Chapter 12

I have a dream

Pictures of half L played in my head.

,,Are you looking for me?" - as he said that,he neared to me. His abs! HIS ABS! Chris! Come to your senses! He's just perfect,and in front of you and that's okay. OKAY MY !

,,..Wh..a..What...are you...?"

,,Oh,I just wanted to take a shower,but you entered the bathroom."

,,It's now."

,,Oh,thanks. By the way,you were so tired that I just throw all our stuff around the room. So I'll manage everything,so you just prepare for today."

,,No,it's okay. I'll clean it up. There's my stuff there too,after all."


,,Do you want me to clean yours too?"

,,If you don't mind..."

,,I don't."

,,Then great. See you after the shower." - he smiled and entered the bath. I could hear and him showering. As he entered the room,I sighed. So he wants to tease me? I'll see then if you want to play like that. I then started claning all the stuff. Everything was on the floor. My and his clothes mixed. It looked lik we... Oh my God. Did I just thought about that? I mean I don't quite remember what I did last night out of tiredness. And I don't remember what he did with me... What if something happened? I mean,something? Kyaaa,stop  thinking about it! He wouldn't,Gosh,you stupid,stupid girl. But if he did something. There's only one way to find out.

,,Waaa that shower was......ama...amazing...." - he suddenly stoped himself as he saw me how I take my shirt off.

,,Oh,sorry,I didn't....mean" - he turned around. I indeed did blush. He lookes so good with his wet hair. I wanted to die.

,,Omona,sorry,Oppa,I didn't see you coming." - I rushed and took some shirt on me ,,I'll go under the shower too."

,,Y..Yeah...Oh you cleaned everything?" - he was surprised how everything was nicely on their place. His clothes in his bag,mine on mine bag.

,,Yeah,sorry if something is not on their place."

,,N.No! Everything's perfect. I mean you cleaned everything so fast!"

,,Well,I live in dorm and always pack because I always go somewhere,hehe"

,,You're even more amazing!" - I looked at him. He was standing right before me and smiling.I couldn't hide how happy I was. I don't even know if I deserve all this happiness. I'm with the lov of my life,who's celebrity,in this small hotel room where we share one bad,bathroom and space.

,,I'll go under the shower."

,,Do you want me to order a breakfast?"

,,Yeah! I even forgot how hungry I am right now."

After I showered,we ate breakfast.

,,So what's the plan for today?"

,,I thought like this,how about we do everything we have in the morning,and then go to play in the afternoon?"

,,...Oppa,did we came here to play?"

,,...I love to play...."

,,Oppa,you sound like a little kid!"

,,Well,I am the kid inside. I'm hungry for some adventure." - He looked me like that. Adventure. With L. I wanted to do it.

,,I'll think about it. But only if we finish everything,okay?"

,,Okay! I'm so exited right now!"

,,What kind of adventure do you want?"

,,A beautiful one." - as he said that my heart trembled. He smiled. Why are you smiling so much to me anyways.I noticed how some food on the corner of his mouth.

,,Oppa,you have something here."


,,Here." - I took it of for him. He started blushing. And I started laughing ,,I'm sorry are you uncomfortable?"

,,No,...I'm happy!"

,,Me too..."

,,It's time to go! Let's go!" - we left the hotel and went to the Central park. There,he took some photos for his new bravo viewfull. As I waited for him,I saw a lot of childrens playing. I smiled as I watched that. Ididn't even notice he took some photos of me. Then one child fell and started crying. I rushed to help him.

,,It's okay,we all fall in order to be the best! " -the child stopped crying and smiled to me!

,,You're really pretty,lady!"

,,Thanks!" - I smiled at him then his mother came for him and thanked me. As I stood,I saw L taking pictures.

,,Ya! Delete them! Now!" - I runned at him.

,,I don't want to!" -he showed his tongue to me and started running from me! I tried to catch him! But he was faster!

,,Catch me if you caaaan!" - He shouted like that!

,,Gaah,it's not fair! You're a boy! Wait! Oppa!" - I tried to catch him. Then he suddenly stumbled and fell. I was so fast that couldn't stop myself so suddenly so as I tried to stop ,too stumbled and fell on him.

,,Kyaaa! Oppa!"

,,Don't worry I'm fine...ugh I got you!" - He holded me like that ,,are you okay?"

,,I'll be.." - I tried to catch my breath.

,,Wow,you're forehead! It's bleading a bit!" - he said as he touched my scratch.

,,OH REALLY?? Not a forehead what if it scar?"

,,It won't if we take care of it."



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Buttefly #1
Chapter 29: I feel so sad because it ended T.T anyways,really good story,I was so amazed by it!!
Keishandvr #2
Chapter 29: Such a great story!!!! Love it!
Chapter 25: Sounds so good! Can't wait for the next chapter it's really interesting!
..I'll marry Sunggyu ^.^
Gogofangirl #4
Chapter 17: When u'll post the next chap. ? I rlly love ur storyy
Chapter 1: Ohh this sounds very interesting! :D
Keishandvr #6
Chapter 16: Great story!!! Please update soon!