Chapter 19

I have a dream

,,I want to thank to my class and our generation for all hard work and fun they brought to this studies...." - one girl from university spoke in from of all of us. Today is the graduation day.  And this means I really graduated now. The day was so sunny and warm and I could feel sweat under this graduation wardrobe. But I somehow didn't care. Because,today is the last day I will have to come back to the Japan. Next time I come here,it won't be for school. And some melancholy danced in me. Why am I this sad?

,,Chris! Let's take a picture! All of us!" - MinAh shouted to me. Oh,yes the group picture.

,,Say CHEESE!"

,,CHEESE!!" - we all screamed! A lot of my student friends cried after the graduation. I hugged one friend,telling her it's alright but truth is I don't know when I'll see her again. I wish you all luck,guys. Now the real life begins.

,,KYAAAAAA! IT'S OPPA! OPPAS! KYAAAA!" - I heard a lot of girls screaming and when I turned around I saw nobody else but Infinite! What are they doing here? Along with them there was CEO. All the girls started running to them and clinging onto them. But Infinite just smiled and hugged their fans and took pictures with them etc. I really don't have any idea what are they doing in here.

,,Oppa,me,me!" , ,,Oppa I love you!" - they screamed like that. But they just smiled and enjoyed the moment. I really loved that about them. After some time,fans decided to let them breathe. CEO said they are here for the schedule and for their two trainees graduation. But the whole university already knew MinAh and I are those two trainees. Half an hour later,we greeted them all.

,,Chukahae!" - L came to me. I swear he could see my eyes sparkling when I saw him. No star could shine more than my eyes now. When I came back form the Seoul,we saw each other everyday in the company. Infinite is working really hard on their comeback now. We walked down one path for a while.

,,I'm going to the USA again."

,,What? Jinjja?"

,,Yes,we're filming our MV for our new song. But in LA this time."

,,Oppa,I'm exited,I can't wait to see your new MV and song!"

,,I will take pictures for you. Do you want to?"

,,Of course! I love your pictures."

,,And I love how you look right now! Let me take a few pictures of you in your graduation mode."

,,Right now?"

,,Well,we don't have any other now." - he took his camera and pointed in me. At first,I couldn't stop laughing,but then I've gotten serious.

,,It's really pretty."


,,Your hair."

,,My hair? Oh,why are you so interested in my hair?"

,,Because it's you. And I'm interested in you." - I started blushing. He used that moment and pictured me.

,,Ya! I wasn't ready!"

,,You're beautiful anyways." - he pointed his tongue and smiled. How can I argue with him when he does that?

,,Myungsooah,come here for a moment!" - I heard Sunggyu waving his hands and telling L to come there.

,,I'll be right back." - he blinked at me and runned to Sunggyu. I watched his figure getting more and more away. I looked at the cheery blossom trees and at their beautiful,pink flowers. As I watched,MinAh and Sungyeol cathed my gaze. They were about 30 meters away and sitting next to each other and laughing. Ah,so something is happening between them. MinAh looked so happy. And Sungyeol looked like an elementary child next to the ice cream stand. I thought how they fitted well together. As I looked,somebody suddenly grabbed my arm. I thought it was Myungsoo and I made the perfect,smiled face. But,when I turned around,it was nothing like Myungsoo. I saw Kevin and his wide smile. I felt dissapointed in that moment,but I managed to act like I'm fine and great. But then I remembered he said he'll want to hear my answer today if I reconsidered about our relationship! The problem is I forgot about that completely! And I know that this is not going to be good. We walked a bit and I was really nervous. He made me walk all the way to the some place,kinda further than where I was before. The point is,we are all alone in here. I started to sweat even more than before.

,,So,you know why I dragged you all the way here right?"


,,Well,then....what's your answer?"

,,...Ke..Kevin..I...I'm sorry,I just can't think of you more than just a friend...B..But.."

,,Hahahahahahah...I knew it. I know you won't even reconsider."

,,Kevin I.. I did!" - I tried to lie.

,,Don't lie to me. I came at the beggining of the graduation ceremony and I saw you the way you look at that guy. When he came,you just sparkled."

,,Kevin,what can I do?"

,,You know what? You really hurted me. I expected more. I expected you will at least reconsider. But you didn't. You don't care about my feeling nor me."


,,Don't you tell me that. I'm sick of that."

,,I..I need to go..." - I tried to go,no to run.

,,No,you don't." - he grabbed my arms and stopped me from running. I felt scared.

,,K..Kevin,wh..a..what are you doing?" - my voice started to tremble. He pushed me to the ground. Kevin was so scary,no that wasn't the Kevin I know.

,,I know this is wrong,but this way you'll consider me." - he tore my graduation robes and started kissing my neck. I felt so nauseous. I started screaming. His hands reached my legs and started going to my upper part. The tears formed in my eyes as I started to scream even louder. He stifled my mouth with his hand and I could barely breathe. He looked me into my eyes and said ,,SHH" . He kissed me. No that wasn't a kiss. His hands reached my bra. I struggled and tried to fight him and release myself somehow. But he was to strong. This is it. I'm getting rapped. Somebody help. Help. Help me! I repeated this in my head. He touched me. The guy I don't love,touched me. The tears were going down my face and I felt how my body is hot and my face is hot. I wanted to die. I closed my eyes. In my head,Myungsoo appeared and his smiling face. The way he talks,the way he makes me tremble,his looks,talents and kindness. That's the man I love. I'm sorry Myungsoo. Myungsoo. Help me.

Suddenly,I felt Kevin was pushed off me. I opened my eyes and it was Myungsoo! He started hitting Kevin so hard.

,,You son of a ! DIE!" - I never saw Myungsoo so furious. He beated Kevin. I was so happy! He saved me! Kevin fell on the ground. L wanted to hit him some more,but Kevin showed he was enough and left. Myungsoo runned to me.

,,Ch...Chris..Omona,I'm sorry,are you okay?" - he holded me gently.

,,Opp...Oppa! Th..Thank you!" - I started crying like an baby and couldn't stop shaking. My robes were nicked and I felt so embarassed. Kevin tried to me and he saw it. I cried so hard. L hugged me. I felt he was shaking too.

,,Oh.h..Mianhae,mianhae,mianhae" - he repeated like that. He was helding me so gently and after some time I stopped with crying. He just continued to apologize me.

,,Oppa,I'm okay now." - I said with a trembling voice.

,,Oh,are you?" - he looked at me and patted me on my head. His eyes were teary!

,,Opp...a..." - he kissed me... But I needed that right now. He continued to kiss me. I enjoyed it because I felt like he's cleaning my soul. I just felt so dirty. How couldn't I stop Kevin?

,,Di...Did it?" - Myungsoo asked me after the kiss. I blushed so hard,but Kevin only touched me. Nothing more. But if Myungsoo arrived minute later...

,,Annieyo,Oppa." - he looked at mine nicked robes and how my arms were . I felt so dirty,but he took of his light sweather and covered my shoulders. He then helped me stand. My legs shaked so much.

,,Let me help you." - he piggy backed me. The scenes of Kevin touching me replayed in my head. I couldn't stop with shaking and Myungsoo felt that. He took me to some chairs with table next to the river where our graduating ceremony was held. Luckily no people were there either. He didn't ask me anything. He just holded me for my shoulders and I leaned my head on his.

,,You can ask me why did it come to that if you want."

,,I don't want to."

,,But I want to tell you."

,,Then I'll listen." - I told L everything. But when I was next to him,I wasn't that scared anymore. He made me feel safe.

,,You dumped him because you like somebody else?"

,,No,I didn't really told him that,but he knew."

,,So you like somebody? Whom?" - I looked at him. Suddenly the scene where we kissed again started to play in my head. I felt the blood boiling in my face. He only looked at me. I thought,we'll kiss again. He neared me and I started to close my eyes.

,,YA! There you are!" - I saw Dongwoo,Hoya,Sunggyu,Sungjong and Woohyun running to us.

,,We looked for you everywhere! What are you two doing?" - Dongwoo asked us. I looked at L and he understood that I don't want of them to know what happened.

,,She's wearing L's sweather?" - Sungjong pointed at me.

,,Did...we interrupt something?" - Woohyun said with mischievous voice. He started laughing then and jumped around like an girl. Hoya just looked at him and showed me with his hands ,,it's okay he's usualy like that" . Oh these guys! They always cheer me up!

,,Ya! We now need to find Sungyeol." - Sunggyu interrupted Woohyun's fangirling.

,,He dissapeared like 2 hours ago,we need to go!" - Hoya grabbed mine and L's hands and we started to look for Sungyeol. Oh I remember!

,,He was with MinAh last time I saw him..."

,,WHAAA?" - all of them screamed together.

,,What is this with all of you?" - Sungjong said that as our mission find Sungyeol and MinAh continued. Where the hell are they?

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Buttefly #1
Chapter 29: I feel so sad because it ended T.T anyways,really good story,I was so amazed by it!!
Keishandvr #2
Chapter 29: Such a great story!!!! Love it!
Chapter 25: Sounds so good! Can't wait for the next chapter it's really interesting!
..I'll marry Sunggyu ^.^
Gogofangirl #4
Chapter 17: When u'll post the next chap. ? I rlly love ur storyy
Chapter 1: Ohh this sounds very interesting! :D
Keishandvr #6
Chapter 16: Great story!!! Please update soon!