Chapter 10

I have a dream

Practise,study,eat and sleep. That's my ordinary day. I don't remember when was the time I worked so much like this. I'm tired,but I just want of time to fly faster. I want to go back to the Seoul. I want to see Infinite again. I want to see L. One day I caught myself looking at his pictures from perormances and TV shows. Am I becoming that desperate??


,,What will we do then?"

,,How about we go out in the club?"

,,Aniya,you know she's not that kind of a person!"

,,Then what are your sugestions then? Tell me if you're so smart and full of ideas,Sam."

,,I got it. I have an idea. Listen we'll do this....."

,,What are you two doing?" - under the blanket,Sam and MinAh were making something up. I didn't quite hear,but I knew they're up to something.

,,Chris! came eariler!" - MinAh sounded surpised.

,,Yeah. Why did you leave the company earlier? I looked around and I couldn't find you."

,,Well,something came..." - she tried to exuse herself.


..Chris,are you mad?" - Sam jumped and throw a blanket.

,,No. It's just that I need to study."

,,Do you want of us to bring you something? To eat,to drink?" - they asked me. It was so sweet.

,,Yeah,please. Udon noodles and some juice will be good."

,,Got it!" - they went out in a hurry. They're so funny. Later,while I was walking trough the dorm,I heard something like ,,Infinite". My heart jumped,but I decided to ignore it. I went out to take some fresh breath. I walked down the center. On the big TV screen in the center,picture of Infinite appeared. I,along the countless of fans,stopped to see what's going on.

,,Once again,famous Kpop band,Infinite,will be visiting Japan. As we learned,they'll come here to...." - TV anchor said like that. I had no idea they're coming! I rushed back to the dorm and found MinAh.

,,Have you heard?!"



,,Yeah,what's with them?"

,,They're coming! In Japan! Here! And it's on my..."

,,Oh,yeah! Really? Great!" - I know MinAh wasn't their biggest fan,but she didn't seemed so surprised. They're still from the company we're debuting under and she should atleast be happy for her sunbaes coming. I felt like she knew something.

,,If we debut,don't ever try acting in a drama."

,,Chris,is everything alright?" - she made that innocent face.

,,Nothing." - I turned around. Something's happening here and she knows it and it annoys me. What is she hiding?

,,You look nervous." - I turned around again. It was Kevin!


,,Oh,am I annoying? 'Cuz,you seem annoyed."

,,No...actually I'm glad you're here..."



,,...Wanna grab some coffee?"

On the rooftop,I talked with Kevin about my recent problems. He listened to it all. I'm glad somebody is here for me right now. He even made me laugh! That was really kind of him.

,,So,if you ever have something on your mind like that again,don't hesitate to tell me."

,,Yeah,thanks." - I left like that.


Two days later,Infinite came to the Japan. Right now,I'm on my way to the company to wish them safe arrival. In the train,I heard a lot of girls talking about them.

,,I wish to meet them...Let's go to their Japanese company!"

,,Hai,let's do that! I can't wait to see L!"

,,I want to see Sunggyu..." - They fangirled like that. What happened to my fangirl side? I used to be just like that one year ago. Exactly one year ago,I saw L for the first time in my life. On that 19th birthday. Today it's my birthday again. Today I'm 20.

,,Wow,already 20?" - I told that to myself as I washed my face in the early Saturday morning. I just woke up and realised it's my birthday. Both MinAh and Sam were already gone. These days,I don't talk to them to much. They always go out. Have they forgoten about me? I talked with my parents and some people from dorm wished me all the best. But my best friends? I entered the company. Everyone seemed to be busy as always. I entered the practise room and reached my hand for a light switcher. But as I turned light on...

,,SURPRISEEE!!!!" - balons and colorfull tracks started falling from all angles! And in the center of the room was one big cake and presents! And people surronding the cake were Sam,MinAh,CEO,couple people from the dorm and the company and Infinite! As I saw L's face,my heart jumped! I really didn't expect this!

,,Happy birthday to you!!!" - they all wished me like that.

,,Happy birthday,Chris. I've missed you." - L came to me and hugged me! I was like Oh my God! L just hugged me. Then the other members have done quite the same thing.

,,I'm so glad to see you! The Woollim is quiet without you,hehehehhe!" - Dongwoo wished me like that as he hugged me hard!

,,Chris,happy birthday!" - Sungjong hugged me gently. Sunggyu sang a balad for me,Woohyun throw a heart for me (and I cathed),Hoya danced for me,and Sungyeol only asked me about MinAh

,,Oppa,do you like her?"

,,...Wh..What?? No....I..just...I just found her like my sister... She is so like a younger sister!"

,,Well,your face doesn't appeal that way."


,,Just go and talk to her!" - I pushed him at her. She later throw a fit about it,but they looked cute!

,,Can you give me an minute?" - L came to me.

,,O..Of course!" - We sat down while the rest of the people had a lot of fun. They danced,singed,ate the cake. It was like a mini party.

,,I just wanted to give you this." - he gave me an present.

,,Oppa...You didn't have to!"

,,I wanted. Open it." - he looked shy. In the little box there was a framed picture. On that picture,there was me and him!

,,Do you remember when we took this picture with my camera at that dinner? Well,I saved it because it was really beautiful."

,,Oppa! It's great! I like it! It's a beautiful present!" - I was really touched! He saved a picture! Our picture!

,,I wanted it for you to have it." - as I looked,there was short message on the picture. It sayed ,,I'll never forget you,so don't worry!"

,,Oppa...I don't know what to say...I'm so happy right now..." - my heart was beating so hard. He thought about me! This is amazing present! As he looked at me,I took a chance and kissed him in the cheek! He looked at me surprised and I smiled while being red as tomato!

,,I guess that's mine present." - as he said that I wanted to faint out of happiness.

,,Oppa,I'll promise you I'll work even harder and become an idol. So that one day I can stand next to you on that stage!"

,,I belive you. Because I want to stand next to you on that stage too." - I smiled at him.

,,Yah,you lovey-doveys! You'll miss all the fun!" - Hoya interrupted us and Sungjong helped him to drag us to the dancefloor. All of us then danced and singed. We laughed and I really enjoyed this time! I,then find out how MinAh and Sam prepared all this. They told CEO that my birthday was coming closer and they wanted to do something about it. They told him it will be great if Infinite could come. Somehow,CEO made that happen and they're all here. I was so happy that I cried. They are wonderful! All this wouldn't happen if I don't have them for friends. It all cleared my thoughts now. They were out a lot because they wanted to prepare everything for my birthday celebration! And I felt how I became closer with L. I hope this is just the begining of our story.

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Buttefly #1
Chapter 29: I feel so sad because it ended T.T anyways,really good story,I was so amazed by it!!
Keishandvr #2
Chapter 29: Such a great story!!!! Love it!
Chapter 25: Sounds so good! Can't wait for the next chapter it's really interesting!
..I'll marry Sunggyu ^.^
Gogofangirl #4
Chapter 17: When u'll post the next chap. ? I rlly love ur storyy
Chapter 1: Ohh this sounds very interesting! :D
Keishandvr #6
Chapter 16: Great story!!! Please update soon!