Chapter 6

Our little big mistake

"You're pregnant?" Key stuttered "with my child?" Key slowly grew a grin on his face. "Really?" He  who was now getting excited which shocked Eunji. 

"Yeah... You're not mad?" Eunji asked in a surprised tone. 

"No I'm not, were going to be parents Eunji. Isn't that Great? I get to be dad." Key kept rambling on about how excited he was when Eunji burst end out in tears. 

"Eunji what's wrong?" Key snapped out of his rambling. 

"I was so scared you were going to hate me." Eunji responded which left key dumbfounded. 

"I would never hate you." Key laughed wiping away Eunji's tears. "I'm going to love your child. And It only makes me love you even more." Key finally did it. He confessed. Sort of. He leaned down and kissed Eunji's head. "So please don't cry, everything will be fine. I'm going to be with you 100%." Eunji only smiled slightly relieved. "And also, don't worry about Jonghyun. I'll talk to him about it." Eunji nodded in response afraid of how Jonghyun will react. 

"Eunjiiiiiii~ are you listening?" Taemin whined from the other side of the table. The two were in a café together killing time before their dance practice. It's been two days since she told Key she was pregnant. The two both decide not to tell Jonghyun until she starts showing.  Giving the two soon to be parents some time to get use to the odd idea theirselves. 

"Taemin, can I tell you something." Eunji responds quietly hoping no one in the café knows her or can even hear her for that matter. "And if I do can you keep it a secret." Taemin straightened himself out and nodded. Before Eunji could manage to spit out a word Taemin cut her off. 

"You're pregnant. And it's Key's baby. Am I right?" Taemin said in a teasing but honest voice. 

"How in the world..?" Eunji asked in shock. 

"Key already told me." Taemin said nonchalantly taking a sip of his Macchiato. 

"That punk." Eunji muttered to herself. 

"He also told Minho and Onew." Taemin confessed looking out of the large window they were sitting by. 

"What?" Eunji said in a loud voice which caused some people to look towards the two friends. 

"Don't worry, we all know not to tell Jonghyun yet, but.." Taemin spoke "how is he going to react when he finds out His little sister and his best friend had when he was gone and his best friend knocked up his little sister?" Taemin had a point in a way. They had no idea how Jonghyun was going to react. They hope he won't explode, but how can they be certain with how much of a hot head he is. "Hey, let's go now before were late for our dance practice." The two left with Taemin giving ideas for the baby's name, like Taemin. 

By the time Eunji got home it was already 11pm and Eunji knew Jonghyun would have a fit. But it was different this time. Jonghyun wasn't home. But neither was Key which worried Eunji. Eunji tried calling the both of them but no one picked up. Eunji worried tried calling them several other times with no response from both of them. That's when Jonghyun busted in drunk and and bruised. 

"Jonghyun what happened?" Eunji exclaimed running up to him trying to help him. He just pushes her off. Key comes running in slightly beaten up as well. Eunji stood in silence. 

"I know your secret Eunji-ah." Jonghyun slurred trying to stand up. 

"You told him?" Eunji spat towards Key who was violently shaking his head. 

"He didn't tell me ." Jonghyun laughed to himself. "I got a call from the doctors about you making a next appointment to do a check up on the baby." Eunji was speechless. She didn't think they would call the house. "And your prince in shinning armor or should I say baby's daddy came clean hoping..." Jonghyun just drifted off into mumbles. He just did hand movement and walked towards his bedroom where he locked himself in. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Key muttered trying not to cry. Eunji didn't respond. He sat down on the couch and Eunji followed behind him. She sat next to him and she held him. "I didn't want to tell him but he started shouting things and it worried me so I told him it was me hoping he wouldn't be as mad but I was wrong and I am so sorry."

"It's okay. I'm not mad." She whispered softly. She ran her hands through his hair as he held his face in his hands. "He was going to figure out eventually if we told him or not."

"He must hate me." Key sobbed slightly still hiding his face. 

"No he doesn't. Yeah he's upset but he'll get over it." 

"How do you know that?" Key snapped louder than he thought he would. 

Not raising her voice or getting upset Eunji responded "because your his best friend and I'm his sister. We've all been a lot together. Maybe not now but soon he'll be excited to be an uncle and believe or not he use to tell me the only person he wants me to date was you." 

"Really?" Key asked genuinely curious. 

"Mmm." Eunji responded. Key looked up at the younger girl. She was smiling softly which caused his heart to warm. He leans in slowly and places his lips ever so softly on hers. Eunji slightly startled but kisses Key back. Key slowly breaks of their kiss and looks Eunji gently in her big brown eyes. 

"I love you." Key confesses for real this time. 



Sorry this this was late too. D: I'm so bad at this so thank you for anyone who has read even this far.m

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Chapter 10: Take your time. We understand. Just don't stress. FIGHTING!!!!
genie1421 #2
Chapter 10: New commenter here/i like ur story..i think this is my 1st time key story,since i'm not a fans of shinee/but i like minho n i like key after i watched him on wgm
Chapter 8: -sends message to Kai- Get your Umma.
Chapter 8: WHY TAE, WHY?!? But Key is so sweet OH MY GAWD.
ProbablyEli #5
Oh my god xD I didn't know anyone actually really liked this, thank you!
Chapter 7: Omg Taemin knocked out Key? Hahahahaha Aw man watch taemin be like I"M IN LOVE WITH EUNJI WAAAAAAAAE!!!! And we're all staring at him like <O>_<O> THIS IS NOT YOUR STORY YOU BIAS WRECKING LITTLE ! I'm sorry I just got done rewatching the latest video. I'm ruined I tell you RUINED!!!!!
ProbablyEli #7
Oh my goodness thank you! That's what kind of vibe I'm trying to go with aha.
Chapter 6: I'm in love with this, Key is so sweet ♥.♥