not everything can be bought with money

A Doll's Dream


Zhoumi looked at the world from his comfort zone. He wondered what it was like to live beyond the walls of his parents’ house, to walk on the hard cemented sidewalks and just talk with strangers. His only access to the outside world was the books, newspapers, magazines brought back by his parents and the things he hears in TV.

“Are you crazy Eeteuk-seonsangnim?!” Zhoumi blurted out. Eeteuk was his new home school teacher, who Zhoumi thinks has taught him nothing but going out and having fun, lessons his past teachers have not even bothered teaching him. Everything he needs to know are just found in the books and seen in the movies, the world is dangerous especially for him. But, Eeteuk tells him otherwise and although he hasn’t lived up to his job description, Zhoumi keeps his mouth shut and just do well on his own during exams.

“How else are you really going to understand what’s outside if you don’t see it with your own eyes, grasp it with your own hands?”

“B-but… mom and dad will surely object to this.”

“Leave everything to me.” And Eeteuk pets Zhoumi’s hair with a broad, confident smile and Zhoumi can’t do anything else but sigh.

In truth, he has always wanted to go out. Just once and he won’t ask for anything anymore. And when Eeteuk came in for their lessons and tell him that they were going to play hookie he felt a new feeling, he felt exhilarated and happy for once.

“Let’s go back now, seonsangnim.” Zhoumi says with uncertainty as he looked around him with curiosity. And he falls slightly aback when a man rushed by, probably late for his appointment. Zhoumi opens his eyes and became worried when he could not find his teacher amongst the crowd. He wanted to cry but he was taught that men don’t cry and he musters up the strength and rub off any signs of ‘weakness’ from his eyes and mutters his teacher’s name as if doing so would make Eeteuk magically appear before him.

“Zhoumi!” Eeteuk calls out, holding a balloon in one hand. Without thinking, just with the feeling of relief Zhoumi runs to Eeteuk and hugged him.

“Sorry Zhoumi. I carelessly went after the balloon man. Don’t cry anymore okay? I’m sorry.” Eeteuk says softly and caressing Zhoumi’s hair comfortingly.


He was ten years old, he read about lostafraidreliefcomforthappiness and trust in books but it was the first time he experienced them.


“Seongsangnim,” Zhoumi calls, out of breath after climbing up the wall. “Don’t you think I’m too big for this?”

“Quit your whining Zhoumi. Hurry up before the guards find us.”

And they stealthily run pass the guard station.


He was eighteen and if he had not insisted that he still needed Eeteuk, his parents would have relieved him of his post. Being alone after everything Eeteuk had shown to him was something Zhoumi could not bear. He wondered why his parents never allowed him to leave their house, he was not a child anymore. He understood that they were famous, influential people in society but why must they keep him from that world? He was so well hidden that no one aside from the staff knew of his existence.

“Ma, don’t you think it’s about time that I get to see the world as it is? I can’t possibly stay inside forever.” Zhoumi eyes his parents’ reaction and continued. “Don’t you want to have grandchildren? Or aren’t you tired of taking care of a growing kid?”

“You’ll see the world but not now.” His father said bluntly.

“When? Why are you keeping me from people or rather, what is it that you are keeping from me?”

His parents did not answer and left an awkward pause.

“It seems like Eeteuk-seonsangnim has been teaching you a lot. Perhaps…” his father started.

“No! I still have a lot to learn from Eeteuk hyung…” and he realized he had said something wrong when he sees his parents eyes diverted and eyeing him differently. “I mean seonsangnim. Eeteuk-seonsangnim still has to teach me more.”

His parents slowly finished themselves and rose from their chairs. “Hmmm… it seems its time that we have a little chat with Eeteuk-seonsangnim.” His father said and looking to the butler, “Please usher him to the study when he comes.”

“Yes, Master.” And his parents left Zhoumi at the table. Zhoumi wanted to oppose so badly, but he was afraid. He knew little chat doesn’t mean a chat but perhaps little, how long would it take to sack him? The thought of being separated from Eeteuk hurt his heart. And the idea of not being able to see him again brought tears to his eyes.


Zhoumi was staring bluntly from the coldness of the attic, a place where he felt more comfortable than his room when Eeteuk came and sat beside him. Zhoumi brought his knees closer to him.

“Are you going to leave me too?” Zhoumi asked.

“Erm… we will see each other someday.” Eeteuk said with a silly smile on his face.

“You know that will never happen! I will forever be inside this prison, like some piece of rag doll hidden away instead of shown off in the shelf! Display dolls even have a better life than me, what is so wrong with me that I have to be imprisoned in this ‘house’?!” Zhoumi cried.

“Nothing is wrong with you.” Eeteuk said softly and pulled Zhoumi to him. “Let’s sneak out one last time. For old time’s sake.”

Zhoumi wiped his tears and firmly nodded.

It was half past midnight when Eeteuk and Zhoumi left the premises. While they were running Eeteuk noticed the duffel bag Zhoumi has been carrying.

“What’s with the bag?”

Zhoumi smirked.

“No way are you planning to run away from home?”

“What home are you talking about hyung? I decided that if it’s not certain that I’ll see you then I’ll just have to leave with you.”


“This is no time for you to be perplexed hyung, we’re not so far from the house yet.” And Zhoumi drags Eeteuk off his feet as they continued to run. They spent the entire dawn at clubs, bars and all the other events that only happen at night. And Zhoumi continues to learn that not everything in the book gives you knowledge.


“Wow, look Eeteuk hyung! Puppet theatre! And it’s the last show before the crew leaves! Let’s go watch it!” Zhoumi begs with teary puppy eyes. Eeteuk ruffles his hair and he realized how much Zhoumi has grown.


A/N: looks really long so i'm cutting it... continue with the next and final part. ^_^


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Chapter 2: Awesome and congratulations
Iminthezone #2
Congratulations on the feature
Chapter 2: Congratulations! Nice story.
GreyOrul #5
Chapter 2: Daebak!! You r an awesome writer with a great talent along with interesting plot!
So sad. I didn't know that Leeteuk was a doll. D:
hae_ki #7
yeah~ so wonderfully made eeteuk doll
Wah~! It's so good... I can't believe that Eetuek was a doll! <3