Chapter 4

Our little big mistake

Key climb up two flights of stairs to the apartment he was staying in. He took a deep breath and opened the door. We walked in the room with a large smile plastered on his face. Jonghyun and Onew welcomed him in and continued with their conversation. 

"That's why I think Eunji has been acting funny lately." Jonghyun stated to Onew who only nodded his head back in return. 

"What?" Key asked confused trying to gather the context of the earlier conversation.

"I think she has a boyfriend." Jonghyun restated to Key whose smile was completely gone. 

Key stood shocked. He had no idea how to respond to that. "Was it Minho who see went to see yesterday also?" Key thought but he completely erased that thought by remembering Eunji saying something about seeing Taemin. "It couldn't be Taemin because he was gone for a couple months. Could it?" 

"Yeah who ever he is I'd be worried if I was him." Jonghyun muttered causing Onew to laugh. "Because I will never let Eunji date just some boy. To be honest no boy is good enough for her." 

Key sat down laughing uncomfortably with a forced half smile. He knew Jonghyun was overprotective about his younger sister. But it made him wonder how would her react if Jonghyun knew how he felt. Key stared out a window in their small apartment and watched snow fall softly. 


Two hours have past and Minho and Eunji are walking out of the theater trying to adjust to the bright light. The two decide to walk around the area to find someplace to eat and generally trying to get away from the now heavily falling snow. Eunji's phone went off startling her causing Minho to laugh. 

"I thought I turned this off." Eunji mumbled pulling it out of her purse. It was her doctors office so she decided to answer it incase it was important. "Hello? Yes this is her. What? Tomorrow? Why.... Yeah I can. Thank you very much for calling me. Yep. Goodbye." Eunji sighed loudly and put her phone back in her purse after turning it off.

"Who was it?" Minho asked curiously. 

"It was my doctor. They had to change my appointment to tomorrow because she is going out of town on vacation next week." Eunji mumbled.

"What? Why do you have to see your doctor?" Minho asked in a concerned tone.

Eunji bluntly responded "It's just a regular check up." 

"Oh good. You had me worried there." Minho said relived almost laughing. Eunji knew she shouldn't have lied to him but she knew he would worried. She doesn't like it when people worry about her because it just puts unneeded attention on her. The two decided just to get some Mandu to share. 

By the time Minho and Eunji decided to part ways it was late and the streets were covered in snow. Eunji decided not to call Key because she assumed he had to be asleep. She managed to make it home with out passing out and tried to sneak into her bedroom. But so her surprise Jonghyun and Key with Onew long gone sat quietly eyeing the girl. 

"Where were you?" Jonghyun said in his calmest tone possible. 

Eunji slight managed to word out "I was out." Scared of what Jonghyun was going to do. 

"Why didn't you call Key?" Jonghyun said slightly louder than the last question he asked. 

"Because it was late..." Eunji stated before getting cut off by her now enraged older brother. 

"THAT IS NO EXCUSE. WE WERE WORRIED ABOUT YOU. I WAS WORRIED ABOUT YOU. WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU. WHY DIDNT YOU ANSWER OUR CALLS? WHY DO YOU ACT SO CARELESSLY?" Jonghyun screamed as loud as he could. The whole apartment complex had to be able to hear him. He wouldn't let Eunji speak to answer his questions. "just, go to your room. NOW." Eunji in tears walked to her her room and shut the door as loud as she could. Key sat quietly.   He was in completely shock. As long as he has know the two siblings he has not heard Jonghyun yell at Eunji like that. Not once. Jonghyun frustrated walked off to his room leaving Key in silence.  


The next day Eunji left the house early not saying a word to her brother or his friend to where she was going. She had to get to the hospital early that morning because that was the only time they could fit her in. As she go their a nurse greeted her right away and took her to a closed of room. After signing a few form and taking a few tests some she wasn't familiar with her doctor finally came in to see her. 

"Good morning Eunji how are you feeling today?" Her doctor asked. 

"I've been okay this morning Dr.Lee." She responded. 

"So what you've written down is that you passed out the other day, correct?" Dr.Lee asked writing on her clip board. 

"Correct." Eunji responded. 

"Have you experienced anything else odd lately?" Her doctor asked. 

"I've been throwing up lately but I think it might be food poisoning."  Eunji stated. 

"Eunji, have been ually active lately?" Her doctor asked in a monotone voice. 

"Ahh it's been over a month but yes." She responded awkwardly. 

Her doctor looked up at her "Eunji may I ask. When was the last time you had your period?" Her doctor had a concerned tone to seeing Eunji's face drop. It's late. She has totally forgotten about it.

"It's been over a month, Dr. Lee... You don't think I could be pregnant, do you?" Eunji asked. 

"Eunji, from what these test that you have taken earlier are telling me, yes you are pregnant." Her Doctor said in a serious but comforting tone. 


Done with chapter 4 :D 

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Chapter 10: Take your time. We understand. Just don't stress. FIGHTING!!!!
genie1421 #2
Chapter 10: New commenter here/i like ur story..i think this is my 1st time key story,since i'm not a fans of shinee/but i like minho n i like key after i watched him on wgm
Chapter 8: -sends message to Kai- Get your Umma.
Chapter 8: WHY TAE, WHY?!? But Key is so sweet OH MY GAWD.
ProbablyEli #5
Oh my god xD I didn't know anyone actually really liked this, thank you!
Chapter 7: Omg Taemin knocked out Key? Hahahahaha Aw man watch taemin be like I"M IN LOVE WITH EUNJI WAAAAAAAAE!!!! And we're all staring at him like <O>_<O> THIS IS NOT YOUR STORY YOU BIAS WRECKING LITTLE ! I'm sorry I just got done rewatching the latest video. I'm ruined I tell you RUINED!!!!!
ProbablyEli #7
Oh my goodness thank you! That's what kind of vibe I'm trying to go with aha.
Chapter 6: I'm in love with this, Key is so sweet ♥.♥