Chapter Two: Time for the truth

Step by Step [HunHan]

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The chapter two is ready!



reathe ... breathe in, breathe out. Count to ten, no, better to one hundred.


That was what was said Luhan not to fall into despair.


It was already 7:45 am He should have woken up early but the ing clock, not sound. Now he was just fifteen minutes to get ready and come to work, or even if 'Flash' make it. He was obliged to call Bang Yong Guk, the new head of production; to warn that a little late. Lucky Bang was a very tolerant person if he had not gotten into serious trouble.



She showered quickly, dressed in tight white pants and a red shirt a little loose V-neck that exposed his clavicles. She combed her blonde hair up with a small bangs falling over his eyes, everyone said that look suited him. He breakfasted only orange juice and cookies as I had no time for more, took the keys to your house and car, your bag with everything I needed for work, checked that it was his phone, tablet and Ipad and went with haste his department.



He drove the speed limit, your phone rang and the screen lit photo showing Seo Joohyun or Seohyun as everyone called him. She was the co-producer of the new space Luhan lead, had a very sweet face but an authoritarian and strong personality. Anyone who saw Yongguk and Seohyun to believe that she was the kind and Yongguk the evil; type good cop, bad cop, but nothing further from reality than that.



He reached out and took the phone that was in the passenger seat, and immediately activated the speaker's voice echoed Seohyun inside the vehicle, sounded a bit '' upset and that was not good.


"Where the hell are you ?." Seohyun asked somewhat agitated and upset. "Yuri! Black damn, that's not going there! "

"In my car, I will come in a few minutes." Luhan obviated that Seohyun was yelling at someone.

"You have five minutes to get you understand ?." she took a breath before adding. "We must sharpen few details and I need you here."

"Do not worry, I'll be there." He replied as he took a turn to the right with the car.

"When you get direct coming to SET04, here we all are. Bye Bye. "

"Okay, bye."


That said, Seohyun sweet was only the face, after a few minutes he managed to make out the building of the SM Entertainment just yards, found a place where to park and reach to Set before Seohyun bothered more and ended by removing the project.



He ran as fast as possible, waving hand only a tiny slope and who is in his way. Seohyun was yelling at Yuri as usual, Luhan wondered how Yuri Seohyun could be friends with so many years, then remembered that he was also his friend and happened. Why yes, Seo and he were friends for several years, the university to be exact and although most of the time now Seohyun behave like a ing, deep down he was a person in whom you could rely.



She saw him and motioned motioned him closer. Being face to face she looked accusingly frowning. I was going to say something but she quickly greeted him and sent him straight to makeup and wardrobe without giving him a chance to speak. Annie and Sophie, responsible for makeup, I sat in front of a large mirror as he began to do thousands of things on your face and hair. About an hour after they left him alone outlining huge smiles about the outcome. Luhan had to admit that the girls were a genius at what he did, yet still so young.



Then he was taken to the locker room where Kat and waiting lists to begin with Yezz costume change. First they did wear an outfit that apparently did not convince them because they wrinkled their noses at him. They took other garments and made that change, this time they were satisfied and proceeded to give a few accessories to complete the look. Since all done, they raised their fists and shouted "Fighting!", He also raised his fist and thanked them for their support before returning to the main set with Seohyun.



"Well, since you're ready, here's your pattern." Seohyun handed a sheet with several instructions in it. "Memorízalas now." He ordered.


Keeping your eyes on the leaves asked. "How long will the recording ?."


"It will be a long recording, only 45 minutes." She said. "So I strive this depends the future of the project." He said. As if Luhan need to be reminded of the already had well into his head.


"Who am I going to interview?" Questioned the view even with its pattern being recorded what to do. He welcomed internally by having a good memory.


"As only a pilot program will be a group that just debuted. It's called RV "released with simplicity, while the wireless microphone wearing settled.


"Oh !, you mean Red Velvet." Echoed, she nodded. "Well, I'll do my best." He said with a smile.


"I expected no less from you." She confided smiling back, then back to her bossy pose and order / screaming that he placed the micro to Luhan.


Yuri walked over and placed the microphone on the shirt he wore while Luhan lower back placed the other device with a headphone to continue production orders. "One two three. Trying. "Repeated to make sure everything was in order, made the respective adjustments to the microphone, Luhan last read your pattern. All around him were finalizing details of the scenery while cameramen were placed in their respective places.



Everything was ready to start, Seohyun and Yongguk were with their microphones installed near the head of chambers in a separate room, Yuri had a blackboard, on set three cameramen were also found. The scenery consisted of a large mahogany armchair where the guests would be located, a white color single armchair Luhan. Basically a giant LED screen and sides, different musical notes and images from movies.



Luhan a lemon ate, took three breaths and formed a radiant smile before placed in the center looking directly at the camera waiting for Seo gave the signal. All were expectant, ready for when the signal was given. Seohyun looked Yongguk and together raised their thumbs. "Ready! We started in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... On air!" Seohyun's voice heard through the headset at the same time he saw the red light flashing CAM01.



"Annyeong! Welcome to the new program SM Entertainment ... Knowing the stars!." said using all his charisma and good looks, always with a smile. "I'm your MC Xi Luhan and from now. Please take care of me!" Curtsied to the camera.


"Our first guest is a rookie girl group that is causing a sensation. They debuted just three months ago and already sweeping the charts with his youthful and fresh charm. ♫ ♪ ♫ la la la Happiness! ♫ ♪ ♫. We mean ... " he suspense, and then ..." Red Velvet!" He shouted, pointing with his hand to the left, place where were four girls dressed cheerleaders type and ends of hair colors.


"Anyeonghaseyo, Red Velvet imnida !." presented bowing both Luhan as cameras and production equipment. Luhan course waved back. 'Happiness' sounded on set enlivening the occasion.


"Welcome girls, it's good to have them here." He smiled at them, "Well, why does not occur each, the public wants to know."


So each one was presented as the head of chambers made various changes in plane of the chambers between Luhan and members of RV. Yongguk ordered makeovers on the LED display whenever one Seohyun appeared and instructed the sound man and some to Luhan.


"Now let's continue with some questions on topics that people want to know." Luhan continued. The CAM01 focused on foreground all set. "Why the name 'Red Velvet'?" The Cam02 made an approach to Luhan. Yongguk gave a hand signal and Cam03 caught a RV.


"We chose that name because ..."






They continued recording the program. On set all unfolded quite fluently and Luhan grateful that her pregnancy was giving a break to record naturally. The recording was already finished, only remained a short presentation and farewell the group and be complete.






"And ... Cut!" Rumbled through headphones.



All were relieved. Luhan sighed audibly, he said goodbye to his guests and saw the whole production team dismiss the girls and then approach him with big smiles. They hugged and congratulated for the work so good he had done. Cameramen praised for his charisma was broadcast on the screen and their expressions were very good. Yuri applauded her for having been an excellent diction and fluency. "Depart dogs have it say something to deer!." was heard, while Seohyun made his appearance with a serious face. Luhan suddenly felt nervous, Seo What if he liked not work? What if he did not agree ?. Several questions addressed his mind but were erased the moment Seohyun hugged him with all her might.



"I knew it was right for this! You were great !. "He hummed with excitement that girl in high school. All present raised an eyebrow at the sudden act. However they refrained from launching any comments for fear that Seohyun will go sweet and send the devil.


"Thank Seo." Luhan knew as much as it was important for this program, so it was for her.


"I'm sure the program is, or yes." Said confidently. "Now I want you to go home and rest, the only thing left to do here is the issue." He said simply. "Equal and I love Exactly at 9:00 am tomorrow." Luhan ordered and nodded.


"Ya, Seohyun. Let it breathe, do not overwhelm. "Yongguk laughed. "Good job Luhan."


"Okay, I will." Replied Luhan Seo. "Thank Yongguk."



Luhan left his workplace once they are finished changing and fixing makeup. Glancing at his phone and saw it was 12:10 am Now he was at the door of the clinic 'Shinhwa', one of the best maternity hospitals in the country. He exhaled heavily and walked into the place, walked straight to reception. There he attended a very nice young man, took his details and told him to wait a moment to be addressed.



He sat in the waiting room until it was their turn. Beside him was a young woman with a pot belly, she read a magazine name, probably looking for one for your baby. Luhan could not help but imagine yourself in the place of the woman, and with a huge belly and looking for a name for their child. He smiled unconsciously attracting the attention of a young man who had just come and sit beside her.



"Hello." Greeted politely. Luhan turned her eyes to him. "My name is Kiseop." Was presented.


"Hi, I'm Luhan. Nice to meet you." Corresponded greeting.


"I could not help noticing that looked at the book." I said soothingly. "How long have pregnancy? You still do not know? Are you coming to confirm it? "Questioned.


"Erm ... I know I'm pregnant. I came because well ... it's my first baby and I know nothing about this." Said scratching his neck and with a nervous smile.


"It is also my first baby, I have 6 months and I can tell you it's the most beautiful thing ever happened to me." He told her with a beaming smile. A Luhan hear that conveyed confidence, as you see pregnancies were not so bad right?.



"Patient Kim Luhan" called a nurse. Luhan said goodbye to Kiseop and followed her. She led him to a small room in which various implements were. She asked him to shoes to weigh and measure it will be removed. Luhan obeyed and soon she had already scored the respective data, told him to wait a few minutes, your doctor would come to review it.



Luhan watched the small space with a grimace, in fact he never really liked hospitals, clinics and stuff; the smell of drugs and disinfectants was not something that pleased him, but assumed that was used after all would often come by her pregnancy.


"Patient ... Kim Luhan?" A very old man made his appearance. Luhan whispered "yes". "Hello. I'm Dr. Lee Donghae and be their doctor, starting today. "


"Nice to meet you, Dr. Lee." Luhan said.


"He prefers to call him by his last name or his name. I always look for my patients as comfortable as possible feel. "


"Because I'm going to see continued and will bring my pregnancy. I guess for my name's sake. "


He took a folder that was in his small desk, reviewing some leaves.


"Well, apparently you need to eat more Luhan. You are very thin, it could affect the baby. "He said softly, still to Luhan tasted like scolding.


"I will try to improve my diet."


"Very well. I'll take your blood pressure, give me your arm. "Dr. banded tensiometer Luhan's arm and started pumping. "Ok, you are at normal levels." He said finally.


Luhan was happy that it was okay.


"I need you to lie down on the couch to check pregnancy okay?"


Luhan obeyed and sat back, Dr. Lee was the shirt up exposing her abdomen and poured a gel, Luhan shivered as cold substance that made contact with his skin. The next thing was that the doctor took an apparatus and placed it on her belly Luhan motioning to look at a small screen in front of him. Luhan watched intently


"You have six weeks pregnant and this little white dot you see here is your baby." Luhan could only gawk watching the monitor, why was there was her baby. Incredible. "It is still too early to hear the heartbeat, around 8 or 10 weeks and can."


"Everything is in order, do you want a picture of the picture?" Luhan only muttered a 'ajam "too engrossed in this screen.


The doctor told him it was over and I could get off the couch. Luhan down and settled shirt. Speaking to where I was before.


"Luhan need to answer me something."


"Sure, tell me."


"The father of your child is going to be with you in pregnancy or just going to take it." Talked seriously and Luhan was a little surprised by the question. "I ask this because it is very important to know if the person will support throughout this process."


"Why?" He questioned in confusion.


"I not only physical health care of my patients, Luhan. Also their emotional health and mood because everything that influences pregnancy and infant development. "


Luhan understood what he meant. "You see ... the father does not know yet. I found myself just yesterday by a test."


"I Understand. I'll prescribe some vitamins and supplements, plus I'll give you MUST meet a diet. "Wrote the prescription and handed it to Luhan. "You need to come frequently to check the evolution of the baby. The next meeting will be in a month are we ?. "


"Of course. Thanks for everything Dr. Lee. "


"Call me Donghae. Take pictured here. Have a good day. "


"Same to you, goodbye." He replied looking at small image in his hands.




Luhan was in the room of his apartment, thinking how to begin to tell him about her pregnancy the boy in rainbow colored hair, which by the way you were fine, sitting in his chair. Sehun looked expectantly with something like fear, reflected in his eyes. Luhan chewed her lip nervously?! Why did he have to be so complicated!?.



After your consultation with Dr. Lee Donghae or as requested her to call him, Luhan had gone straight to his apartment encountering surprise that Sehun outside your door was torn in what seemed to touch or not the door. This behavior seemed so funny that allowed himself to smile and then remembered to tell him about the baby and got nervous, shook his head "Al misstep to hurry," he told himself. He touched the boy's shoulder, who was startled but quickly bowed in greeting.


"Hello, Hannie hyung." He greeted effusively.


Luhan dropped the call him 'Hannie', but did not like was accustomed. He cleared his throat and spoke in a serious voice. "Hello Sehun, what are you doing here?" The boy would answer but decided to interrupt Luhan. "It does not matter. There is something we need to talk. Please come in. "Luhan opened the door and gave space to Sehun to enter.


"Please have a seat. I need you to listen carefully, okay? "Sehun nodded.




And that's how he was now without speaking and biting her lip. The words not come out of his mouth and Luhan wanted banging his attitude.


"Hannie Hyung ... is about what happened between us on the birthday of Tao?"


"Y-Yes. Just have to do with it. "


"I regret and why have you been ignoring me even more than before." Said the child seriously and a little sadness.


"yes! No! ... I mean ..." Luhan not find the right words. "Aish! is complicated Sehun. You're younger than me and although what happened between us should not happen, happened; and there is nothing you can do about it. Not now. "


"What do you mean, 'Not now'?" Questioned him with a slight frown. Luhan took a deep breath.


"Okay, Sehun ... maybe it is not easy to digest for you." He said softly.


"Just tell me Hannie." Encouraged the child.


"Can you impact a little ... or a lot. Even my shocked me." He continued, ignoring the boy with the rainbow hair.


"Even so, tell me."


"Maybe scare you at first." He continued to ignore his words.


"Hannie hyung ..."


"You may go into shock or ..."


"Now say it once and for all !!" demanded the child, tired of the chattering of his hyung.


"I'm pregnant, you're going to be a dad !!!" Luhan spoke hurriedly.


Sehun was silent a few minutes trying to understand what Luhan said, as he looked at him waiting for his reaction. It was the moment of truth. Now known the true Oh Sehun. The minutes were passing and Luhan getting impatient. Finally Sehun seemed to understand everything because his face showed astonishment.


"You just ... You just will tell me are you pregnant?" Questioned with wide eyes.


"Yeah, that's what I said."


"And what am I going to be a father?" Asked again cocking his head.


"If that too. It's exactly what I said. "


"That means there is yours and mine baby growing inside you?"


"Well, yes?. I think that's obvious. "


Sehun looked very seriously and Luhan knew what was coming. Surely the guy would say that he wanted nothing to do with him or her baby, who was not prepared for something, that all he ever wanted from him was to take him to bed to , no ...


Luhan was seen interrupted his thoughts when Sehun rose violently from his chair and wrapped him in his arms, kissing him tenderly. Saying that Luhan was surprised is an understatement. Sehun was separated and gave him a big smile. The boy looked so excited Luhan really wondered if he understood what he'd said or both was the impact of the news, he went mad.


"IS AMAZING! WE BE PARENTS! You do not know how happy I am!"


"Are you serious? You know even the magnitude of what I just told you? "


"Of course I do. Look, I know I'm too young and all that but I'm not stupid, Hannie. I have very clear that a baby is a very serious and sensitive issue. So I want you to know I'm here for you and our baby." Luhan was surprised to maturity with which he spoke, perhaps all this time misjudged the child.


“Y-You're not kidding, right?" I wanted to make sure he was telling the truth. Sehun smiled


"Of course not Hannie. I love you and I want to be by your side. "He confessed quite frankly hoping to convey all their feelings Luhan


Luhan felt his blood froze, how Sehun ruled that "I love you". Those words penetrated into the depths of his being.


"Sehun, I ..."


"I want to be a future together. Our son grow up surrounded by our love. "


"Sehun ..."


"I want to marry you and ..."






"I ...I do not I love you."......

Please don't hate me >.< Lulu saw the light soon u_u

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Chapter 2: oh my gosh, when Sehun was silent really scare me thought I would not want the baby but when he was happy that be father who obviously loves Hanie but your Hanie had to do this , oh my gosh poor Sehunie i guess his heart broken when the man who loves the father his son tells that does not love you, poor Sehun TT_TT
blackfrost #2
i always like yunjae being featured in an exo otp story... especially in a hunhan fic
Chapter 1: update soon author-nim fighting!!
Chapter 1: I like the story~~ but i think it'll be better if you proof read or get some beta to do it for you~ ^^