chapter 5

My Bloody Angel

Back on earth



It was another beautiful day, the was up shining its ray of light in marks room. The two boys were content in each other arms, well mark was. Jackson was just amused, all night he didn’t sleep after all angels don’t sleep. He was laying down pressing on his left arm while staring at mark hair, while his back was pressed against his chest. He could hear the boys breathing and when he heard it stopped for a second he realize the boy was waking up. On the other hand, mark felt something warm and decided to get even closer to it. He reached to grab on to the warmth only to hit a wall, well he thought it was. Confuse he touched it for a few second before realizing the thing he was touching was warm.


Confuse he opened his eyes , he was about to turn around when Jackson breath hit his ears “BOO!” he said, making mark scream and fall of the bed. Mark lift his head up and glare at the now laughing angel, he was about to say something mean when he saw Jackson wings were opened. He felt guilty seeing half of his feathers gone and his wings half shattered. Seeing the expression on mark face Jackson look at his wings before ruffing his hair “ don’t worry about these babies, they will grow in no time” , even though he said that mark was still unfazed, “ hey are you listening to me” Jackson said but mark didn’t stop staring. Confuse he drop down in front of him and wave his hand in his face, “human are you ok”


“Those wings…they look familiar” he said, making Jackson blink, “ you think so” he asked, but once again mark ignored him and tried to touch it. As soon as he reached for the wings Jackson pull him forward and grab his chin, tilting it “you…by any chance” he said looking into his eyes “have we met before”

They stared at one another for a while before mark smack his hand away from his chin “why would you say that” , Jackson blink before smirking “ I was just joking with you human, don’t you take a joke” he said making mark frown. He got up and grab something from his closet, than he walk out of the room without saying anything to the angel. Once he was out Jackson sat down to think “those eyes, for a second there I thought he knew me. I mean he was looking at my wings so strangely like he’s seen them, but I doubt that. I mean we just met”


While mark was busy in the bathroom, Jackson heard a noise, curious he decides to follow it. When he reached the door he realize the noise was coming there, reaching for the handle he tried to open the door, but it was locked. He tried again, but it wouldn’t budge, what could the human be hiding here, he thought, pressing his ears closer to the door he realize water was inside there. Could it be a waterfall, he thought, if it is what is it doing in this human house. With confident Jackson push the door a little harder knocking the door down, making it hit the floor. While this happened he heard a scream that sound just like the human that owns the house.


When the door was knocked down, Jackson saw lots of fog, he didn’t understand how they got there, but none the less wanted to find out. Just when he was about to walk in he saw a figure holding a white towel, but he soon came to know that the figure was the human mark. He was wet from head to toe and his hair was clung to his face. Jackson could see his slim body that somehow look smooth. He wonder if he touch it would his hand slip, but he soon doubt it. Anyway, he more he looks at mark the more he couldn’t stop thinking the boy looks pretty like a girl. I mean he was even trying to cover himself like one, and his cheeks turning all red was just another bonus. What Jackson didn’t know was mark wasn’t blushing because he was embarrassed…oh it was far from it. Mark was angry at the angel, for not only breaking his door, but also not knocking. He watch as Jackson walk up to him before he opened his mouth “you sure you not a girl” he said earning a cry from mark, before he punch the out of him


Jackson grab his mouth before rearranging it, than he watch as mark stomps away “ humans are so weird” he thought


To be continued……………………………….











Jb and his crew were heading off to earth, they got a location at were Jackson was, but they couldn’t make a scene. Elsewhere, mark entered the school gate and was met with chang-ho. His group grab him and took him to the bathroom than they slam him to the wall “how did you survive that fall” he said before adding “no one could have survive that”


“Come out Jackson, we know your there” jb said loud disguised as a police officer

“Now that isn’t a fair fight” Jackson said coming in the bathroom, the group stare at him “who the are you”

“I’m this kid’s lucky charm” he said smirking, making mark look at him with shock. He spat blood on the floor and held onto his stomach, yeom came in after Jackson and ran to mark side worried.

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pinkissmonsta #1
Chapter 6: please update more often ;;
pinkissmonsta #2
is that an update I see ;;;
SeventeenCarrot #3
Chapter 5: Lmao with Jackson walking into mark showering. This is really cool, I like the story a lot.
Chapter 5: lol to the markson interactions and the preview got me curious
thanks for updating this author , good job so far.
Jaackk_Jaackk #5
Chapter 4: Ohh no I dont want Mark to think it was Jackson :'(
This is really goooooood!
I can't wait for the next update! Fighting<3
Chapter 4: OMG finally an update , thanks
love it , Markson are progressing <3
Chapter 3: when will u update
Chapter 3: haha I loved it with Jackson asking Mark if he was a girl and the his reaction, it was hilarious! update soon author-nim
citriaokta #9
Chapter 3: Wowowowow why so short? Update soon author-nim