Seokjin Alice


Kim Seokjin follows a cat and falls into a dumpster. What more do you need?

READER'S CHALLENGE: Since this is a Disney/k-pop crossover crackfic of sorts,  I challenge you to find as many of the references as you can! (I.e which Disney movies the characters/quotes come from.) Most are from Disney movies and they're fairly obvious, but a few of them come from other movies/books, and two in particular pertain to BTS songs/MVs. Alright, enough with the hints, let's see how many you can find! 

Happy readings~ 


To summarize:

"The BTS reality in a big bunch of fantasy." -Shereen (AKA my right-hand woman)


What started out as a crackfic and turned into a slightly allegorical piece.....I'm not exactly sure what this is anymore. At any rate, I had a lot of fun writing this, even though it was probably funnier in my head. 


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Chapter 1: Haha that was so funny xD Great job! I didn't have any problems with the characters so I think they were clear enough. Really nice =)
Chapter 1: Bravo. This was great actually. I'm surprised it hasn't received all the attention it's worth.