

"Yah, Hyun-mi!" Jongdae yells from far behind.

"Don't ever ask me to buy ice cream again! I shall devour it the next time you ask!" I exclaim in victory as Jongdae collapses on the pavement.



Jongdae has become a victim to one of my tricks. As if he wasn't already.

Kim Hyun-mi, the Pranklord. All shall bow down to me and give me their ice cream, even though I can't eat it easily. You see, I have sensitive front teeth and canines, so even though I shall have trouble, I will all your ice creams with glee.


I'm sixteen, but I'm really a stubborn nine-year-old child.


I guess I should rewind and tell you why Jongdae is screaming at me and why I am talking about ice cream.

Well, my best friend Jongdae and I were just enjoying a beautiful and peaceful day at the park, kicking around a soccer ball that the park had supplied in a giant sports shed. Let me say, it is a fairly sunny day, not to the extent that you might finish the water in your drink bottle, but more like you will sweat in a t-shirt and knee-high shorts. The sun gets to Jongdae after a few hours and you know what? The boy asks if I could buy him some ice cream. That sounds normal but hold on, there's more (gasp). He knows perfectly well that today is one of those days where my teeth are extremely sensitive. I texted him this morning after I gulped down a medium-ish cold glass of juice and my teeth ached incredibly. And so I don't eat ice cream at all, or I it slowly and carefully. But that is just too tedious, so I don't eat it at all.


Anyways now, today at the park, this boy goes and asks me to go buy HIM ice cream. There's not even an 'us' in that sentence. No "you". Even a "you and I" wasn’t in there. It was a legitimate "Hey, Mi-mi, can you buy ME ice cream?" Just no, Dae-dae. Not without me getting something out of it too. So I, being the insanely creative evil mastermind I am, decided I'm not getting any ice cream out of this. No, no, no, I'm getting Jongdae's shouts of frustration.


I casually got up, (we had been sitting down because Jongdae was tired) and said "Sure, gimme money, I don't have my wallet and it's your food." Jongdae gave me money. I bought his usual (a double scoop with chocolate and bubblegum ice cream with chocolate sprinkles, which I don't know how he can eat). I walked smoothly back to him, ice cream in one hand, his change in the other. Jongdae glanced up and held out his hand expectantly, and I dropped his change into it. Just like usual. He held up the other and looked at me when I didn’t give him his ice cream. I stared into his eyes, trying hard to make it seem like I was peering into his soul.


“Hm?” He hummed questioningly.

“You really expect me to hand you this ice cream?” I answered, still glaring.


“You were fine with buying it. Just give it to me.”

“**You** know quite well that I had extremely sensitive teeth today. I texted you. With exactly thirty-seven exclamation marks! Plus all caps!” I ignored all the stares I was getting from the children in the park.

“Yeah, so?” Jongdae lunged for the ice cream, only for me to pull it even farther back.


“ ‘Yeah, so?’ I want to eat de ice cream. I cannot eat de ice cream. You know that. I am upset.” I ran away, peeking behind me for a mere second, seeing Jongdae in hot pursuit.




I picked up my speed.

“MUAHAHAHA!” I cackled, glaring at Jongdae.

“Oh, god Mi-mi… You could’ve just told me no…You don't even like this flavour of ice cream...” He groaned, falling back.


I put on my evil accent, where I rolled my “R”s, missed a couple words, over pronounced “A”s as “U”s.


We continued like this for twenty more minutes, until we got to the point of which he shouted my name and collapsed on the pavement of the park in exhaustion and tiredness of my childish behaviour.


I got a chance to look at him two minutes later, when I was sitting down, pretending to enjoy his ice cream.

Only then did I realise that Jongdae was extremely good looking, extremely vocally talented and does extremely well at making people laugh. I'm not trying to be cliché here, but I'm going to use a cliché phrase.

Little did I know, that I would be sharing these laughs with Kim Jongdae, also known as Chen, an EXO Member, and extremely successful at wooing girls. Did I mention that he's also extremely famous and in the entertainment industry?




I'm sorry this chapter isn't edited, so if there are mistakes, lemme know okay?

Also, look out for the next chapter! It should be coming out this week or next week.



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