Making Friends

The College Bachelor - The idiots guide to a healthy, successful college career
There are two kinds of people in this world. There are those that are excited by the very thought of a new school far from home and a new place with so many unknown faces. Then there are those that shudder at the thought of so many unfamiliar things but go anyways because this is the school they've dreamed of for so long. 
I thought that I was the same as the first person, but as it turns out I was that second type of person. Well, it not so much shudder as it was the feeling of being tossed into a pool in the process of learning to swim. It was kind of like enjoying the feel of the water at first, before realizing that you can't actually swim yet and then splashing about before you figure the process out. 
At least that's how I saw it until V found me. If you're a little introverted like I am, you'll find that school feels a little lonelier than it should feel. Which brings me to the topic of today's entry: How to make friends during your first week at university. 
The first place that we will visit today is, The Dorm. 
Since you're going to be living with another being/other beings, you might as well try to get along with them. It's kind of like the concept of family, except most of the time it's with people you've never met in your life before. 
I was lucky that V was assigned to be my roommate, because sometimes it's hard to make a friend with someone who is extremely high maintenance and stubborn. You might have heard that we experiment with how to tolerate each other, but so far everything looks good and I think that I like V on most days. 
The second place would be, Your Classes. 
They say that misery loves company. If you see a couple of familiar faces in classes, and feel like they are the type of people who you can click with - then go for it! This is not to say that those who do not fit in that category shouldn't try though. One thing I like about college is the assignments (weird, I know) and also, having a class roster. These will be people that you'll be seeing for a long while, so I'm sure there will be plenty to talk about with them. Like, bonding over how hard that last test was or even joining the study groups that form in classrooms can help. I mean, even bands can form in classrooms. I see people like that performing on the streets or on campus all.the.time. It's cool.
Before this starts to sound like an entry about to do achieve good grades, I shall move on to the third place to make friends, School Clubs. 
This is one place that people are less familiar with, actually. The clubs on campus are places where you can make friends that have the common interests with you. This is like a sure-fire hit. I feel like if two people are passionate about even just one thing, it can spark an interest that might last a lifetime. There's actually a hip-hop club on campus that V and I joined recently, it's only seven members, but I feel like it will take off soon! 
The last place I'm going to officially address is: Volunteering. 
There are programs on campus, after-school clubs that have to directly to do with school rather than personal interest. Some examples include helping out with the events hosted by the student union, or even the health club on campus. These places are a great way to form friendships, the kinds where you can trust that the other person is reliable. Also, volunteering is a great way to gain lots of different experiences and develop a lot of transferable skills, as well as a great way to fill up your co-cirricular record for school. It's like killing many birds with one stone, really.....although it does sound weird, now that I type it out, but its a good thing, I promise!
You find friends in the most unexpected places. There are so many places I could mention, like the library, or a part time job, or even in a kitty café. Sometimes blind dates could even end up that way! I recently made a couple buddies from my trips to the gym, so it really is true that you can find friends in so many different ways/places. 
The most important thing is to be open to new experiences. There are so many possibilities that can happen in this world and even if you use these suggestions, the possible and expected outcomes can always turn out different. Don't forget that there will people who do enter and exit your life, but that's the thing. There are so many people in this world, so many relationships you could form with them, so don't be afraid to try! 
Don't give up hope!
Until next time, 
P.S. Sorry for not updating sooner! I swear that school caught up with me and just- 
I promise ice cream next time, V, if you're reading this.
Also, I started working out recently, what do you think everyone? 
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jun-kiseob_b2uty #1
Chapter 1: vmin in collage, cool!! seems interesting, can't wait for next updates.