to find something edible to eat.

Aishh… there’s really nothing to eat. “ You grunted again when you saw your empty fridge. “Ahh… I forget to buy groceries because usually Leo would take me out for lunc—”

Damn. Why am I mentioning him again…?

Slamming your fridge shut, you went back to your room, deciding to go out to get a quick lunch. Since Myeongdong was the nearest market area, you went there without thinking twice and stopped by at one of the food stalls.

Ahjumma, one serve of ddeokbeokki please!”

The ahjumma replied a short “ne” and you waited for the food to come. Then something crossed your mind as you smiled ear to ear to her. “Ahjumma! Today is my birthday, can you please give me extra ddeokbeokki? I’m so hungry~”

The middle-aged woman smiled back at you, “Really? Wow, happy birthday, dear! And yes! I will give you more, you are one of my favorite customer anyway…”

“Thank you! Ahjumma jjang!” You gave her two thumbs up before she looked at you with a frown.

“But why are you alone today? Where is your handsome boyfriend? He is not with you on your special day?”

It felt like you just wanted to break the chopsticks you were holding. Your face turned sad in instance and you smiled weakly. “No… H-he has to go somewhere else today…”


“Aww… don’t be sad! Make sure you celebrate it together with him once he came back, okay? Here! Eat more!” The ahjumma put a bowl full with ddeokbeokki and motioned you to eat.

You nodded at her but actually you already lost your appetite. Scanning your surrounding, a fresh flashback came to your mind. You still remembered how Leo wiped the sauce stain on the corner of your lips when you ate with him at this place before.

Damn, ___… Stop thinking about him…

Done eating, you decided to take a short walk around the busy shopping district of Myeongdong. By spending your time visiting several clothing stores and stopping by at cosmetic booths, you were somehow gained more strength to face the day. You were trying to distract the loneliness on your birthday. But you didn’t have the mood to call your close friends or co-workers, simply because you just wanted to be alone today. You needed time to be alone to clear your mind; to get rid all of your worries and random negative thoughts.

You were walking happily and a certain alley, when a pair of strong arms grabbed your shoulder and covered your mouth from behind.






You were beyond shocked and terrified. You kept struggling and grew more scared when you found a man behind you. He was wearing a black mask, covering half of his face so it’s hard for you to recognize his visual. You grew panic and tried to scream, but his hand muffled your voice.

Never in your life you thought that what you had seen in the drama would happen to your life. But it was happening now. It was still daylight, yet someone trying to kidnap you. At this very moment, you just realized that Seoul was not safe as what other people see; and with that, you were truly horrified.

“Mmfff!!! Hel-mpp!!”

You kept screaming through his hand and kicked your legs in the air when he started to drag you by force. The man tightened his grip on your shoulder and waist; groaning when you tried to bite his hand.


Your eyes began to form tears as your body started to tremble.


No! How can this happen to me!? Is he going to me?! Oh God—no!! Help!! Leo!!!


Tears came out from your eyes as you still not giving up to get away from the man.



The man cursed under his breath and trying to shut you up with a “sshhh” several times.




You kicked your legs frantically and screamed nonstop, hoping someone would hear you in the silent alley.





Please!! Someone help me!











Leo! Help me!!


To be continued.


Hello babes~ How's your days? =]

So actually your bae Jung Leo is feeling guilty and want to make up with you. Will you accept him? *grins wide*




But WTF! Someone is kidnapping you???! (omo! omo!)

Will Leo save you? Or no? *smirks*


Don't forget to leave your comments below! *wink*

Love you all<3


See you on the next chappy~!

Much love,




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myhorlick #1
Chapter 1: Well if i have a bf like leo, no matter how hot he is i think i won't be able to continue the relationship. Unless i see some potential for him to change..
But i like the story soooo much. I can feel the girl's emotion especially her anxiety, i love the way you express it.
myhorlick #2
Chapter 1: It's really hard to read this fic because the now-bubbly-and-goofy leo always pop up in my head, i have to summon the old leo to relive the story ?
keo_vixx #3
Chapter 4: Im cried.

Now i need boyfriend
. Seriously
beanstalk #4
Chapter 1: How does my username appear on the story like it was made for me?? What sorcery is this?! Hahahahahaha!
starlighthoney #5
Chapter 4: Omg you made me cry a river especially listening to love letter while reading. This oneshot is to ㅠㅠ
It's so weird through... My username is burasumu! *^* In fact I came across two stories with the name burasumu in it... Owo
I like your story so far. ^^
Chapter 4: That's so cute >კ<
hellobts1003 #8
Chapter 1: Woah~ woah~ I knew this is going to happen.. but nvm,I'll just keep reading until the ending... :)
Great job author-nim! :)