Level up

Goodbye, Hello

"Hey Soo, did you manage to ask Taeng about it?"

Yuri took a sip of her drinks as Sooyoung nodded her head. Both of them, along with Hyoyeon, were meeting up for lunch at a cafe near to Hyoyeon's workplace.

"By the way, when is Yoong coming back?" Hyoyeon asked as she suddenly smiled widely and thanked the girl who had brought their food to the table.

Hyoyeon's gaze followed the girl until she disappeared behind the counter. Turning her attention back to the table, she was surprised when she saw Sooyoung and Yuri smirking at her.

"What's with the wide smile?" Sooyoung asked.

"Is she the only waitress here? She seems to be the only sending our orders to us. Or is it because of you?" It was Yuri's turn to ask.

Hyoyeon shrugged her shoulders and pretended to be interested in her lunch. The 3 girls started eating before continuing their conversation again.

"I think Taeng is still afraid of the past. She's afraid of making mistakes and losing Fany again." Sooyoung suddenly said. "But my SunnyBunny told me that Fany is waiting for Taeng to make the first move."

"Can't we just tell Taeng about what Fany had told Sunny?" Yuri asked as Hyoyeon immediately shook her head vigorously.

"Andwae, andwae. If Taeng-unnie knows about it, she will feel more pressurized to do it. She has to ask Fany-unnie to be her girlfriend again when she feels that she is ready to do so. She has to do it because she feels it's the right thing to do and not because we expect her to do it." Hyoyeon explained as Sooyoung nodded her head.

"But it's frustrating to see them pulling and pushing with one another. It's obvious that they love each other a lot but one is afraid to level up and the other one is just waiting for the other to make a move. In 3 days time, Fany would have been here in Seoul for 2 months already and there's no progress yet between them." Yuri sighed.

"What if they're actually pretending to be distant with each other in front of us but behind closed doors, they're actually much closer?" Sooyoung asked as Yuri and Hyoyeon frowned as if they were in deep thoughts. "Fany is staying at Taeng's apartment at the moment and is also Taeng's secretary. Behind the office door and the apartment door, who knows?"

The 3 of them looked at each other with cheeky grins before laughing out loud when they realised that they had the erted look on each other's faces.

"But seriously, we need to do something about those two. Well, at least before my wedding at the end of the year." Sooyoung said as Hyoyeon and Yuri nodded their heads. "You didn't answer Hyo's question earlier, Yul. About Yoong's return date."

"Oh yes. I had forgotten about it because we were too busy observing Hyo oogling at the waitress earlier." Yuri answered as she laughed.

"Yah, I wasn't oogling, okay. I've always come here for lunch and both of us had gotten to know each other. Her name is Min. She's been working at this cafe for almost a year now and actually goes to the same dancing school as me during her off days. That's all." Hyoyeon explained while trying to avoid eye-contact with Sooyoung and Yuri.

"Is she a good dancer?" Sooyoung asked as Hyoyen nodded her head.

"Is she single?" Yuri took the opportunity to ask more questions as Hyoyeon continued nodding her head.

"Is she into girls?" Sooyong and Yuri burst into laughters when they accidentally asked the same question to the blushing Hyoyeon.

"I don't know. And stop with the questionings. By the way Yul-unnie, you're suppose to answer our question about Yoong." Hyoyeon replied as Yuri stopped laughing as if she just remembered that she had yet to answer that question.

"She should be coming home during the first or second week of December." Yuri replied.

Meanwhile, just a few tables away, two girls were engrossed in their conversation with one of them clearly showing her unhappiness with a frown on her face.

"Why do you still want to help her after what she has done to you? You think I'm going to believe what the company told us about your departure like the rest of them? I'm not that stupid, okay. I know that it's surely got to do with that arrogant person." The girl with the frown continued nagging at another girl in front of her who was looking slightly nervous. "That person must have done something to you but to cover it up, they had forced you to resign. I know she's in good terms with the people in the top management. That stupid Kim Taeyeon."

"Sohee, lower your voice. Other people might hear you." The other girl commented as she glared at her friend. "Furthermore, it's really not her fault. I told you before. It was my own decision to resign. Because... because..."

"Because you had an evil intention on your own boss."

The two girls turned to face an angry-looking Sooyoung who was being held back by Yuri and Hyoyeon.

"Long time no see, Sunmi. Are you here to spread rumors about Taeyeon again or are you trying to find ways to hurt her by using your friend here?" Sooyoung said as Sunmi shook her head.

"Ms Choi. That's not true. I.. I.." Sunmi looked to her friend and then back to Sooyoung. "Ms Kim is in danger because of her ex-girlfriend. Her ex-girlfriend's name is Tiffany, right? Coincidentally, Sohee told me that Taeyeon's new secretary is a girl by the name of Tiffany. So I was wondering if it's the same person."

Sooyoung blinked her eyes at Sunmi as she was really shocked at the moment. Nobody in the company were supposed to know about Tiffany's connection with Taeyeon except for Uncle Lee, Sunny and herself.

"You're talking about the same person." Yuri answered absent-mindedly before covering .

"What do you mean she's in danger? What kind of danger?" Hyoyeon asked.

"Can we go somewhere else to talk about this in private?" Sunmi asked. "But before that, I need some time to explain and confess some things with my friend, Sohee. Maybe we can arrange another time to meet up. It's better if Ms Kim is around too."

"In that case, call me when you're ready to explain everything." Sooyoung said as she handed her business card for Sunmi to contact her again.


Taeyeon was so focused, staring into her computer that she was not aware of Tiffany's presence in her office room. She was so shocked to hear Tiffany's voice so close to her, that the first thing she did was to hug her computer, covering the screen from Tiffany's eyes.

"Yah!! What are you doing?" Tiffany frowned as she saw Taeyeon frantically clicking on her mouse. "Are you watching in the office?"

"A... An.. Anni.." Taeyeon shocked her head vigorously before sitting down on her seat slowly once she was sure that she had closed all the tabs on her computer screen. "Why are you suddenly here? You should have knocked before coming in."

Tiffany folded her arms and glared hard at Taeyeon, causing her boss to swallow her saliva nervously. "I'm not sure what you were so engrossed in earlier but I did knocked the door 3 times. I knew you were inside which was why I panicked and walked in when you didn't react to my knockings. I thought something had happened to you."

Taeyeon chuckled awkwardly and scratched the back of her neck. She was feeling guilty for making false assumptions towards Tiffany and making her worried for no reason. "Mianhae. Maybe I didn't hear your knockings. Please forgive me."

"Maybe I will if you tell me what you were looking at earlier." Tiffany walked slightly to the side of Taeyeon's chair but she was disappointed when she saw that there was nothing on the computer screen.

"It was nothing actually. Just some... hhmmm.. some.. games that I was playing earlier." Taeyeon tried to lie but obviously she doesn't sound that convincing.

"And why did you have to hide it from me? Why was your reaction so frantic just now?" Tiffany continued to question the nervous-looking girl in front of her.

"I didn't want you to see that I was spending my working hours, playing games. You might scold me for that." Taeyeon pouted, trying to use her aegyo this time round and it seems it worked.

"If you're done with your work, I don't see any reason as to why you couldn't spend some time to relax for a while. Furthermore, you're my boss. I don't have the right to stop you." Tiffany answered as Taeyeon grinned dorkily at her. "I'm just here to inform you that Sunny and Jessica had asked me out for dinner tonight so I won't be going back with you later."

"Okay." Taeyeon's answer was too fast that Tiffany began to suspect again. "I mean, go ahead. Ladies night, right?"

She was about to ask Taeyeon about it but seeing how Taeyeon was smiling cutely at her, Tiffany decided not to pursue the matter.

"Will you be going home straight later or meeting Soo and Yul for dinner?" Tiffany asked and Taeyeon replied that she would be going home straight. "In that case, I'll see you later at home. Don't stay back too late. Arraseo?"

"Yes, madam." Taeyeon made the salute pose as she stood up straight like a soldier before breaking into a grin. "Enjoy your dinner and sent my regards to the two ladies."

An hour later, Tiffany knocked on the door again to inform Taeyeon that she would be leaving soon since it was already 6pm. Tiffany reminded Taeyeon not to stay back late as she saw that Taeyeon was still looking through some documents. Taeyeon nodded her head and bid Tiffany goodbye.

Taeyeon left her office 30mins later as she made her way to her car. After making a phone call and typing a message, she drove off to her destination with a big grin plastered on her face.

In the meantime, Tiffany was having a great time with her two bestfriends. It's been a while since the 3 of them had met up to hang out together. Since tomorrow was a Saturday, the girls had decided to stay out a little longer.

"So, Tiff. How do you find working as Taeyeon's secretary?" Jessica asked as the girls were relaxing at a cafe near to the restaurant where they had dinner earlier.

"Everything is fine. The past two months have been smooth sailing so far. But I really wonder how she managed without a secretary before. I mean now that I'm around, I can physically see the amount of work that she's doing and from my point of view, it's quite a lot." Tiffany said as she scooped a little from her strawberry cheesecake.

"Taeyeon does a lot of projects for the company. Internally and externally. She used to bury herself into work before, spending long periods of hours in the office. Projects that are supposed to be handled by me or Soo, she will volunteer to do it. So basically, me and Soo are quite free." Sunny chuckled at her own remarks while Jessica and Tiffany shook their heads.

"Is she still taking up a lot of projects now?" Jessica asked.

"Not as much as before. She told me that she didn't want Fany to be overworked since Fany is now helping her out as her secretary. Furthermore, she said that she's scared to face HellFany." Sunny burst out laughing as Jessica joined in.

"She said that?" Tiffany asked with widened eyes. "That midget is going to get it from me when I come back home."

"By the way, I overheard her conversation with Soo last week. She was complaining about a few male staffs trying to ask you out and even sending flowers to the office. Is that right, Fany?" Sunny asked as Tiffany sighed before nodding her head.

"There has been a few guys who had came up to me and tried to make friends. I just acknowledge it since I didn't want to look or sound arrogant. They are actually quite nice but I think Taetae's not happy with it." Tiffany explained.

"If she's not happy about it, she better buck up and do something about it. Seriously, that girl is good in a lot of things but when it comes to love, she keeps on procrastinating." Jessica started to nag.

"I think she still has some fears in her. I'll just have to wait for her to overcome it." Tiffany said, trying to sound confident but deep down inside, she's starting to feel a little frustrated too.

"Maybe she just needs a little more time." Sunny gave her comments as she emphasized on the word 'little' while smiling cheekily.


It was almost midnight when Sunny dropped Tiffany at the lobby of Taeyeon's apartment. Saying goodbye and thanking her for sending her home, Tiffany made her way to the lift and pressed the number 9.

"This midget really loved the number 9. Her office and her apartment are both on the 9th floor. It must be because she was born on the 9th of March." Tiffany was talking to herself as she waited for the lift to reach the floor.

"Taetae?" Tiffany was surprised when the apartment was totally dark except for some flickering lights coming from the living room. "Is she already asleep? But it's a Saturday tomorrow. She usually doesn't sleep so early on a Friday night."

Tiffany continued to mumble to herself as she removed her high heels and placed it at the shoe rack. Walking in towards the light, she realised that it was coming from the dining table. As she made her way nearer, she gasped when she saw what it was.


Just beside the 4 heart-shaped candles was a handwritten letter as Tiffany picked it up to read it.

' 4 heart-shaped candles to represent the 4yrs that we were apart. 4 burning candles that represent the misery that I had to go through without you by my side. But you came back and I'm really thankful for that. Please blow out the candle so that it will end the misery in my life. '

Tiffany had a big smile as she finished reading the short letter which was signed off by Taeyeon. Just like what the letter wanted her to do, Tiffany blew the candles out, putting her into a total darkness until she had to use her handphone to pick the letter up.

"What is that midget up to? And where is she?" Tiffany looked around and decided to knock at Taeyeon's door. "Taetae. Are you inside? Are you even home?"

No one answered the room so she slowly opened the door. The light's in Taeyeon's room was off except for the one beside her bed. Tiffany saw that Taeyeon was already on her bed, with her blanket covering her whole body and her eyes were closed. Thinking that the girl had fallen asleep while waiting for her to come home, Tiffany made her way to her own room with a heavy heart.

"Aisshh.. Can't she just wait a little longer for me to return home? After doing such a romantic act with the candles and letter, I would have expected more than that. Pabo, Kim Taeyeon." Tiffany mumbled to herself as she opened her bedroom door.

Another surprised awaited her as she saw another set of candles on her dressing table.


There was a pink sticky note attached to the mirror as Tiffany switched on the lights of her room.

' You thought I was asleep, right? Guess what? I'm not. :P '

Tiffany's eyes widened after she read the note. Glancing once at the words on the candles, another smile appeared on her face before she quickly turned around to twist open her bedroom door knob. The apartment was now brightly lit up with a grinning Taeyeon standing in the middle of the living room with her hands at her back.

"Looking for me?" Taeyeon smiled while showing her dimple smile as Tiffany walked nearer to her.

"What is all these, Taetae?" Tiffany asked as she showed the letter and the sticky note. "I really thought you were already asleep."

"Anni. I was waiting for you." Taeyeon replied as she grinned again.

"When did you prepare all of this and how did you know what time I'll be home? You need to know all that so that the candles weren't burnt out." Tiffany threw more questions at Taeyeon.

"With Sunny's help. She's been updating me with your whereabouts." Taeyeon explained. "There's one more thing that I had prepared too."

Taeyeon pulled out the thing that she had been hiding behind her back as Tiffany's eyes widened when she saw it.


"Ppany-ah. I tried to search the meaning of roses to look for the most suitable type to give to you but there were so many. When I saw these rainbow roses, I knew I had to get it for you. It sums up everything that I wanted to say to you. From being apologetic to being thankful. From saying I love you to saying please be mine. It's all in here." Taeyeon started her speech as Tiffany's eyes was focused on the bouquet of rainbow roses in front of her before she looked up to see Taeyeon directly into her eyes.

"It's beautiful, Taetae. But isn't this much more expensive than the normal roses?" Tiffany frowned a little as Taeyeon smirked and shrugged her shoulders while giving the bouquet over to her and asked for her free hand.

Holding Tiffany's hand firmly, Taeyeon took a deep breathe and continued her speech. "I know I took some time to do this but honestly, up to this very moment, I'm still afraid. You've always been the one for me. The one that I've always wanted. But I've hurt you a lot of times before and I've lost you once. I know I'm not perfect. I'm sure that I'll make mistakes in the future but I hope we'll stick together through all of it. It was my mistake to walk away from you once and I don't want to live through another mistake, without you by my side. So, Tiffany Hwang Miyoung, will you be mine again?"

Taeyeon bite her lips after she finished her speech as she looked nervously at Tiffany who was frowning at the moment. Her heart almost stopped when Tiffany released her hand and turned around. Tears almost filled Taeyeon's eyes as she thought that Tiffany was rejecting her but she was surprised when Tiffany turned around to face her again and spread out her arms.

"Aren't you going to give me a hug?" Tiffany asked while pouting cutely as Taeyeon wasted no time to hug her. "Hey, why are you crying?"

"I.. I thought you were going to reject me when you released my hand earlier and turned your back on me." Taeyeon replied in between her sobs. She was overwhelmed with emotions after Tiffany asked for a hug that her tears gushed out automatically.

"Pabo-yah. I had to place the bouquet down first. I want a proper hug from you so I need both my hands to be free." Tiffany explained as she rubbed Taeyeon's back to calm her down.

Both of them stayed in each other's embrace for the next 5mins as they enjoyed the peaceful moment.

"Ppany-ah, did you fall asleep?" Taeyeon suddenly asked as she felt herself being pushed away softly as Tiffany created a distance between them.

"Of course I didn't. I'm just enjoying your warmth.' Tiffany smiled.

"I'm still waiting for your reply though." Taeyeon pouted as both of them entwined their fingers.

Tiffany grinned and suddenly pecked Taeyeon on her lips. "Of course I'm yours, Kim Taeyeon. My heart has always been yours, Taetae."

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I just wanna say I love this story I reread this many times
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 22: Tiffany just so yk if u dont want taeyeon i can have her
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 8: This is making me frustrated?! Idek why
Chapter 25: I can’t believe I’ve never read this story, but I’m loving it.

Also…I sure hope the gang gets revenge on Nicky. 😈😈😈
cutiegurll #5
Chapter 45: i love it !!
Chapter 45: Love this <3
Chapter 17: Oh
Chapter 35: I really hate it when someone can't respect someone's decision.. well duh if you really love the person.. let her go .. no need to be harmful.. there's someone for you..
Chapter 17: Oh my goodness they're gonna see each other !!!

Hyoyeon here is like my sister when I'm borrowing something from her, a lot of question will be thrown at you before she agree or let you use it..
Chapter 45: Took me 5 years to meet with this remarkable story of yours! ♥️♥️♥️
My favourite are those cute pictures and videos that you put inside the story to help us with our imaginations~ That's EFFORTLY BEAUTIFUL MAN!!
Thank you so much! You are DAEBAK!! (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
Really love their story since Highschool and after the wedding, feels like I've been wt them altogether.
Will read on your other stories now, be healthy and happy always~