What Turtles are Capable of

Transform and Come Into the World

"Hey, mind if I sit here?"

L. Joe looked up from his spot on the rooftop to see C.A.P walking over. The latter sat down beside him as a comfortable silence engulfed them.

"Why are you here hyung?" L. Joe asked.

"Am I not allowed to be near you now?" C.A.P playfully asked.

"I didn't mean it like that." L. Joe sighed. "Don't you have somewhere better to be instead of with me, like with Niel for instance?"

"I don't always have to be with him." C.A.P chuckled. "I have other dongsaengs to take care of as well, you know."

"I don't need taking care of. I can handle myself." L. Joe mumbled.

"No you can't." C.A.P wanted to say. Instead, he opted for "You can always come to us if something's wrong. None of us will turn you away."

"Nothing's wrong." L. Joe said. "Why would something be wrong?"

C.A.P shrugged. "I'm just saying that we're here for you if you ever want to talk about anything. Don't keep it bottled up."

"I already talked to Ricky." L. Joe murmured.

"So there is something wrong?"

"No." L. Joe glared.

"I was just asking." C.A.P put his arms in front of him in defense.

"Sorry hyung." L. Joe mumbled.

"Just come to me when you're ready to talk. I won't force you." C.A.P gave a smile which L. Joe returned.


Ricky and Changjo were awoken from their nap when they heard loud rumbling noises. Ricky's eyes slowly fluttered open to see a bulldozer coming their way.

"AHHH!!!" Ricky shut his eyes right as it hit him. He slowly opened one eye when he didn't feel anything happen.

"What just happened?" Changjo stared at the bulldozer.

"I... I didn't die!" Ricky grinned.

"Well, you're already dead..."

"Oh yeah..." Ricky gave a sheepish laugh.

"What's going on?" Changjo asked while looking around.

"There's construction vehicles everywhere!" Ricky exclaimed right as a piece of paper flew into his face. He peeled it off and looked at it questioningly.

"What's that?" Changjo crawled over next to Ricky.

"I don't know." Ricky shrugged, handing the paper over to Changjo.

"'Blueprint for Seoul City's Mental Institution.' They're making a mental institution?" Changjo furrowed his eyebrows at the paper.

"But the orphanage..." Ricky frowned. "What will happen to all those kids? Couldn't they have just built a new orphanage instead? I'm sure that would have been less expensive anyways!"

"Maybe there was a higher demand for an asylem since there's a lot of... special people in Seoul." Changjo suggested. "That's the best reason I can come up with..."


Chunji sat staring at the turtle that was sunbathing in front of him for the past hour. Just staring. That was all.

As for the turtle, it stared back at Chunji. Just staring. (while sunbathing of course.)

"Are you having fun babysitting Changjo's turtle?" a voice asked from beside Chunji, causing the latter to jump in fright.

"Niel! What the hell?! How long have you been there?!" Chunji glared, trying to have his heart rate return to normal.

"I've been here for a while." Niel replied. "I think ever since you've been staring at the turtle?"

"You couldn't have said something sooner?" Chunji gave the odd boy an incredulous look. "You scared the living daylights out of me." He went back to staring at the turtle when he felt like he wasn't experiencing a mini heart attack anymore.

Niel stared at Chunji in silence for about five seconds before bursting out laughing.

Chunji gritted his teeth as he felt a vein on the side of his head pulsing and turned to the hysterical boy. "What... now...?"

"Y-you...!" Niel clutched his stomach as he rolled like a buffalo on the floor laughing. "You said 'you scared the living daylights out of me!' Seriously, who says that nowadays? RLABOTFL!!"

Chunji rolled his eyes and turned back to the turtle. "Go away Niel."

"You're no fun." Niel proclaimed as he wiped away a tear from his eye that managed to escape during his laughing fit.

"Fine, if you won't go away then I will." Chunji grumbled as he stood up and shoved the turtle into Niel's arms. "Watch his turtle."

"H-hey! Where are you going!" Niel called after Chunji. He watched as Chunji stormed away irritably. Niel pouted and looked down a the turtle. "Well, I guess it's just you and me now, Changster."

The turtle looked up at Niel and tilted its head curiously before pooping on Niel's hand.

"..." Niel's left eye twitched at the piece of feces on his hand. "EWWWW!!!!"



Ricky and Changjo looked up into the air.

"What was that?" Ricky asked, receiving a shrug from Changjo.


"Did you hear that?" C.A.P asked, referring to the shriek that just sounded through the air.

"Hear what?" L. Joe looked up to C.A.P lazily. "I didn't hear anything. Maybe you're just imagining things."

C.A.P furrowed his eyebrows. "I swore I heard something screech..."

"You're hearing things. It's a sign that you're getting old hyung."

C.A.P glared at the younger boy before getting up from his spot. "I'm going to go see what it was."

L. Joe shrugged and C.A.P left to discover the source of the screeching he heard.

As C.A.P was walking along the street towards the orphanage he noticed that there were construction vehicles surrounding the area. "What the..."

"Hyung!" Ricky and Changjo waved the elder over.

"What's going on around here?" C.A.P questioned.

"There's going to be a mental institution built." Changjo said as he fished out the blueprints from his pocket and handed it to C.A.P.

The elder looked through the piece of paper and furrowed his eyebrows. "What's going to happen to the other orphans if there isn't going to be an orphanage built?"

"That's what I asked!" Ricky grinned, extremely happy that the person he respected thought of the same thing.

Changjo gave Ricky a weird look before disregarding the boy and said to C.A.P, "It doesn't matter what happens to them, does it? They were mean to Ricky. I don't even know why he cares so much."

"Well he has a good heart so you can't say anything about it." C.A.P smiled as he ruffled Ricky's hair.

"Oh, where were you going hyung?" Ricky asked, remembering that he saw C.A.P search for something.

"Oh, that's right." C.A.P remembered that he was looking for the source of the noise. "Did you guys hear a shriek earlier?"

"You heard it too?" Changjo's eyes widened. "It sounded like a dying domestic cat on crack with a knife stuck up its ."

"..." C.A.P and Ricky slowly turned their heads to give Changjo a look that said 'How do you know?'

"Anyways... I was looking for the source." C.A.P informed. "Do you guys want to help me look?"

"Sure!" Ricky and Changjo chirped as they skipped after C.A.P.

Not five minutes later, they came across an interesting sight.

"...Niel?" C.A.P worriedly bent down to examine the unconscious boy on the ground.

Changjo was also staring at Niel worriedly but something at the corner of his eyes took his attention away. "Bwoh? Changster? What are you doing here?" Changjo bent down to pick up his turtle that was laying right on top on Niel's hand. "And where's Chunji-hyung? He's supposed to be watching you for me."

"I think your turtle pooped on his hand." Ricky pointed to the piece of feces on Niel's palm. "That's gross..."

"Niel?" C.A.P called as he pulled the boy into his lap. "Wake up. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, you shouldn't be taking a nap randomly on the ground like that." Ricky said.

"Hey, you were too." Changjo reminded.

Niel's eyes slowly opened from the loud talking happening around him. "Shut it... I'm trying to sleep guys."

"Are you okay Daniel?" C.A.P asked.

"S-SooSoo?" Niel looked up at C.A.P. he swore that he saw a light outline the elder's head, making him look like an angel.

"What happened? You were knocked out on the ground."

Niel looked around and his gaze landed on Changjo. Well, more specifically, Changjo's turtle in Changjo's hands. Niel's eyes widened as he pointed accusingly at the turtle. "That—That... That thing!"

Changjo gave Niel a weird look. "What did Changster ever do to you?"

"It pooped on my hand!" Niel growled out as he showed the hand that had poop on it as proof.

"Oh. Well no one told you to hold him when it was time for him to poop." Changjo shrugged.

"I wouldn't have happened if stupid Chunji-hyung didn't throw him into my hands."

"H-he... He threw Changster?" Changjo frowned. "Oh hell no. 's 'bout to go down mah homies." Changjo stood up and shoved the turtle into Ricky's hand. "Watch my turtle."

"Where are you going?" Ricky frowned as he followed behind Changjo.

"Don't do anything stupid." C.A.P warned.

"Go get him Changjo!" Niel hollered after, wanting revenge for the poop incident. C.A.P gave him a disapproving look.

"Well now we know where the dying domestic cat on crack with a knife stuck up its sound came from." Ricky said before disappearing with Changjo.

"...What?" Niel gave C.A.P a questioning look.

"Don't worry about it..."


Finally updated after 42 days lol I can't tell you guys how many times I tried to write the next chapter but ended up closing the document without anything on it.

You guys are probably displeased that I haven't updated, so I tried making it longer than the norm. That didn't go too well...

Next chapter: 's gonna go down between Changjo and Chunji lol. xD Changjo's gonna try to cut Chunji's head off with a machete.

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This won't be updated this weekend T^T since it's prom weekend and all xD I'll try updating on Sunday though ^^


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Chapter 32: Chummy ChunChun x3
Chapter 32: OMG, HAHAHAHA ! Your writing style is hilarious ! I love the names ! Team fluffy pink seal slippers ! XD
syriondethvow #3
Chapter 32: I just realised I hadn't checked my AFF for a while and I missed so many updates on this OTLLLLL my fab chapter is Disposing Sohyun XD keep writing this! I love this fic, this is hilarious X'D
ILoveYou_Forever #4
Chapter 32: LOL Funny! You always write hilarious things! LOL!
And I was surprised you finally updated! Heheh!!! Hope to see more!
Chapter 32: WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, this is a surprise~ xDD Like omg. It's been ages! Haha. And it's still full of crack as everr~ Haha. I miss this~

Yes Changjojojojo~ Go declare to the world that Ricky is yours~ xDD Sohyun's disappearance will forever be a mystery...to L.Joe. Because he is stupid and will believe in everything Chunji says~ xDD


Awhh~ What a nice appearance from Block B~ I miss Suicide Notes~ Haha.
This update is so funny xD I cant believe they "killed" her :O
I cant believe they believed chunjis explanation haha
lol what was that language you used? the part where changjo charged at sohyun lol. aigoo which planet were you from again? okay you never mentioned that hahah /dry humor/ xp
favourite part ---> ... EWWWWW!!! ... Xinfinity >< and lol chunji's explanation for sohyun's disappearance is so freaking absurd yet adorable! i side with them though. coz you see, ljoe's my bias.
to them: GOOD JOB GUYS! :P