Chapter 33

I Fell In Love With a Little Vampire Girl

Hey guys, I know you guys are probably pissed and angry because i didn't update for a really long time. I won't give a lot of excuses, but i'm really sorry. I was giving myself "training" by reading other books and other fics. I realised how my grammer and writing when my teacher told me that my writing is pretty bad. But don't worry, i gave myself enough "training" but if i still make mistakes i hope you guys understand :)


It was very quiet and awkward. Jaemi couldn't stop looking down and the EXO-M members couldn't stop staring at the real princess. Rosa suddenly turned around surprising everyone. She stared at the boys for a while before smiling at Jaemi

"We need to talk" Rosa smiled slightly at Jaemi before glancing at the boys again

"You can roam around the palace, make yourself comfortable. There's a lot of things i need to tell my sister so don't bother waiting" Rosa smiled gracefully waiting for the boys to walk away or leave them alone. Kris glanced at Jaemi, asking if she's alright with them leaving. When Jaemi gave him a slight nod, he sighed and turned head towards his brothers

"Let's go" Kris said before walking to God knows where. Lay gave Jaemi's hand a squeez before bowing to the princess in respect. After a while, Rosa took Jaemi's hand, slightly surprising her. Without any words, they both went inside a room. 

"Wow" Jaemi gasped out quietly. The room was indeed a place for a princess. It had the word elegant all over it. Rosa sat down on the bed, her red dress complimented her blonde hair perfectly. She smiled and patted the space besides her. Jaemi went towards her, hesitation evident in her eyes, but she complied anyway.

"All of these must be very overwhelming" Rosa said softly touching Jaemi's hands. Jaemi didn't say anything as she thought about everything that had happened. Rosa took something out from the drawer besides her and smiled at Jaemi

"What you're about to see might be a little surprising" She said softly handing Jaemi a small mirror. Jaemi closed her eyes, afraid of what she might see, But when Rosa gave her hand a squeeze, zhe knew she had to see. She opened her eyes slowly and widend her eyes. This is not her at all. Bright red hair with Green mysterious eyes. Her skin is much paler than her original skin, and she had a much sharper nose and jaw. It's like she had surgery.

"Aviana I---"

"Please, call me Jaemi" Jaemi whispered as tears gathered at the corner of her eyes. Rosa who noticed it immediately cupped her face and hugged her tightly. When Jaemi felt the warm hug, her tears fell down slowly

"I'm really sorry Jaemi, Please don't cry. I've seen you cry way to much" Rosa whispered, her heart wrenching

"What?" Jaemi whispered looking at her supposed to be new sister

"I've seen and known everything about you. I was with you all these time, i never left your side ever since you were born. I've seen the way you treat your friends and how you cried when you lost Mr Bun. I was in you, Avi----Jaemi" Rosa smiled softly brushing away Jaemi's hair

"What do you mean you were in----" Jaemi cut herself off when she realised what she meant.


"It looks ugly. That's why it's interesting. Come on, you're a big boy. You can find the book by yourself. And if anything happends to me, i can just yell your name" Jaemi looked at Tao with those puppy eyes of hers. Tao stared at Jaemi for a long time before sighing.

"Fine, just be careful. I don't want to be killed by Duizhang" Tao said before walking away. Jaemi pumped her fists before looking around her again. She walked and walked until she stopped. She saw a shattered mirror before walking towards it. She stepped back in shock and fell down when she saw her reflection. She saw red eyes, blonde eyes and blood red lips. 

Jaemi rubbed her eyes before getting up. She checked herself again before sighing in realief. 

"I must be imagining things" Jaemi shook her head before she walked slowly


"Don't you dare ing touch me or the boys....." Jaemi turned her body around. 

"Peasants" Her tone made everyone in the room shiver in fear. Her eyes shined bright red. Her skin is paler then snow, it looked almost unhealthy. But the most surprising thing to Exo members is her hair, Her slight brown hair turned a bit brighter. If you see closely, there's even a slight yellow-white color on the tips. Jaemi turned her head and slightly saw her reflection on the shattered glass


"W...we have reasons to hate them. They failed. they're dumb. They're just ed up kids," The teacher confidently said but was silenced by Jaemi's laugh. She took another glance at the shattered glass, she noticed her hair was now half blonde and half light brown. She felt her head ringing but she couldn't control her body

"Why are they dumb? Why are they ed up kids? That i don't understand" Jaemi closed her eyes chuckling, mocking the teacher. The teacher pushed Jaemi's body away from her but she yelled in pain. The teacher was expecting to see ice bits on her fingers but instead. Burnt marks formed

"Did you just touch me?" Jaemi opened her eyes. The teacher widend her eyes and covered . Jaemi's eyes aren't red. Jaemi's eyes aren't green. But both. Red on the right and green on the left


"The red eyes.....blonde hair.....i can't control my body. It was all you?" Jaemi asked with widend eyes

"I couldn't stand watching you get hurt..............and i can't let them hurt the boys" Rosa whispered. She saw the necklace that was hanging around Jaemi's neck and smiled. She took Jaemi's hand and closed her eyes, light emerged from their clasped hands. When the light faded, she opened her hands

"My necklace" Jaemi noticed as Rosa chuckled

"This is mine, you're wearing your's" Jaemi rubbed her neck feeling embarrassed. Rosa took the necklace off of Jaemi's neck, she pressed the two necklace together watching it glow and became one. With the sun and the moon sign on each side

"This is what keeps us together. I can protect you through this. So it's very improtant for us to keep wearing these necklaces for us to be strong" Rosa smiled before pulling the two necklace off. Silence consumed them both when Rosa tied the necklace around Jaemi's neck once again. Jaemi gulped knowing what she wanted to know next might be too overwhelming but she need to know

"What happened" Jaemi slightly demanded. Rosa stopped tying her necklace, her arms went down to her lap slowly. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes

"Long ago, a big war broke out. The Black witches wanted to take over our kingdom to attack the humans. Mother was stabbed and she died. But what other's didn't know, is that when a queen dies, she gets a wish. And Mother asked to be alive once again.............but she wants to be sent to human world. I never understood her not even once, but when she met your father. Everything became clear"

"In the middle of the war, Father sent me to the human world too. Because me and Mother are royal-blooded, we could contact each other with our minds. Only she could see me, that's why when you lived as a human, you never saw me."

"Mother got married with your father, who's a full-blooded werewolf. They never told you because they knew it wasn't the time. When i saw you inside Mother's arms, I knew it was time to set things right" Rosa explained

"But why me? Why not Taemin Oppa? ISn't he a werewolf then?" Jaemi whispered

"He's half werewolf and half vampire, that's why he couldn't be the prince. But you Jaemi, is a full blooded Werewolf" Rosa rubbed Jaemi's cheeks

"What am I supposed to do? I'm not powerfull, You helped me all the time" Jaemi exclaimed

"Time will tell, You don't know the powers you have yet. You and I, we're both the most powerfull of our kind" Rosa smiled

"Why us? Why can't the king or the queen make things right?" Jaemi stood up out of frustration, Rosa following her














"Because only the blood of the two royal sisters can make the peace return" Rosa said sternly

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Chapter 33: I found this story again. am happy
Chapter 32: this is good. please update
Merooh #4
Chapter 32: Update please it's been along time
Prancis #5
Chapter 32: Update please , it's been so longgggggg OMGGGG
fayepopper #6
Chapter 32: The you're a man part got me. I was laughing so hard, tears were coming out. Anyways, I hope you update really soon. I love this story
Chapter 32: Woah it was good
But what's going to happen now
It's just gonna get more intense
Anyways update soon
Ok,bye now
sebaek_0391 #8
Chapter 32: Omg Omg Omg!!! This story is sooooo good!! I want to have a mind like yours!! Its amazing!! xD.... Pls update soon Author-nim!!
(I have read more than 100 story but this is my first time commenting on a story! hehehe)
Chapter 32: That's a LOT for one chapter... So is Jaemi ending up with all of them? >.< I'm not a big fan of Rosa...
Update soon!!