Kiss And Don't Tell


In this High school there are two gangs. One called Infinite and the other called Vixx. Both are equal and can never stop hating, or get rid of the other. But what happens when two of the gang members connect over something that they think none of their friends would truly understand? And what if because of this it can either spark a era of peace- or war. 



They're the stereotypical heartbreaker badboys. They get in trouble, win girls hearts, and make a ruckus. Most of them either drive a motorcycle, ride a skateboard, or are driven to school in their leaders, Sungkyus, banged up pick up truck.


They're the nice, preppy, jock guys. They smile at every one, help people with their homework, and practically own the gymnasium. Most of them are either driven to school by their leader Hakyeon, or Jaehwan. They have plenty of fangirls because of their niceness.




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