[i] caramel cinnamon hot cocoa

Voice Like the Ocean Blue

kim taehyung \\  coffee!au - oneshot

“voice like the ocean blue” - [ word count : 1681 ]


Kim Taehyung wasn’t exactly fond of coffee or tea in general but he didn’t particularly hate it either.  But he always needed an excuse to visit this cafe, why?  He often asked himself that but before he could finish his thought he hand would already be on the door handle of the cafe.

“I need help,” He muttered.  His breath freezing in the air and chimes softly hitting the glass door.


There was a strange bacon-y aroma floating from the tea and I wasn’t entirely sure that that was supposed to be happening.  Then again, neither was taking a customer’s own mixtures but this was a special case.  (She was apparently a rich acquaintance of the manager who came from China.)

“Ah, that smells amazing,” She said over the counter.  Taking off her glasses to clean them, she eyed the place carefully.  “This is a nice atmosphere as well.”

I smiled politely and placed the tea into a porcelain teapot.  I walked over to her table, near a window with a nice view as she requested, and positioned the cups and utensils neatly.  I didn’t really plan on getting fired from my third job anytime soon.

“Please, have a seat,” I said.

“Thank you,” She looked at my nametag. “I’ll be sure to mention you to Minah—Ah, your manager, Hayoung-ssi,”

“No need, it’s completely fine,” I could tell my manager already hated my guts anyways and I feel like this lady complimenting me would  make everything worse.  She smiled knowingly, as if I was just saying that to be polite and took her seat.


I walked back behind the counter and I saw the clock.


They should be here by now, it’s already 4:30.  No wonder it’s been so quiet here, has the assistant manager already banned them?

I looked up at the door and saw him.  That one kid with that group of boys who usually came here on school days.  His pastel pink hair (which I’m pretty sure was bright orange yesterday) was hidden under a black beanie that said a swear word in english. And I’m pretty sure that he has no idea what it means either.

He was looking at the door handle like he was thinking about something, pausing.  His face wasn’t happy.  He muttered something under his breath and let the cold air in.  It was barely 2°C outside and all he wore was a gray sweater over his high school uniform.  It was from an anime, I remembered his friend mentioning it a couple days ago.  (I think I was eating bread for my break and one guy yelled out “Sasha!”.  The then orange haired guy smothered his mouth with his muffin.)

“Hey!  Your friends aren’t with you today?” I had to admit it was strange that he was alone and I was mildly curious.  He smiled at me cheekily but it seemed kind of forced.

“Noona, you remember me?” He asked.  I tried to ignore his voice being deeper than what I thought it would be.  And the fact that he completely avoided my question.

“Well, it’s pretty hard not to forget regular customers.  Especially those with such vibrant hair colors,” And those who hang out with a group of pretty boys are pretty hard to forget.

“The usual for you today?”

“You know, you can pick for me.  Make something that you’d drink on rainy days,”

I ignored the fact that it was actually snowing and prayed that he wasn’t allergic to anything.

I nodded and sat down at his usual spot, the table closest to the barista counter.  He sighed as he pulled a chair out and plopped down heavily.

“Hayoung, just mind your own business,” I whispered to myself.  Teenagers are usually have their own problems right?  And they certainly don’t need baristas who can’t keep her nose out of other people’s lives.  No wonder my manager didn’t like me.

I decided that this situation deserved a special concoction off the menu.  (Without the alcohol of course.  If I’m losing this job, it’s not going to be because I gave booze to a minor.)  I grabbed a small saucepan from a cabinet and took some cocoa, sugar, and salt.  

Ugh, this is going to go into my break time.  So, with enough ingredients for two people, I added boiling water to the pan.  Just from the smell, I could just sense the weight I was going to gain from this drink but no matter.  This was all for a cute dongsaeng anyways, this body of mine can afford some kilos for the winter anyways.

Sneaking a glance to see what he was doing and his eye suddenly met mine.  I almost dropped the milk I was about to add to the pan and swore under my breath. My face would’ve probably been as red as a beet if it wasn’t for the bb cream I was wearing.  (Thank you to the person who invented that by the way.)  

He laughed and turned away.  But at least he seemed less troubled than before.

With the caramel and cinnamon added, I finished up the order.  It’s been a while since I’ve made this so there was an added factor of nervousness.  I put it in a mug with an alien design with the words “I Believe”.

“Here you go!” I placed his mug in front of him and sat down opposite him.

The moment he saw his drink, he laughed again.  This time he didn’t stop and had to wipe his tears.  The other customers turned to look at us and I mouthed sorry.

“What’s so funny?”  I asked.

“It’s just that,” A grin plastered on his face. “I was the one who donated this cup to this place,  Ah, fate is just really mysterious you know!”

“It really is,” I agreed and took a sip.  “Student, what even is your name?  I’ve seen you here who knows how many times and you’ve never told me.  All your friends either call you TaeTae, Blank Tae, or (weirdly) the english letter V.”

“Tsk, tsk.  Noona, I thought that I was your favorite and you don’t even know my name.” He pouted.

“Yah, you call me noona when you don’t even know my age.  And what makes you think that you’re my favorite!”

“Because our maknae’s older brother used to work here and told us.  He also informed me that you are very sensitive about your age but I like older women anyways.  So, it’s okay with me Noona!” He stirred his drink with a sigh. “But he also said that you don’t date younger guys. Oh well, either way, I’ll always be your favorite,”

“Jeez, how much did this guy tell you!  Who is this person?” He shrugged.

“Would you rather know his name or my name?” He batted his eyes and puffed out his cheeks.  (For the record, I’m not old at all.  I just turned 20.)

I looked at the grandfather clock near the storage room.


I still had 23 minutes left of my break.

“Taehyung, Kim Taehyung,” He waved his hand in front of my face to get my attention.  “And I’m a healthy 18 year old manly man who has a voice as deep as the deep blue sea!”

He flashed me a smile and it made me melt cringe.  I barely stopped myself from choking on my drink, which he still hasn’t even touched his by the way, and I’m not sure what it was I was feeling.  Relief?  Was I relieved to find out that we only had a two year difference?  Or was I relishing the fact that his name was just as nice as I expected it to be.

I repeated his name in my mind, Kim Taehyung.  Ah, that’s why his friends called him TaeTae.

“I’m Son Hayoung, but you already knew that,”

“Well, obviously.  Why wouldn’t I know the name of my noona?”  He poked my forehead.

“Yah, I’m older than you!” Grinning, he poked my cheek.  I sank into my seat and covered my face.

“Stop!” I chuckled.  Taehyung smiled and put his chin on the table.

“Hayoung-ah, you look really pretty when you smile, you know,” He winked.  This high schooler was greasy but he had game.  This kid knew what to say.

“Just because you use the compliment/wink combo doesn’t mean I won’t notice that you just talked to me informally.” I flicked his forehead.

“Ha, I hoped you wouldn’t hear Noona,” He grumbled something under his breath.  Something along the lines of “Hoseok said it’d ‘score’ him”.  Aigoo, all the tricks he’s learned are what would work at a club not everyday situations.

I finished my drink but it irked me that he didn’t even touch it.  I looked at the clock again.  5:01.  Less than 10 minutes left to talk.

“I’m glad,” I said. “That you aren’t sad anymore,”

Taehyung looked up wide eyed.

“How did you . .” He started to say.  He looked down at his lap and fiddled with his fingers.  Maybe I shouldn’t have brought it up.  “It must’ve been pretty obvious, huh?”

He bit his lip and I almost didn’t answer him back.

“Do you want to go out sometime?” I gasped at what I said and covered my mouth.  His head bolted up, shocked. “I-I mean to talk or whatever, well, if you want to. If you don’t want to that’s fine or something, I don’t care, just yeah, you know,”

I can’t believe myself. I started to mentally freak out.

Shameless.  Brash.  Ugh, why do I have to be so utterly transparent.

Kim Taehyung just sat there, mouth open wide.  He pinched his cheek three times before he started to breathe again.  If this was a dream, he didn’t want it to end, he thought.  This just had to be a dream, but usually there would be a unicorn or two and he would be the one asking Hayoung noona out.

“Of course!” He exclaimed.  Taehyung hit his mouth for being too loud.  “Yes!  When?  Where?  I’ll pick you up!  Oh, what’s your nu-number?”  He whipped out his phone.  It had a green unicorn case with an armor shaped charm attached.

Oh dear.

What in the world have I gotten myself into.


Kim Taehyung wasn’t exactly fond of coffee or tea in general but he didn’t particularly hate it either.  But he was fond of the caramel cinnamon hot cocoa made by his super cute girlfriend.


✧ ✧ Hello everyone!!! It's Mxngtae here, originally I was planning on writing a oneshot with Swag Daddy Yoongi because his birthday was so close.  As you can see, that didn't exactly work out so well!  I'm not really sure about writing multi-chaptered fics but one day, one day I'll have it complete.  







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This was so cute ~ Hayoung and Taehyung's banter was fun to read, and your writing flows so well. I love it!
Chapter 1: Aw this story was so adorable!! I love the cafe theme and it was written beautifully. Great job!