Last Romeo


We all knw the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet. The forbiden love they had for one another. They only knew each other a week before.... well you know what happens. They knew whatever they felt, that feeling was love. the most powerful thing. Love can be the most amazing thing, sadly what goes up most come back dowm. Love can also become your own personal unescaplable prison, rip you apart slowly brick by brick. The only you can control is your response to it.

****Warning that there are some chapters that are goin to be M Rated for diffrent reasons. but not many. sorry if people feel uncomfortable with that but at the rte im going its just the first chpter.


i started writing this cute little story as it came to me during maths. every maths lesson i would add to it so here it is. sadly it still not finished though. but if people rea this i will try my best to get over writers block. and motivate myself back into the story.



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