Will He Answer Me Or Not?

My Heart Is Yours

I woke up the next day and started getting ready for school. I go to the private university nearby. My younger brother, Taehyung, goes to the highschool right next to it. I have 5 more siblings besides him. Jisoo is the youngest, then there's the trouble making twins, Hansol and Hyunseung. They prefer being called Han and Hyun though. Gunhee is the one who loves to dance, but dad doesn't let him. There's also Saeron, she's currently going through pimple problems, but she's making it seem bigger than it actually is. 

After a few minutes I rushed to the kitchen and ate a quick breakfast. I soon got on my car and drove to the university. When I got their, I saw my friends, Suzy and Shinhye. Shinhye is the most popular girl at school. Guys love her and she loved them too. I honestly can't think of one guy she hasn't dated, but she was a great friend. Suzy was also really popular, but unlike Shinhye, she didn't have as much experience with guys. Of the 3 of us, I probably had the least experience in dating, but that didn't bother me. I got off my car and walked over to them.

"Hey Suzy, hey Shinhye," I greeted them with hugs.

"Hey Yeon,' said Suzy, "you seem happy today."

"Suzy is right. What happened to you?"

"I met a guy!" I said, "he works for my dad. He's so handsome."

"Well, that's great Yeon," Shinhye told me, "but what about Woobin?"

"Don't even mention him," I told her, as I remembered what happened yesterday. I went on with the school day and then finally got back home. I was just about to go into my room when I was stopped by Hana.

"Let's talk, Jiyeon," she said.

We both walked into my room and I sat on my bed.

"Sure," I responded, "what do you need?"

"Did you text him?" she asked, "the messenger boy?"

"No," I answered, "I just don't know Hana. Do you think my dad will accept this? He's poor. I don't have a problem with it but what will my dad think."

"Jiyeon! Money is not a problem. You like that boy don't you? So you should go for it. I'm sure your dad will understand."

"Okay, I'll do it," I grabbed my phone and sent a message to his number. 'Hello messenger boy~' is what my message read. Now I wait for his response.

*Myungsoo's POV*

I had just gotten home from work. I was working on another one of my art projects. It was a drawing of her, the rich girl I met yesterday. Then I received a text. 'Hello messenger boy~' It was from her, so I decided to text her back. 'Hey beautiful,' I typed. But it didn't send. I was out of phone credits. I can't even afford a proper phone for myself, but I'll get one someday.

*Jiyeon's POV*

The next day I woke up and got ready for university. When I was at the kitchen, I remembered what Shinhye told me a few days ago. 

"Hey Taehyung," I yelled, "Shinhye told me she finds you very handsome."

"She did?" asked Taehyung. He seemed really happy to hear that. Taehyung had been crushing on Shinhye since he met her, but Shinhye wasn't interested. I wonder what made her change her mind.

Later, I was at university with my friends once again. We saw Taehyung standing there.

"Hey Tae~" Shinhye said as she walked up to my brother, "you're looking cute today."

"S-Shinhye..." he almost fainted. That boy needs help with how he acts a round girls if he ever wants a girlfriend.

Shinhye walked back to Suzy and I. I decided to tell them how the messenger never replied to my text.

"I don't think he likes me," I told them, "but whatever, it's okay." I was really sad about it yesterday, but if he doesn't like me back that's alright with me. I continued to talk to my friends. Then randomly, a man on a scooter appears. He parked in front of us and when he took his helmet off, it was him. 

"Hey beautiful," he said, "My name is Myungsoo, and I apologize about the text message. Would you like to have lunch with me today?"

"YES!" I screamed. Okay, I was probably a little too excited about him showing up at my university, but I like him so much. He handed me a helmet. "You want me to get on your scooter?"

"No, I handed you the helmet in case there's a meteor storm. Get on!" So I got on the scooter, I wonder where he was taking me.

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Leehaneul1313 #1
Chapter 4: Yaaaaas it was great unnie ^^
Leehaneul1313 #2
Chapter 2: YEHET!!!!!