Where the Happiness Ends

I Fell In Love With a Little Vampire Girl

Year 20010

"Quck We Are Under Attack!!" King Ken said panickly while lifting his nine year old daughter and grabbed his wifes hand before locking the gates. The Kindom is now under attack, dragons are breathing fire everywhere, it's like other mystical kinds were rebelling the King

"EXO, I'm counting on You" The EXO members all hear that thought before running out of the castle just like any other soulders. The EXO members mentally flinch when they heard a shierk of pain.

"Chay, Release yourself" Chanyeol yelled while holding his necklace. Chanyeol jumped before he flew in the air, being guided by Chay, his Fire Phoenix. King Ken had assigned Every Phoenix to help those EXO members who had nature elements. Chanyeol flew closer to one of those Dragons before he threw a ball of fire towards the dragon.

Sehun, used his Gravitakinesis powers, to help the other EXO Members fly in the air. WHen Suho, saw that Chanyeol was having difficulties trying to fight of the Fire breathing dragons, He spin his hands around before throwing it to the dragon. The dragon roared before using his tail to hit Suho, luckly Kai teleported at the right time and took Suho away from the danger.

"ACKH, I can't Move" D.O yelped suddenly when he was dragged to the ground, he tried to used his powers to eliminate the plants that were trapping him but he couldn't. It seems like Witches and Sorceres are also Rebelling

"What is wrong with all of you?! Why are you Rebelling?!" Baekhyun yelled while using his powers to make some of the zombies, who came from the ground, blind. And Sehun used his wind power to blew all those Zombies away, leaving some of the body pieces on the ground.

"Someone Help D.O hyung QUICK" Sehun said while using his wind power to withhold the other creatures

"I got it" Chanyeol said before his Phoenix burst out fire from it's mouth freeing D.O

The EXO members kept on fighting and fighting, some of the members are bleeding but they kept on fighting, Even though they knew they were losing the fight, they kept on pushing their limits


"Papa, I'm scared" The Princess whispered while holding her father tightly and looking outside the window from her room. The King can only sigh wishing the boys luck. The Queen stood up suddenly making The King flinch in surprise and stared wide eyes at her

"We can't keep quiet" She said sternly looking at the King. 

"What are we supposed to do? We can't risk our life" The King said gently trying hard to calm down the Queen

"Yet, you let the EXO Boys risk theirs?!" The Queen raised her voice making The Princess flinch in fear before tears stream down her cheeks

"Mama..." The Princess whispered before tears came down like rivers

"This is not the time for us to be fighting My Queen, we need to keep the Princess safe, She is the one they are looking for" The King Pleaded his wife, but he was losing battle

"I Will Not Stay Here and Watch my people die" The Queen said sternly before rushing out of the castle, The King kept on shouting her name, but she wouldn't listen. The Queen stood on the ground before her Eyes turn bright White and her foreheads symbol glew too. She raised her arms, making the ground shake and lifts the trees up before attacking the witches. One of the witches got hit and turns into ash immidantly

"My Queen, what are you doing?!" Suho yelled in panick before creating a water shield around the Queen, The Queen broke the shield before walking forward, not minding the Protectors yellings

"Stop Immidiantly" The Queen said sternly while holding out her palms towards the Witch. The Witch than raisedd their wands and attacked the Queen one by One. The Queen yelped in surprise, not understanding, why her powers are not working. The Queen then made vines came out from the ground at hits the Dragons and other creatures. While the Queen was doing it, she did not realise a Black Witch was pointing something against her back. The Queen froze suddenly when she felt something stab her

"MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!" The Princess yelled before crying out loud at the sight. The Queen looked down at her stomach, before the sword was withdrewing from her body, making her fall down on the ground. The EXO members shocked at the sight before ran trying to help the Queen.

"That is enough, retreat Immidantly" The King said in his mind. The EXO members froze before looking at the King if he was crazy, His wife was lying there lifeless but he wants them to retreat? Does this man does not have a heart?

"NOW!" The King yelled in his mind before The Boys all flew back inside in the castle. The Princess who was crying ran immidantly towards the first person she sees and cried her heart out immidiantly

"P..Princess" D.O murmmured before hugging her back tightly, Feeling his heart drop down when he saw those puffy eyes

"Mama's Alright right? She is just pretending right?" The Princess sobs uncontroably making the boys hearts clenches at the sight. They stayed silent not knowing what to say. The Princess then stepped behind once before getting picked up by the King

"We Have to hide the Princess" The King said sternly before teleporting himself to the basement of the castle, the boys following right behind him. he Princess kept on fighting and crying but soon becomes weak becose of the shock

"Where are you going to hide her my King?" Chanyeol asks while holding his bloody arm. The King only stared at the boys before tears streamed down on his face. The Boys immidantly know what he was going to do.


"Boys, i got something to tell you" The King said while leading the six protectors to the library. The Boys followed him silently and sat down on the couches without being told to, they all knew when the King was serious, It means Serious bussiness

"The Black Witches. They are seeking for revenge" The King sighed while holding his head in a stressed manner.

"Why?" D.O broke the silence while looking at the King Confused

"A couple of years ago, the princess had killed one of her finest creations. She becomes furios not because of that, but because theres someone who is much more powerfull then her. She wwants to take the princess and out all her powers" The King explained with a stressed look on his face.

"We won't let that happend" Kai said sternly while looking back at his brothers

"I know you won't but, the Black Withces Pwers are not weak, they can kill you guys with just a zap, and there won't be anything to stop that" The King said again. The Boys fell silent

"So what are we going to do if it happends?" Baekhyun asked with a nervous look on his face.

"There's only one way" The King then looked at the boys, Suho gasped out

"You don't mean----" He said but got cut off

"Yes. We have to send her to earth" The King said, not liking the idea either. The Boys immidantly stood up from their feet

"NO way my King, with all due respect that would only mean---" Sehun exclamied

"We have to erase her memorries and replaced it with a normal human childhood. We need to change her appereance too or else the Witch might know her" The King explain again. The Boys stood in silence trying to take all those informations in their heads

Flashback Ends

"Right now my King?" Chanyeol asks quietly, the King nodded softly before putting his daugther on the ground before he stepped back far away

"Papa? W...what are you doing?" The Princess asked with fear in her voice, she tried to teleport herself but it's no use, the King had blocked her powers. The King raised his arms, making the ground shook and the lights flicker on and off. The Princess closed her ears and eyes in fear.

"I Command the nature elements to take away the Princess. To take her away to earth. To erase her memories and replaced them with human history. And May the family of what thee choose, have memories of having the Princess as their child" The King yelled making the ground shake more, The Boys look at the Princess with tears threatening to fall. They really don't want the Princess to go. Not now, Not ever

"NOW BE GONE" The King said once again before lighting flashes everywhere, leaving the Princess shouting her father's name and slowly faded into silentness. The King fell to his kness before tears falling down one by one. The Boys also closed their eyes and let their tears fall freely









"I Love You, My Princess" The Boys had thought together before crying their hearts out at the loss of their Queen, and their Princess

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Chapter 33: I found this story again. am happy
Chapter 32: this is good. please update
Merooh #4
Chapter 32: Update please it's been along time
Prancis #5
Chapter 32: Update please , it's been so longgggggg OMGGGG
fayepopper #6
Chapter 32: The you're a man part got me. I was laughing so hard, tears were coming out. Anyways, I hope you update really soon. I love this story
Chapter 32: Woah it was good
But what's going to happen now
It's just gonna get more intense
Anyways update soon
Ok,bye now
sebaek_0391 #8
Chapter 32: Omg Omg Omg!!! This story is sooooo good!! I want to have a mind like yours!! Its amazing!! xD.... Pls update soon Author-nim!!
(I have read more than 100 story but this is my first time commenting on a story! hehehe)
Chapter 32: That's a LOT for one chapter... So is Jaemi ending up with all of them? >.< I'm not a big fan of Rosa...
Update soon!!