No Escape


Vibrate, vibrate, vibrate? (What sound does a vibrating phone make?)

More like facepalm, facepalm, facepalm. Kim Jongdae had already texted me eight hundred and forty-two times since I got on the plane from New Zealand to Korea, and in the mere ten minutes since I had landed in Seoul, he had managed to text me seventy-nine times, and only nine of those were from his EXO members trying to greet me.


What was he expecting me to do? Did he really expect me to have signal fifty-thousand feet up in the air?

What even was the point of these texts? Most of them were just repeats.


"Mi-mi, how r u?"

"On the plane yet?"

"Mi-mi reply!"

"Mi-mi pls!"


"Mi-mi, r u dead?"

"Mi-mi please!"




Ugh, this boy. He disgusts me.

Now I know I have to look down at my phone and type my response because he'll spam me with a thousand messages if I don't reply. Literally.


"Mi-mi have u grabbed ur luggage? Were outside parked on the right"


"Coming out of the airport" I quickly text back to him because I KNOW he would've freaked out if I hadn't typed it in a minute.


"i have friends with me 2."


Hey, some new faces! Great, I always loved socialising! (Sarcasm)




There was a reason why I only had Jongdae as a friend in high school. Socialising isn't my strength. The only reason why I became friends with Jongdae is because I didn't want to seem like that nerdy loner cooped up in the quietest and darkest, most unfriendly corner of the library reading some weird manga crying over a fictional character. Although, in truth, if I hadn't met Jongdae, I probably would have been. But hey, let's focus on the food in front of us.


Jongdae had arrived in a shiny white jeep, undoubtedly so that fans wouldn't raise suspicion on EXO members picking up random cute girls from the airport. I mean, I don't mean to brag, but I do find myself quite intriguing and atleast a little bit above average (hairflip).


The driver got out of the car and opened the door for me, and myself being myself, opened my mouth, let out an abrupt fake gasp, and gracefully stepped into the nice luxurious insides of the four wheel drive. And there, waiting for me with a grin, was Jongdae, and I must admit, a very good-looking male. Plus about three other equally if not more handsome guys sitting in the seats behind us. Gosh darnit, they're everywhere.


The door slammed shut.



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