You Do It Just Perfectly.



My brains was totally mess, I couldn't include what had just happened. Without thinking anything, I walked to the door, turned the light off and left the hall. I couldn't practice anymore. I walked to the empty dressing room, it was almost eleven o'clock so there wasn't anyone else. I quickly took a shower dressed up and went outside. I walked to the bus stop and sat on the bench. Even the weather was cold, it was almost the end of november, I didn't feel cold. I kept thinking what had just happened over and over again. My bus came and I walked in. I sat down, when I only had image of Taemin's smile in my brains. The whole way back home was the same. There wasn't anything in my brains and millions of things in the same time. 

When I arrived at my home, I didn't go straight in. I waited couple of minutes outside, just breathing the cold air and thinking. Then I desided to act like nothing ever happened to my host-mom. I breathed couple of times deep and slowly, and placed a happy-but-tired -smile on my face. I didn't wanna make her worried.

I was lucky, because she was already sleeping, my host-dad was still working and my sister was out with her boyfriend. I went to my room and changed my clothes. I washed my teeth and snuggled in my bed, under my cover. I need to sleep, tomorrow was going to be important day... I thought half asleep. I fell asleep smile on my face.




I woke up in the next morning with a huge headache. I didn't want to wake up, it was only 7 o'clock but my alarm kept ringing and I knew I hadn't that much choices. I took a long shower and dressed up. Then I went to a kitchen, where other members were eating already. 

"Morning." I said tiredly at the same time when I put two toasts into a toaster.

"Morning." I heard four vague answers. I was only tired one here today. I sat down and ate my breakfast. My legst still hurted because of yesterday, ing trainer... Sometimes I felt like killing him. Then I remembered. That girl from yesterday! What we talked about..Oh yes, I promised to help her today.

"Hey Hyungs, we don't have anything tonight, right?" I asked, supposedly just curiously.

"YOU don't have. Lucky boy... We Minho and I will go to a radio interview, Jonghyun goes to gym and Key...What are you doing today, Key?" Onew asked.

"I meet Jessica." He said, mostly to a table. He was almost sleeping, head pressed to the table. 

"Okey, I just wanted to know." I said and I was going to stand up and leave the room, but Jonghyun looked at me suspiciously.

"Why? Do you have something special?" He asked.

"No.... I just wanna practice our newest dance, I feel that I can't do it excactly perfectly yet." I said without watching him to is eyes. I was bad liar and Jonghyun was the one who always noticed when I was lying. Or not telling the whole truth.

"Taemin....You can do it perfectly! You learned it first of us, I don't think you need any practice anymore. That same can't be said about YOU idiot...." He said and kicked Keys leg under the table. 

", what's wrong with you?!" Key asked still sleepily. I ignored them and turned around and walked to the door.

"I just wanna be sure I can do it perfectly." I said before slowly closing the door behind me. 

The whole day pasted really slowly, in midday I was already going to fall asleep. In a meeting with our managers, I didn't hear a single thing they were saying and when we finally drove home in afternoon, I slept the whole way in a car. 

When I finally got back to our apartment, I changed my clothes and got ready for my night as a trainer. I looked at a mirror and smiled by myself. She's so going to learn it tonight.


Hey guys! I hope you like it, and I promise that next update will be longer and not so boring ^^ But leave comments and hope you enjoy!

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Chapter 5: is nice story! pls update!!!!!!!!!!!
Jonghyun... Y u so mean?
I hope no one will interfere with their plan.
New reader... Update soon!
Hi! New suscriber here! Hwaiting~!^^