
Shes A Pretty Boy

First day of term - 2

Kim walked around the campus for what seemed the tenth time today. She was bored out of her mind and for the most part couldnt wait for the classes to start. She had wanted to become familiar with area before the term had started and had decided to move in when the summer had started . she was nearly the only one there .most people had left for the summer vacation which meant she had the entire campus to herself. It was an amazing place but after a while it wasnt that much fun by herself.

She stopped when she heard a faint whistling . and turned her head to see a guy with dark hair wearing  a hoodie and jeans dragging a purple suitcase  towards the office. He seemed a little lost. she walked to towards but stopped when she realised it would be a little weird to approach a stranger like that. she didnt even know him.she shrugged and turned back around.he was probably a freshman that had come a little too early for his first day.or maybe he just wanted to unpack his stuff first.

She pushed back her thoughts about the mystery boy and walked back to her favourite place on the campus. Behind the dorms there was a small garden with a bench. it had taken her weeks  of constant exploring to find this place. it was beautiful. there were wild flowers that grew in an almost perfect madness and a small stream that led towards a small pond that would shine whenever the moonlight hit it.

she laid down on the bench and began to sing the same tune she had heard the boy whistling earlier. she could still hear it . trying to remember the precise tune he had been whistling. she finally stopped singing. yet it wasnt complete. thinking about the way she complete this song she got up and went to her room . wanting to write down the notes and put together the pieces of the melody.

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Thankyou BeautifulRain for becoming my very first subscriber ! i really aprecciate it and even if its only you i will continue to write these stories! thankyou!


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