Of Apples, Salt, and Vinegar

Super... Dad? Eh, Close Enough.

As he walked into the kitchen with his son to see what all the commotion was, Kyungsoo found his daughter standing on a stool, drying an apple. 

Surveying the somewhat chaotic state of the kitchen; two bento boxes laid open among the sea of spilled rice, spoons, vegetables and bowls, Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow at his daughter. “What’s with the mess, sweetheart?” 

“I’m making Uncle Tao and Sehun lunch!” She smiled brightly, eyes turning into little crescents. Lifting the apple in her hand, she asked, “Appa, can you cut this apple for me?”

Rounding the kitchen island, Kyungsoo reached for the apple, smiling. “Hmm. And why would you need me to cut this apple for?” 

“It’s for Uncle Tao,” she replied. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

At his daughter’s words, Kyungsoo couldn’t help but smile. “That’s very nice of you, sweetheart.”

Giggling, she put both of her hands under her chin in a princess-like manner, “I know I am, Appa.”

Suddenly beside him, his son spat the sushi he had placed in his mouth, exclaiming, “You’re worst than mom at cooking! What did you put into this?”

Smacking his son lightly on the head, Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes on his son, “Stop. Apologize right now. That was rude.”

“But Appa~,” his son whined. “It’s disgusting! Here try it!” 

Before he could dodge his son’s attack, a piece of sushi was shoved into his mouth. To be honest, Kyungsoo thought it tasted fine… rice was moist, wasn’t too soggy or dry… wait, he lied. 

It was disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. 

His eyes couldn’t help but twitch at the bitterness and saltiness of the sushi. Seeing Kyungsoo’s expression, his son gave him a ‘I-told-you-so-look.’ Ignoring his bratty son, Kyungsoo turned and faced his daughter.

“Sweetheart…,” Kyungsoo winced as he swallowed the rest of the food in his mouth, “did you over measure the salt and vinegar?”

His daughter didn’t bother to answer his question as she lunged at the bento box in her brother’s hand. “Stupid, that’s for Uncle Sehun! I put extra salt and vinegar on his sushi on purpose. This is what he gets for drinking all of my bubble tea yesterday.”

Smiling, Kyungsoo couldn’t help but shake his head. 

He had taught his daughter well. Very well.

[A/N]: Just a little something to smile about on this awfully gloomy Wednesday...

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Chapter 12: I can't stop laughing when read this chapter
jc803288 #2
Chapter 7: Omo his man bus are on point tho (≧∇≦)/
It' s so adorable!!! I love it,thanks for the cute story.
sunbeamsroses31 #4
Hi:) I really loved all the chapters and your writing is just perfect;) Thank you for sharing and PLEASE carry on!!!
guyrrh #5
Chapter 5: Awww :D Too cute!! I lover your writing and the little scenarios are adorable! Especially lovef Sehun with his son:) Keep writing!!