Stop it! | one

Stop it!


As Taeyeon arrives at the garden path with his bicycle he can see Lay and Kris sitting on the fence. Taeyeon caught himself that he isnt that delighted with his friends infront of his home. Its not weird that he's not happy that they came. The past weeks theyre only halfdrunk and laugh for nothing. And Taeyeon just sits there while watching them. This time its not other than the other times, Taeyeon could see that immediatly at the light red tinted cheeks of Lay and Kris and the fact that he can smell the beer when he is just a few feet away from his two friends.
"Hey we thought you were going to live on school man!" Lay said while cracking a laugh.
"I survived it" Taeyeon said as he tried to get his keys out of his pocket.
"Youre not going to tell us that youre tired right?" Kris accused in a tone like he was making fun of his older friend.
"You couldve lazed around all day" Lay said as he finished his beer can.
Taeyeon doesnt know how the things go on their school but on his school you cant just sleep in class like that. The shrilly voice of mrs. Jo is still echoing in his ears. He just had two history classes in a row from that teacher and he really thought he wouldnt survive it. He thinks they should abandon that idea of two classes behind eachother in a row on such a long school day. His hand is still sore from all the notes he had to take of the stories mrs. Jo told them and then the unexpected quiz. Only after six pages of writing and answering her questions they could put their pen down.
"We want to show you something" Just as they got inside Kris showed Taeyeon a cd.
"Awesome! You really bought it! Im going to record it!" Taeyeon's eyes sparkled as he took the cd from Kris and scanned it.
"Hey man, look at this one. What do you think of this one?" Lay asked Taeyeon and shoved another cd in his hands making Taeyeon frown seeing both of the cd's.
"Where did you guys get the money to buy these?" Taeyeon asked as he looked up at his friends.
"They were free" Said Kris while cocking one eyebrow and lifting the corner of his lips into a slight smirk. Taeyeon's jaw dropped and he blinked a few times.
"What? Do you guys mean that you two stole these?" Taeyeon asked with a slight raised voice and the two friends just nodded. "Both?" Taeyeon widened his eyes as he held the cd's up in the air.
"Yes we did Taeng" Lay said with a proud smile. Taeyeon is startled with their words and puts the cd's on the table beside him, he isnt that of a good boy himself since they used to steal candy out of the convenience store but two cd's at the same time. That was just totally insane. Taeyeon decided to keep his mouth shut. The past few weeks Lay and Kris keep on doing stuff that Taeyeon doesnt likes. He cant say something about everything they do, it wont get better like that anyways. His friends must be annoyed by him from time to time as well anyways. They dont fit to eachothers needs anymore, thats something that Taeyeon noticed a long time ago when Kris and Lay started to do more stuff that would get them into trouble. But Lay and Kris were the same like Taeyeon in friendships. You dont just throw a friendship like that away, theyve known eachother since childhood so it would be a waste if they just threw their friendship away like that.
"Baekhyun is really good in those kind of stuff you know" Lay said. "He can just put a cd in his pocket without being sneaky, nobody notices him stealing something. He can just put a cd in his pocket while an employe is standing beside him" Baekhyun. Thats the name that Taeyeon cant hear anymore. Lay and Kris talk about him everyday. He seems to be really interesting according to his two friends.
While the music blasts in his room, Taeyeon pours cola into three glasses.
"Dont you have something better than this?" Lay said as Taeyeon hands each of them their glass of cola. "Just joking bro" Lay quickly says as he sees Taeyeon is judging him deeply again.
"This track is awesome" Kris says as he starts to move his head to the beat of the song thats playing now.
"You can dance to it with Mina" Lay said as he sticks his tongue at Kris receiving a kick from the taller blonde guy.
"Shut up over that chicken" Kris said as he frowned deeply.
"Well you did kiss with her last week, and you seemed to enjoin it alot" Lay said as he playfully wiggled his eyebrows.
"So what? I was in the mood for a good make out. But Im never in the mood for that girl, I only did it to get my make out session you "
Taeyeon just looked at his friends. Its like they became heartless just like that.
"Can you put that other cd on" Lay said with a demanding tone as he drank his coke.
"Calm down, jeez" Taeyeon obviously got annoyed by Lay's way of talking to him. "We have all the time"
"No we dont have much time" Lay said as he places his empty glass on the night stand beside Taeyeon's bed. "Were going to make some fun"
"Im sorry" Taeyeon said as he inserts the other cd "I dont have any time, I have to make my homework since I dont have time for it this evening because of a school party"
"Oh come on, what do you got to there?" Kris asked annoyed "You can just cancel a stupid event like that you know"
Taeyeon just stays quiet. He doesnt hesitates to stay away from that party since he will get the chance to dance with Stephanie. But he wont tell his friends that he will go to that party only because he wants to dance with Stephanie. They dont have to know that he has a deep crush on someone. In the past he wouldve told them everything, even these kind of stuff, but ever since they all went to high school and went to different schools, Lay and Kris changed alot.
As the song ended kris stuffed the cd back into his pocket.
"Are you guys leaving this early already?" Taeyeon asked with a frown as he gathered the empty glasses.
"Youre coming with us little friend" Lay said determined as he nodded. "Baekhyun is waiting for us"

Kris just nodded before he spoke "He's at the mall at four, were going out shopping buddy"
"You will finally get the chance to meet him" Lay said happily as he stuffed the other cd in the inside pocket of his jacket.
Taeyeon doesnt even want to talk about him. After all the stories he ehard from his friends he already knows that this Baekhyun is no good at all. He doesnt think that they will get to get along well together. But he will just keep his mouth shut. He doesnt want to argue with his friends anymore. It will be just useless like that and it will bring no good to their friendship as well.
"You will really love him! He is amazing!" Lay said "Wanna bet?"
"Everybody loves Baekhyun" Kris said with a small nod.
"You guys go ahead of me" Taeyeon said as he cleaned the stuff "I will catch up with you guys, I will amke my English homework first" Taeyeon knows for sure that mr. Cho will control his workbook tomorrow so he doesnt want to take any risks. He didnt made all his homework for today so his teacher will keep an eye on his work from now on for sure. And the worst thing is, is that when you didnt make all your homework twice in a row, you will have to show up at school half an hour earlier at eight. Thats what he fears the most since he thinks its a struggle to get out of bed in the morning anyways.
"We'll see you at four okay?" Lay said as he pointed at Taeyeon with raised eyebrows "We'll be waiting at the parkinglot behind the supermarket"
"Dont worry, I will be there"
At the moment that Taeyeon wants to start with his homework, the phone rings. Its probably his mom who forgot to buy something for tongiths dinner. But when he picked up, it was Xiumin. "Hey Taeyeon, youre going to the party as well right?"
"Uhm... yes, why?" Taeyeon said hesitantly
"Good, then you can come with us" Xiumin said cheerfully making Taeyeon frown. Going to the party with Xiumin means that he will be stuck with him for the rest of the night. Just as he wanted to discline Xiumins offer, Xiumin started to talk again.
"Awesome! Thats settled then, we'll pick you up at eight. See you tonight bro!" Before Taeyeon could say anything, Xiumin already ended the call. Taeyeon groaned as he thought about what just happened. The party starts at eight and when Xiumin says he will pick him up at eight it means that he'll pick him up at fifteen past eight on his earliest since Xiumin is always late when it comes to these kinds of things. And when they arrive it would be half past eight and the party would be ongoing a long time already, and Stephanie would be probably dancing with Henry or Nichkhun or Kai. He has no idea how he would get the chance to dance with her if that happens. Why didnt he tell Xiumin that he couldnt come with him in the first place? He couldve known this would happen if he wasnt quick with saying something. If he calls him now to say he cant come with him it would be weird because who would want to go with the bicycle with this weather? Maybe it'll snow later in the evening so he actually doesnt has a good reason to call it off. Taeyeon walks circles in the livingroom as he bites his finger nails. He really hates himself at the moment. He did a good job in troubling himself again. He doesnt want to miss his chance with Stephanie. He grabbed his agenda and searched for Xiumins number before dialing it.
"Xiumin speaking" He heard as Xiumin picked up the call. He took a deep breath before replying Xiumin.
"Hey Xiu, thanks for the offer but I cant come with you, Im sorry"
"Its okay man, I understand. I will see you at the part yeah?" Taeyeon let out a reliefed sigh and nodded eventhough he cant see him at the moment. He put the phone away after Xiumin ended the call and smiled. He smiled and walked back to his bedroom to continue his homework.

Taeyeon opens his eyes in an instant. As he sits up straight he sees the empty page of his workbook. As he looks at the clock he sees he still has ten minutes before he has to be on the parkinglot at the mall behind the supermarket. This means he will have to wake up early tomorrow. He doesnt really care. Tomorrow is a different day since he will dance with Stephanie tonight so everything will be different tomorrow. He runs downstairs and puts his jacket on before running outside. He jumps on his bicycle and speeds off to the mall.
As he arrives at the parkinglot he sees his friends already waiting for him. As he walks to them after putting his bicycle on lock a short guy with eyeliner holds a cigarette out towards him.
"Smoke?" Is the only thing he says.
"No thanks" Taeyeons said calming and gently pushed his hand away. "I stopped smoking, its too expensive"
"It doesnt has to be expensive you know" The guy said calmingly as he lit up a cigarette. Lay and Kris started to laugh which caused the guy to shake his head.
"Dont mind those two" He said as he smiled at Taeyeon "The name is Byun Baekhyun" Suddenly Taeyeon saw what his friends liked about this guy. He had something, Taeyeon had to admit it.
"Kim Taeyeon" Taeyeon said and received an approving nod from Baekhyun.
"Do you guys always just stay here like this and hang out?" Baekhyun asked as he looked at the two friends who just clamed down from laughing and then at Taeyeon.
"Mostly of the time we'll grab a movie" Kris answered with a smile.
"Or were pooling" Taeyeon said as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. Baekhyun nodded approvingly again at what Taeyeon suggested. "But mostly of the time were broke after the weekends"
"I have some money" Baekhyun said and got his wallet out of his pocket "Lets go pooling then guys"
"It will cost you alot though" Taeyeon said.
"So? Im having good money now" Baekhyun said and threw his cigarette on the ground stepping on it before sticking a new one in his mouth and lits it up "You guys will pay next time, today is my treat" Baekhyun said as he patted Taeyeons shoulder.
"Dont worry man, were going to have some fun"

"Table seven!" A male voice can be heard as the spotlights turn on table seven.
"Ah delicious coke" Kris says as he walks past a table of girls and gets a glass of coke of one of them before drinking all the content.
"Do you think thats normal or someting?!"  One of the girls glared at him.
"Oh sorry, I didnt know you would get mad, then I will take a cigarette instead" Kris said as he gets a cigarette from the pack that lays on their table and pokes it in his mouth before litting it up.
"He took our last cigarette!" One of the girls screamed as she checked their pack. Kris shrugs and just walks away while casually smoking the cigarette.
Taeyeon is really embarrassed for his friends. Kris probably did it to impress Baekhyun, because he doesnt has to do it to impress Taeyeon and he knows that.
Mostly of the time Taeyeon si really good in the game but this time he cant seem to find to hit any ball properly. He even shot the white ball in one of the wholes. If he will be like this tonight he can surely forget about dancing with Stephanie.
As theyre in the middle of the game Taeyeon notices that Baekhyun nudges Kris and nods at a guy who is bend over table nine. Hi wallet sticking out of his buttpocket alot.
"Whats the matter?" asks Taeyeon as he sees the guys whisper while looking at the guy. He sees that Kris and Lay are starting to act really insecure out of a sudden.
"I want those pants too" Baekhyun says "Its a really nice brand, I have to see it from up close"
Taeyeon is too imerged with the game to mind the other three guys.
"Move" Lay says as he gets a hold of Taeyeons mace and pulls it out of his hands before putting it on the table.
"Why?" Taeyeon is confused of whats happening out of a sudden.
"Just come with me" Lay says and starts to head to the exit "Baekhyun already paid"
Taeyeon doesnt get it but just follows behind Lay. He stops as he sees a wallet on the ground and wants to pick it up to hand it in at the counter but Lay stops him and pulls him with him.
"Cant you see that thing is already empty?"
Before taeyeon can respond he gets pushed outside by Lay.
"Why did we had to leave out of a sudden?" Taeyeon asked, oblivious of what happened and that Baekhyun is giving Kris some money.
"Baekhyun has to finish his homework" Kris says as he stuffs his hands in his pockets.
"Laters" Baekhyun says before walking off.
"What do you think of Baekhyun?" asks Lay as theyre making their way home.
"He is okay I guess" But as Taeyeon sticks his key in the keyhole of the front door he gets a weird feeling. He has no idea what he has to think of Baekhyun.


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_pinocchio_ out! /peacesign.

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