I L L U S I O N 1


"Loser." They threw my bag outside. "Oops, my bad. Its fine, its cheap. You can buy one again." I took a deep breathe. "Oh, I forgot, you're just a poor girl. Guess what? We dont care!!" They started laughing. I went outside to get my bag. Im used to it. I always get bullied, they're always making fun of me. This is not an unusual scene here.

I brought my bag back to my classroom. I went inside our room and I got everyone's attention again. "Here she is again!" They were about to pull my hair but fortunately, our professor came. I am safe,

for now..

I took my seat at the back of our classroom. I put my bag on the vacant chair next to mine since I am the only student here in my row. This school ! I wanna study and learn but the heck. I think I am the only one who wants to. My classmates are not giving their attention to our professor, they just talk with their friends, share gossips, flirt whatever. Then they'll just pay for the grades. Ugh.

"Babe?" I leaned my head on the desk then started imagining things again. "How are you babe?"

He lies on my lap as I play with his dark brown hair. He has that perfectly plucked eyebrow, a pair of brown eyes, a pointed nose, soft lips. He's very handsome. He's every girl's dream. "Im fine."

"Let's be together for a lifetime okay?"



I felt something wet on my hair. I fell asleep. I rubbed my eyes and slowly, I open it. I saw them laughing again. There's the group of girls again. The other one on my left has a can of juice on her hands. I touched my hair and its now wet because of the juice that they spilled on my head, I think.

"Goodbye Loser." Everyone are now outside the classroom and I am the only one here.

I left the school with tears on my eyes. I am such a loser, I am no one. The name Lawliet Chainne is nothing. She doesnt exist. Well, people know her existence but its different. Unlike those other people who can get everyone's attention because of their talent.  I wanna be like it. Not to get their attention because I got nothing.

I sighed. I really wish he was real.

From outside our house, I can hear my parents shouting and fighting again. I was about to open the door when I saw my 13 year old brother using a cigarette and drinking alcohol with his peers. I shook my head.

"Hey!" My pregnant younger sister called me. "Do you have any money there inside your pocket? I need it for gambling.She said with her arms crossed and her foot's tapping the floor waiting for the money that I'd give.

I grab my wallet and threw all the money on her face. Once again, I cried. I went to my room and hugged my pillows. "W-why?" I have so many questions that need answers. Why am I like this? Why is everyone like this to me? Why am I so unlucky? Why do I have to suffer? Why am I still breathing?

Maybe the only reason why am I still alive is to suffer.

"Babe?" I called him. My Knight in Shining armor.

"Hey, are you crying again?" He wiped the tears on my eyes and he looked at my eyes. "Im here now, dont cry." I smiled.

Yes, as long as he's here. I'd be happy.

"I love you babe, dont forget our promises okay? I want a lifetime with you Lawliet."

"I love you too Chase."

Chase, he's my guy. He's my only reason to smile. Whenever Im crying, he's there to wipe my tears and make me smile and laugh. I guess, he's my only reason to live too.

But the thing is, he's not real. He's just a part of my imagination. Am I crazy? Maybe. Who wouldn't be? And I just wanna be happy.


I piled all my clothes & things inside my bag. This would be better.

I saw them all inside the small room, doing their own things. My mother and father are using together with my brother and my sister is laughing all by herself. "Goodbye, I cant take it anymore." I got their attention and all of them looked at me with a bored face. After some seconds, they went back on what they're doing. I thought they'd stop me but they didn't.


I've been walking for hours. Its like walking to eternity. I dont know where to go. I dont know what is the path that I am taking. I am homeless now.

I paused when I heard a sound of the piano. I closed my eyes and feel the sound of it. Its feels like heaven. It is so relaxing. My feet started to move by itself. Am I hypnotized by it? I was shocked when I've realized that I am already at the front of the house where the Piano might be located. The house looks kinda old but its beautiful, it seems peaceful. The gate was open. And I dont know why I have the urge to go inside.

I went inside the house and I saw the piano. It's not playing anymore. What shocked me is there's no one here. I looked for any person here but I saw nothing. That gave me goosebumps. If there's no one here, who's playing the piano? How did that happen?

I just shrugged my shoulder. If there's no one here, I could just live here. Im not afraid of ghost anyway. I tried to use the faucet and its working. There's water and there's electricity. I could live here  temporarily.

The house looks old and its made of wood. That makes this house creepy. It is big enough for me. I wish there's no one here. I went upstairs and I saw the bedroom.

I enter the room and that I think all I just want to do is to cry.


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