Stop it!


Taeyeon is inlove with Stephanie, but he isnt the only one. Sungmin, the older brother of one of Stepanie's friends names Sunny, is also eyeing Stephanie. What happens when Sungmin gets angry when Stephanie chooses Taeyeon over him? Not a week later some guy in the city gets beaten up. Sungmin says Taeyeon was one of the people that had beaten up the poor guy. When he denies it nobody believes him. Stephanie is the only one who speaks up for Taeyeon and the only one who actually believes him. Stephanie doesnt only does it because she's inlove with Taeyeon, but she knows how it is if people dont believe you and accuse you from stuff. Everybody thinks that Stephanie appoints while Stephanie has the disease of pfeiffer. She defends Taeyeon no matter what, eventhough it costs her her friendship with Sunny. How will everything end up?


i will have to give the credits to the duth writer carry slee for writing such good stories that im going to write this one based on one of her amazing stories.


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