; One ;

Autumn Romance
He wasn't really happy with his and Yixing's first meeting after a whole year,if he wouldn't have got mad at his stupid friend Jongdae and taken a walk along the streets and bumped into Yixing who remembered him about Luhan..He would've long forgot about the chinese male,his ex,and he wouldn't think of being careful to not hurt him again because one thing Minseok hated the most was to cause someone pain.And yet he did.
"Minseok." Baekhyun called from the other side of the phone.His voice sounded calm yet serious."Don't,Baekhyun don't." Minseok said,his bangs covering his eyes as he stared with lifeless eyes on the floor.He didn't want to hear Luhan's name.
"Luhan has a hard time too.He's the father to a abandoned little 10 year old girl and he can't let go of the past even if he doesn't show it,even if Yixing is there for him he still calls Minseok instead of Yixing." Baekhyun said.Luhan was a father?He never knew that..
"That's just words playing with his mouth.." 
"Its not just words.'' Minseok went quiet from that.Did really Luhan miss him that much?..
"Really,Jongdae were right,your personality has changed a lot and stop being a jerk." Baekhyun continued.
He knew it,he  knew that he should stop being a jerk,a sigh escaped his lips as he stood there in the living room,not moving.3 days working in the same office,3 days avoiding to spend a minute or more alone with Luhan,3 days trying to forget the fact that Luhan existed or else one day he would turn around and let himself fall again.Did anyone know how hard it was?
"Tell him to stop being a jerk and learn to live in the future and not the past." Minseok let out as he hang up.Before he even knew it,tears were falling from his eyes.He crashed down on the couch,why?why would Luhan always come to his mind even if he tried his best to forget about him.
Why did everyone remind him about Luhan?they didn't know,they didn't know his past so who were they to actually care?
It wasn't Luhan in the past,it was him.He never blamed Luhan for anything,he didn't blame Luhan for Yixing hating him.
But the reason is,he were engaged and that's the reason of why he broke up with him,to not let Luhan suffer more pain to see him with his future wife.
"Damn it." He whispered and covered his eyes with his hands.Why wouldn't the past abandon his head?The leaves fell from the trees to the ground,Autumn.Could anything go right this year? The only sound in his apartment were from his sobbings.After a while he got up from the couch and made his way out to get some fresh air.
Minseok walked along the empty streets,only the moon's light shined beautiful that night and the wind brushed against his face gently.He slipped his hands into his pocket and stopped to walk to watch the water with leaves floating on it under a bridge.
The sound of the water and the trees swinging in the wind were relaxing.His eyes were propably still kind of red.
- - - - 
''Daddy.'' Luhan's eyes darted away to his little girl on his knees.He let a smile create itself on his lips.Actually the little girl weren't his own,she were abandoned infront of his door a cold winter night,he might've been a jerk the last few years but he weren't one who would just ignore her.
Where the little girl's real parents was no one really know even though he tried his best to make the police find them,they could mostly be dead or just got tired of her.
''Mingming,let Luhan work,you've to sleep.'' Yixing said as he walked to them,kneeling down infront of her.Mingming put on a pout and claimed that she weren't even near of being tired.
Luhan let out a chuckle,he never really smiled or laughed infront of anyone but the ones he loved.It's not that he's inlove with Yixing and Yixing is not living with them but would take care of Mingming and himself if needed.
That will say almost every week,it's just that Yixing were his bestfriend since childhood but somewhat they got torn apart when Minseok stepped into the picture and got together again after the graduation.
Speaking of Minseok,he were back and handsome than ever,his personality might've changed infront of others but infront of Luhan he were quiet.He didn't even glance at him,it just felt like the day they broke up,back at that time,Minseok had brown hair with long bangs which Luhan told him to cut off.And he didn't really glance at him as the words walked out from his mouth,across his lips.
The smile when Luhan asked him if he were fine with it were forced.Everyone who would pay attention would know that.After the graduation he didn't get a goodbye or even got to see him,the one he was and still is inlove with.
Luhan never really changed,he had his cold personality,he had his never smiling lips,he had everything in the past but he were taller.All he wants is to get Minseok back but he never knew and still doesn't know why they broke up.''Mingming.'' Luhan called,giving her a kiss on the forehead.
''Go to sleep,Princess.'' Mingming crossed her arms but nodded.She walked to her room and got help of Yixing to get onto the bed.''Daddy!'' She called Luhan again.He had no choice but to stand up from the coach and walk to her.
''Sing a song,daddy has a great voice.'' Mingming said,looking up at him from her bed.
''Alright.'' Luhan said as he sat down on the edge of the bed.
''Tián mì mì..nǐ xiào dé tiánmì mì..'' As sweet as honey..your smile is as sweet as honey..
''Hǎoxiàng huā er kāi zài chūnfēng lǐ..'' Like flowers blooming in spring..
''Kāi zài chūnfēng lǐ..'' In the spring breeze..
''Zài nǎlǐ..zài nǎlǐ jiànguò nǐ..''  I wonder where..where have I seen you?
''Nǐ de xiàoróng zhèyàng shúxī..'' Your smile is so familiar to me..
''Wǒ yīshí xiǎng bù qǐ..'' But I cannot remember..
''A ~ zài mèng lǐ..'' Ah..~ in my dreams..
Luhan looked at Mingming as she already had her eyelids closed.He stood up from the chair and went out.''Goodnight,Mingming.'' He whispered.Yixing closed her door and they went to the living room and sat down.Yixing let out a sigh and leaned his head backwards.
''Do you still love him?'' Luhan closed his eyes and leaned against the couch.
'Yeah.'' He said.''Yes I do.'' It were silent for a moment.
''I see..'' Yixing finally said and stood up,stretching.He walked to the hall and put on his jacket.
''You're not staying over?'' Luhan asked,now standing in the hall with his arms closed and leaned against the wall.
''No.Not today,but I left some food for breakfast and muffins for Mingming.'' Yixing said as he waved goodbye and went out.Luhan walked back into the living room,now close to the window he looked out.
''What happened between us?'' He whispered.
- - - - 
A/N : Thank you for subscribing and the upvotes! I really appreciate that,and sorry but I have been busy this week so I couldn't really update also,it's hard for me to write the start of the story >< which pisses me off so forgive me if it's a weird start.
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Working on chapter one!


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zyradoxiu #1
i'm excited for this. update soon. :)