He Gave me... A ONE SHOT?

Jay Park's one shot

(A/N: I'm Just gonna tell you guys that this is set back when Jay Park was still in 2pm alright? :S I hope it doesn't confuse you AJA AJA)


“WHY DIDN’T I PACK ANYTHING FOR CLUBBING? OH MY GOD I CAN’T BELIEVE IT” I shrieked as I went through everything in my luggage.

 I sighed and went for something simple and fashionable. I ended up going for this spaghetti strapped dress that fell to my mid-thigh. The top quarter of the dress was black with a decent neckline (?); it didn’t show a lot of cleavage so it’s fine. The dress was mainly made of a creamy material that flowed down my body with ease. (A/N: Sorry I’m not good with describing clothes. It’s not something I do every day >< ) http://calypsoclothing.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/clubbing-clothes1.jpeg *It's the second one, left to right*


I walked down the dark street, heading towards the park I was supposed to meet Chung Ho, Chung Lo? Chung So? Oh whatever I’ll figure it out. It’s so awkward walking in these heels. It’s been ages since I’ve worn any and it’s seriously killing me.

I think I tied the ribbons too tight, I think I’ll ask him to wait for me while I re-tie it. As I was walking, I past some gangly guys who looked me up and down and whistled. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk. I realised that they were following me as their whistles behind me became louder.

My heart started racing in fear. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD! I’M GOING TO GET !!!” My pace as I walked increased and so did theirs. I clutched my purse as hard as I could.

“I have to lose them somehow. But how’s that supposed to work when I’m new here and they’ve been here for how long?! Good god, I’m going to die!” My heels weren’t even helping me in this situation, why’d they have to be so high for? I pouted.

“Hey y! Wanna have a good time with us?” one of them boomed.

“Awwwww, don’t be shy! C’mon we just wanna have some fun.” Another one of them shouted.

“YEAHH! HEY STOP WHERE YOU’RE GOING! WE’RE NOT GONNA HURT YOU! I SWEAR!” Another one of them bellowed. “Tsk, not gonna hurt me my , you’re gonna the dear life out of me I bet. “

“Hey are you new here? Want us to show you how to have a good time?!”

“NO I DON’T WANT YOU GUYS TO SHOW ME HOW TO HAVE A GOOD TIME. SO GOOD NIGHT!” I shrieked back in reply. They all laughed together in spite.

“Awwww, baby don’t be like that. Just come with us while we’re still asking nicely.” I could hear a smirk form in malice while he said that. Masochistic freaks.


“Why go there when we have one perfectly fine, pretty girl walking in the streets alone?”

“I KNOW SELF DEFENCE!” Ok I was bluffing, but they couldn’t know right? I need this to get away.

“Don’t kid yourself sweetie, what can you do while wearing a dress and high heels?” He cackled.

“A lot actually so stop following me!” and increased my pace.


“Why don’t YOU just listen to the girl before something bad really happens to you punks?” Someone cut him off. I looked up to see someone with their hood up covering their face. I wonder why?

“Punk?! Who the f-bomb (A/N: I don’t wanna say it. LOL you know what it means anyways) do you think you are calling me a punk? Do you have any clue who you’re messing with? Ya lil’ runt, go run along and act like some druggie in the alleyways or something.”

“Nice try, but I’m not gonna let you harass this girl. Do you not have ears to hear what she’s saying? Or are you too illiterate to understand what she’s saying? Go back to elementary school, you really need it.” The hooded guy retorted.

 I think I’ll call him Hoodlum. Suits him if you ask me.

“WHY YOU LITTLE! LET’S GET HIM!” The leader seemed to shout. Hoodlum took hold of my hand and ran. More like dragged me around like a ragged doll. My wrist was starting to ache and my feet kills.

I have no idea how long we ran for, he ran for I mean, but I’m pretty sure we lost those losers. We stopped, and I took a big intake. I’m so unfit, my hands were on my knees and I was bending over, gasping for breath.

“Thank… You… So… so much… I thought… they… were… never gonna… never gonna… leave me a… alone… PHEW I’m poofed.” I huffed and straighted up from my previous posture. My hands were now resting on my hips. “I need to exercise more often… When I’m bothered.” I paused to think, “Which is probably never.”

Hoodlum let out a loud laugh. “I think you should. Where are you going dressed like that at a time like this?” 


He smiled, wow. This hoodlum has a very nice smile.

“How about I take you to this club? I think I know which one he was talking about.”

“Really?! Would you do that? OH MY GOD!” I waved my arms around. But I stopped, “But what about my friend? How am I supposed to tell him that I’m fine and that I could probably meet him at the club.” I frowned.

“I knew I should have asked for his number. Now what?”

“I think he’ll understand. Maybe we’ll bump into him on the way there. Don’t cha think?” he said, trying to lift my spirits. 

“I guess that could work.” I started walking to the club with him.

It turns out we didn’t bump into Chung Ho at all. I guess I’ll just try to have fun with Hoodlum. 

I was propped up on this stall near the bar, waiting for Hoodlum to come back with the drinks. I looked around while hearing the loud music beating against my ear drums. This song called 10 out of 10 I'm guessing was playing loud and proud. Everyone on the dance floor shouted 10 OUT OF 10 whenever the chorus came. So I joined in even though I wasn’t even on the dance floor.

Hoodlum came back and gave me a one shot. I shot him a dark look.

“Yah, I waited this long for you to get me a drink and you get me this? How am I supposed to last?” I pouted while I complained. He laughed at my words.

“You didn’t tell me what to get you so yeah. Plus the bar tender said that it was nice.” He grinned. His teeth are so white. And that was when my eyes caught on something else; he had piercings. Boy did that make him look hot.

I took this chance to really look him over. He’s eyes weren’t as big as Chung Ho. But the rest of his features made up for that. His nose, his lips, he’s eye brows even; it gave him a very muscular look. He’s definitely a 10 out of 10.

“Like what you see?” He smirked. Oh god, he smirked.

I blinked to clear my thoughts. “Umm… No,” my cheek twitched with the lie. He laughed knowingly.

“You know you want me” he winked. Actually not really, he blinked while trying. I giggled, “How cute.”

“You wanna dance?” he asked.

“What!? I can’t hear you” I shouted back.

“You wanna dance?!” He asked a little louder.

“WHAT DID YOU SAY?” God I must be deaf.

“I SAID, ‘YOU WANNA DANCE?’!?!?!” He shouted in my ear.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, YEAH! LET’S GO” I laughed in embarrassment.

-An hour later­-

“IT’S SO HOT IN HERE!” I shouted towards him.



We headed outside of the club and sat on the edge of the pavement.

“Aren’t you hot in that?” I questioned. Only realizing that, that whole time, he didn’t put his hood down. Not even once. “I wonder what his hair looks like”

“Yeah it is, don’t be surprised alright?” he asked, trickles of sweat ran down his neck. He was great on the dance floor; I didn’t know he was a bboy.

He took his hoodie off and revealed a plain white t-shirt. He’s hair was styled into a little Mohawk. On the side of his head, the letters 2PM were visible.

2pm? What’s so special about that time of day? Freak, he must really love that time. Still looks good on him”

He stared at me curiously. “Why aren’t you screaming or shocked?”

“Should I be?” My head titled to the side. “What, are you gonna me too!?!” I started scooting away. He laughed.

“I guess you don’t know who I am then”

“Of course I don’t know. I even nicknamed you as ‘Hoodlu-‘” My eyes widened and my hands flew to my mouth. “I mean nothing. I just don’t know you’re name alright? What is your name?”

“Just call me JP, alright? Here have this” He handed me something. I looked down to see another one shot. I looked up at him in surprise. “how’d he get that here?”

As if reading my mind he said, “I had one in my hand in the sleeve of my hoodie, this isn’t my first time.” He grinned.

“Ahhh I see how it is.” I nodded. “You really are a hoodlum” I muttered to myself.

“Say what?” He’s eyebrows rose.

“Oh nothing” I smiled and giggled.

“JP was it? Wonder what that stands for… I KNOW! JUGGLING PRINGLES! Nah that’s not right… Jelly peas… JARRY POTTER!” my eyes widened. “God I’m retarded.” I said a loud.

JP was in a fit of laughter besides me, his hands thumping against the pavement like he heard something hilarious.

“Juggling pringles? Seriously? You really are retarded.” He said between his fits of laughter. Tears could be seen at the corner of his eyes.

“ARE YOU A MIND READER?” I said in shock.

“HAHAH! NO, You said it out loud you goof.” He calmed down and smiled at me. He opened his mouth to say something but jumped up and started running.


“GOTTA BOUNCE, SEE YOU NEXT TIME IF WE’RE LUCKY!” he shouted and sprinted away. I sat in shock.

A few moments later a group of paparazzi surrounded me.

“Did you see where he went?!”

“Did you see Jaebeom sshi!?”

“What are your relations to him?”

All these paparazzis took shots of me and continued to bombard me with questions.

“ok, ok CALM DOWN! Oh my gosh. Who’s Jaybeom? I never heard of such a name. “ I paused. “Oh god, IS HE SOMEONE UNDER TREASON!? BELIEVE ME I DON’T KNOW ANYONE BY THE NAME OF JAEBEOM. I JUST CAME HERE TO VISIT SEOUL AND TOMORROW’S MY LAST DAY.” I cried and pouted.

The paparazzi sighed and started running in the direction JP went.

-Two days later-

"All passengers must remain seated, we are now taking off. Please have all electronic devices turned off for your safety, have a nice trip on XXXXXX"

I turned my phone off and opened up my magazine. I flipped through the pages and landed on something interesting. It was about this new Korean boy band 2pm, their debut hit is 10 out of 10.

I smiled, remembering what happened a few days ago. "I wonder how JP is doing. I didn't get to see him after that." I skimmed over the faces of the memebers; all of them were good looking but one caught my eyes. The size of my eyes doubled. "JP!?"

I skimmed the profiles they had for each member.

Jaebeom(재범) full name Park Jaebeom (박재범) Also goes by the name Jay Park, or JP

Born April 25, 1987,

Leader of the group 2PM. Rapper, and BBoy

“No way…” my head swung to the right to gaze outside of the window. My eyes landing on the buildings of Seoul.

I really did do something interesting… Wait until I tell my friends this; ‘YOU GUYS YOU GUYS, DID YOU KNOW THE LEADER OF 2PM GAVE ME A ONE SHOT!’ I wonder if I'll ever see him again” I smiled

“I hope so; I still need to get his autograph, let alone his picture."

The end


Author's Note:
OMGOSH OMGOSH OMGOSH. I'M DONE! LOL I hope this wasn't too long. :( I really tried you know. Excuse me for my grammical  errors, (is that even a word? You know what I mean right? ) but yeah. I spent the whole day ish, typing this up. Comment about what you think! Thanks for reading. 

Hehehs. Jay Park's one shot. get it? The title was about how he gave her the one shot really if you didn't notice XD Comment about any other one shots you'd like me to make or stories. 

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sequel? D: To what? :( tell me tomorrow at school woman
chyeeahful #2
i have a feeling that u was going to put oneshot in it >_> and i can exercise it just that im tooo lazy ==' anyway......SEQUELLLLLLLL :DDDDDDD <3
Omgod. Kim chung ho exists! http://data.whicdn.com/images/12795448/259798_130005400412358_100002086968467_239280_3239310_n_thumb.jpg?1312259482 <br />
WHAT A CUTIE PIE! Just saying :)
chyeeahful #4