I got my eyes on you 34

I got my eyes on you
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Chanyeol went back to the dorm before Bom woke up, he just couldn’t face her. Beside he has something to talk about with the members.


Something very important.


”How is Bom?” Kyungsoo asked once Chanyeol entered the dorm.


”I don’t know..she hadn’t woke up when I was there.”


Kyungsoo nodded and went back to the sofa where the rest was.


”What do you want to talk about?” Suho asked.


”I..you know um, how much I love to perform and make music right?”



”Well..I have to tell you a secret I’ve been hiding for a long time..” 


Chanyeol swallowed hard after he finished the sentence, he was really nervous but this all has to end for once.


” It all started before we performed at KBS’s big show, CEO Young-Min called me to come to his office and he wanted to talk with me about something important. So suddenly he said that he thought it was a huge relief that our fans and 2NE1’s weren’t fighting and such, I thought he was happy until he told me to break up with her..”


Chanyeol started to sniffle and quickly wiped a tear. 

”.. he said I wasn’t focusing enough and was distracted by Bom and that’s why I should break up with her, not even allowing to tell her and even forbidden to contact her..that’s why I ignored her all the time until now, because I got forced by Young-Min..so instead of just leaving Bom like that I told her it’s best if we break up..and it hurts guys..because I love her so much and I did this because I’m scared!”


The guys looked at Chanyeol with wide eyes, everything he said got them shocked no one thought this was the reason why Chanyeol broke up with her and why all this mess happened. Chanyeol their best friend got forced by their own CEO to break up with the love of his life, that has to be the most cold-hearted thing to do.


Baekhyun swallowed something hard and fiddled with his fingers before he got up to sit next to Chanyeol instead. ” I’m sorry..” He said quietly and patted on his back.


Chanyeol accepted it, it’s not like it was Baekhyun’s fault, everything was Chanyeol’s.


Suho cleared his throat before he spoke. ”..So what are you going to do?”


”I..please don’t hate me now..but all I can do right now is to..leave music.” Quickly he looked down and felt how the room got quiet. He can feel his heart pump blood fast, he was sad because this is what he loved but if trying to get Bom back then this is all he can do to get away from the CEO.


”You..you are going to leave EXO?” Suho asked as if what he heard was right.




” Chanyeol can you go to your room so we can discuss about this?” 


He nodded, still looking down when walking with fast pace into the bedroom.


The boys were quiet for some time after Chanyeol had disappeared. Collecting themselves after everything he had said.


”..So..” Kris started. ”what should we do?”


Suho sighed and massaged his forehead, being the leader he had to fix this the most. 

”Well this is very hard..we have to do something.” 


”What exactly?” 


”I don’t know..just something. But if Chanyeol really does want to quit then all we can do is support him.”


The rest nodded and they stayed quiet again, they will let their best friend go and support him.


Later that night Suho knocked on the door to Chanyeol’s room.

”Chanyeol, we will let you do whatever you choose.”


”Hyung..really thank you.” Chanyeol hugged Suho and pulled back. ”I’m sorry for doing this ..” 


”No Chanyeol, just solve this.” Suho patted the younger’s back and then walked out from the room.


So quickly Chanyeol ran out from the room saying goodbye to the members and then off to the SM building, he would have a very serious talk with the CEO tonight.


Taking a deep breath he knocks the door hearing a ” come in ” he opens the door and sees the CEO, the evil man.


”Ahh Chanyeol, come in.” Chanyeol nodded and sat down.


”What brings you here?”

”I’m here to end the contract.” He says and stares directly into Young-min’s eyes.


”Why? Everything was going so well, what made you end this now?” 


This pissed Chanyeol so much, how could the CEO be so calm?! Was he playing dumb or something? Of course he knew why Chanyeol wants to end the contract.


”Because I want to have my rights to date whoever I want.”


”That’s not how it works, we have already talked about this once and I won’t do it again.”


Chanyeol stood up and slammed his hands on the desk. 

”You either let me go from this entertainment or let me be in a relationship with Bom!”

Young-Min sighed and shook his head. ”None of that.” He said simply and started to work on the paper Chanyeol saw he was writing on.


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ilovebombom #1
Chapter 40: finally happened! Whooop
Missyouwannabe #2
Chapter 40: Oohh can you write a special chap about everyone's reaction towards the news of her pregnancy?! Their families, SM & YG, their members, the media, and especially the knetz...pleaseeeeeee
Chapter 39: Finally it ended~ a happy ending~ can't wait for an epilogue. Fighting, authornim!
Foreverbom #4
Please do another chanbom story. Authornim.
Foreverbom #5
Chapter 39: Good story.
Chapter 39: yay finally a happy ending for chanbom! and now im looking forward to the epilogue. hwaiting <3
ilovebombom #7
Chapter 39: Yey! Will it be ? Lmao
Chapter 38: Chapter 38: Whoah, Bom coming back and performing with 2NE1 again will be my biggest wish!! TT TT i would have died TT TT good to know they're really back :D They better be and if that Yang Min ever-- NVM, let's just be happy and all!!! FIGHTING!
Chapter 38: wow cant believe the next one is the last chapter! but im glad that they are getting back together again now. im looking forward to the next updates!:)