Our Boarding House
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OBH • Chapter Three

After a long talk and a few tears shed from my mother, we said our goodbyes and hung up. I took the time to then decorate my bed with black sheets and comforters and pictures of me and my mom and the view from my room. I put away most of my clothes but once my stomach started growling I decided to go downstairs.


In the kitchen it was hectic to say the least, Bom was at the stove in a short dress with all her blinging jewelry hanging from her neck yelling and Mino and Bobby who kept sneaking pieces of food. Seunghyun sat at the small table in there with a bottle of brown alcohol halfway passed out and Soohyun sat there cackling loudly and the scene that was going on.


Once Bom took notice of me she sighed heavily, "Ah, Jiho, thank goodness you're here! Can you please help me before I kill these fools over here!"


She pointed a knife at Bobby and Mino who just laughed it off and ran out the kitchen, both of them bumping shoulders with me.


"What's for lunch?" I walked up to her and peeked into the pot she was stirring with her jeweled nails.


"My famous soup! Its a special occasion so I had to make it!" She took the spoon out the boiling pot and held it to my mouth.


I took a sip and it was actually pretty good, a bit salty but nonetheless still edible, "what's the special occasion?"


"You silly! Now you and Soohyun go get everyone and tell them to be in the dining room in three minutes or else!" I nodded and Soohyun grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.


"Did you get settled into the room?" Soohyun asked me as we trekked through the long halls.


"Yes I did, but when will I meet our other roommate?" We stopped in front of a door that had loud music playing and laughs could be heard.


"Ah don't worry about her, you'll see her soon but she's a very cranky little thing. She only likes being around Hanbin and sometimes with me." Soohyun giggled and began to turn the knob.


When the door was fully open Bobby and Mino came into view. The song they were listening to was in English and was very loud. Mino rapped along to the words aggressively and Bobby danced around like a wild animal.


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kekeke231 #1
Chapter 2: Yas hanhi my otp ^^ hope hayi is not a bad character though~
nunca11 #2
Chapter 3: Wow love the stories, i cant wait for the next chapter *-*
Looking forward for chapter 3! Pls update soon!