When the Flower Wilts in Spring

A Season Called Spring

When the Flower Wilts in Spring


Spring is when the cool breezes blow, the children play, and when the flowers bloom with their petals spread aloft- much like a bird with its feathers in flight.  Spring is also my name, albeit in English. And it was also in spring when I met a boy whom I would fall in love with, a boy who was too kind and too considerate. That was a whole year ago though… I guess what people say about love is true, “A person will fall in love as many as the times a flower blossoms in spring (innumerable). And just so, will fall out of love as many as the times a flower wilts in autumn (also innumerable).”

I remember it too clearly if you ask me. I shouldn’t, but I still do. Is that wrong? Can I not smile when thinking of you? Or can I not release a tear each time I remember how you are not by my side? But, I have to! If I don’t forget- then I’ll just be hurt, I’ll be in pain! It’s pretty hard to laugh when you’re choking up inside, you know.  Too many thoughts and possibilities, too many ifs and buts swell up within my pure maiden heart. My heart is too delicate and vulnerable, akin to the tender petals of carnations.

I toss and turn and toss and turn amidst the sea of velvet blankets that embrace me and hold me firmly. Will no one rescue me, this sailing ship, from the sea of uncertainty, regret, and fear?

Knock, knock- a person stands outside my door.

A sweet voice followed, “Bomi~ya, you there? It’s me Chorong! Let’s go out and play! It’s pretty boring with the rest of the members out. C’mon, let’s go.”

“In a minute!” I replied.

“What? Why, what are you doing? Let’s go right now.”

“I’m thinking.”

Thinking, about what?” she asked as she twisted the doorknob, opening the door. The door uttered an unbearable *creeeak*. We should really have that fixed.

She entered and saw me lying upon my bed. I was in a comfort too priceless to give up; I was bundled up in a bunch of the softest blankets I had ever felt. She looked annoyed, almost angry. So, I hid myself from her gaze as I dug my head into my velvet blankets. That didn’t stop her though... She just pulled the blankets away.

“C’mon Bomi, I’m bored.”

“Unnie, let me sleep. This day is just too cold! We should have fun in sleeping! C’mon, be a sport and let’s play the sleeping race, unnie. Whoever falls asleep first wins!” I suggested.

She raised her brow at me. I don’t think she was too fond of the idea.

“Chorong~unnie, why???” I whined.

“Because, I’m the leader. Besides, you’ll only get fatter if you stay the whole day in bed. Let’s go watch a movie or something together. We could get fat there.”

“Aughhh! Fine!”

“Watch your mouth, or else you won’t get dinner today.”

“What? Okay, I’m sorry! Let’s go watch a movie,” I said as I hastily put on some clothes.

We walked a couple of blocks and managed to catch a taxi after Chorong whistled one down.  That surprised me… a lot. The cab drove us to the cinema. And as soon as I opened the cab door, an unnerving gust of February wind blew by. It was already chilly outside and that gust didn’t help at all. Chorong coughed some, and I offered her my handkerchief.  I felt obliged to so and that would maybe earn me some favor in her sight.

“OK, we’re here, what do you wanna watch?” I asked as we made our way to the ticket booth.

“Let’s watch a horror movie.”

“Yeah, maybe it’ll make you leap into my arms!”

“Well, if you say so…”

The ticket seller was a very effeminate man. I could see people confusing him for a beautiful girl if they would not look at him as intently as I did. He said his name was Eric. He was a flower boy, and that reminded me of JR… Man, I should really forget him.

With our tickets in hand, we left for the screening room. The movie would begin shortly.

“It’s about zombie-dinosaurs, unnie. You think it’s okay we opted for the 3-D version?”

“Yeah, it’ll be more exciting!” said Chorong with an eager look.

The movie was pretty cheesy. It was hard to bear, but the Rong-leader really liked it. I guess she is too old-fashioned.

“Unnie, I’m getting the munchies. Let’s buy some goodies, please?” I asked as I tried to win her over with my puppy-dog eyes.

“Okay, you know I can’t resist those eyes. Let’s pig out.”

We returned to the movie with a bunch of treats in hand. Oh yeah, it was a girl’s day out. It could be raining terribly outside with clashes and roaring of thunder, but it was awesome here at the movies with us two having a fantastic time together. It had been too long since I had encountered such a brilliant respite from all our activities.

But then it came: a boisterous noise and groaning arose from my belly. I think it was time I paid the ladies’ room a visit.

“Uggh, I have to go! Unnie., you wanna come?”

She continued feasting on our snacks. “Nah, I have a stomach of steel. You can go.”

“Okay, I most likely won’t be back for a while though.”

I stood up and began my steps, but Chorong clung firmly onto my hand. What could she want? I questioned. My heart? Was I wearing my heart on my sleeve?

“Bomi, can I eat the rest?”

“I shoulda figured,” I said after wiping a drop of sweat from my forehead. “Yes, yes you can.”

“Okay, thanks. Bye!” she replied happily.

I continued my walk to the bathroom. I spent what seemed an eternity there. It’s like the toilet was able to in time along with the gift I had just given it. When I was finished I went to wash my hands thoroughly, but I did so slowly. I had little energy left from the battle I had just fought. And I looked at my reflection in the mirror. After staring at myself, at the small bags under my eyes, I left. I walked slowly, still without energy from the load I had just discharged.

From across the bathroom exit I was greeted by the most precious eyes. I recognized those eyes within that very instance. It was him, JR. He looked pale, paler than usual. I questioned myself, whether I should go to him or not. My heart pounded within: *thump, thump, thump*. I felt my chest tighten and my cheeks become hot. How could I resist his tender gaze? It was like that of a young stag, ready to be loved and cared for. And his lips, they were a pastel-colored pink. But that wasn’t what made me weak. It was his smile. I could see his sweet smile peek at me, despite him having his head bowed. I love his smile is what I’m trying to say.

I did not think I had the courage, but I was able to- I was able to walk to him.

“Hello, JR. How are you today?” I asked. Boy was I an idiot. It looked like he had just finished throwing up, but I had to ask.

He stood and returned my greeting. He asked if I had come alone to the movies. Was that a hint of jealousy? To be honest, I was unable to tell. So I answered honestly, I told him I came with Chorong. I also joked with him, telling him it was weird if he was without company (he was sitting by his lonesome). I don’t think he caught that though. A friend of his, I think his name is Mark, was nearing us when JR pointed him out.

“Him, I came with my friend on a date,” JR said with a frantic look.

Yup, I had guessed his name. I think I made JR uncomfortable, hence his response of dating Mark. However, I think that’s fair considering how he made my heart beat like crazy. Then I noticed Chorong walking to us from about a stone’s throw away. I guess she was tired of waiting, or possibly worried even. How long was I held prisoner by the toilet?

She cleaved onto my shoulder and asked, “You need help? They threaten you, Bomi? I’ll whoop their butts if they harmed you.”

“No, I’m good,” I replied softly.

She looked at JR with a sharp glare and I think she recognized him. I’m pretty sure she snarled at him and gave him “the look”

“Oh, is he the one?” she questioned after a minute’s silence.

“Shut up,” I hastily replied. Then I introduced her to the two, “She’s Chorong, my unnie and leader of Apink.”

“Hello there, we’re Got7! I’m JR and he’s Mark,” said JR as he bobbed his head towards Mark.

We left after that. I couldn’t bear it any longer. My heart might’ve leapt out of its chamber, had I remained there any longer.

“Wanna finish the movie?” I asked Chorong.

“What? It already finished,” she answered,” I thought you ditched me, and that’s why I began leaving myself.”

“Oh well, let’s hit up a karaoke place or something. Scream at the top of our lungs, why not?”

Chorong agreed and we left. I told her of JR by the way. How I noticed him during a shooting for a variety show. How he said I was his ideal type, and how that made me so happy. How he denied me with the excuse, “I’m still a rookie and you’re famous. I’ll tarnish your image if we date.” How I was furious at his lame answer and sense. And how I still feel something faint for him…

 It’s still February and spring has not yet returned. This love will die out more sooner than later- much like the flower that wilts in spring. At least I hope it does…

This is Bomi's point of view from the last One-Shot I made.

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Chapter 3: this is really nice, an interesting story to find amidst the ones I'm reading. the perspectives, their thoughts and conversations tells more than love, but something poetic and somehow just.. being human, as people talking.
yoonlovebomi #2
Chapter 2: Please update soon authornim
BlayBrave #3
I like ur story, it was really uhm... poetic? I tink is the word, but I don't like that ship ;p
Chapter 2: So Chorong was jealous? Chomi <3
sunlight_ #5
Chapter 1: Bomi unnie ♥