Jay Park's one shot

I sighed as I roamed the bright streets of Seoul district. I've been here for a whole week, and nothing really interesting has happened. I knew I should have brought my friends along. They make everything more interesting. Going to Lotte World alone was one of the most miserable experiences so far. 


I sighed again as I passed this couple walking hand in hand. They looked so happy together… I better find myself something to do. It is my last day here tomorrow. My brows furrowed as I thought. “Maybe I should go … come to think of it. I don’t even know where to go.”


I didn’t even realise that I stopped walking. I sighed again in frustration. “THIS IS POINTLESS!” I gritted my teeth and started walking again; only to walk right into a pole.  “OUCH! WHY ARE YOU IN MY WAY! BLOODY POLE!” I raged and flung my arms around. “Today JUST isn’t my day is it?”


I was about to walk away until I heard the pole chuckle. “Hold that thought. Did the pole just chuckle? That can’t be right.” I glanced up to see a person instead. A very tall person I might add. I looked up at in shock, and he chuckled again while I gawked at him.


He had a defined jawline that girls would drool over, a tall straight nose placed between high cheekbones. Did I mention he had smooth flawless skin? Because if I didn’t; I sure did just a moment ago. He had light brown hair that was tussled in waves that fell effortlessly, framing his face til perfection. “Talk about Handsome” I thought.


“Hello there, my name is Kim Chung Ho. You look a little lost, are you alright?” He smile, showing a set of straight pearly white teeth.


I blinked, why was he so gorgeous? I have no clue. I opened my mouth to say something but I closed it when nothing came out. I gave a strained laugh to hide my embarrassment and tried again.


“Hi, my name is Nam Jin Kyong, I’m actually really lost. I came here just a week ago to tour the place and I don’t know what to do anymore because it’s my second last day and I really want to make this day different from the others.” I blabbed.


He stood there and thought for a moment. “How about I take you to this club? Today’s one of those special days I hear. So what do you say?”


“OF COURSE! OH MY GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH!” I jumped around with glee. He smiled at my reaction and waited for me to calm down.


“So where should I pick you up? Your hotel maybe?” He suggested.


I stopped to think. “How about you meet me at the park nearby?  It’s not that far from my hotel. It’d be easier that way.”


Honestly, I forgot the name of the hotel I’m staying in so I’m just gonna work my way around it, he wouldn’t work that out probably.


“Alright, seems like a plan, see you later Jin Kyong!” He yelled back when he walked away.


I bounced my way back to the hotel to get myself ready. Clubbing here I go




Author’s note

So how do you like it so far? I can't be bothered typing the whole thing out today because I just got the idea to start it today as well and it's pretty late so I'm just gonna stop it here for now. Did you get my little word play in the title? LOLOL 

Oh and just to make things clear, Kim Chung Ho isn't a major character. Just saying. :) he's also an orginal character so don't go searching for him :) Nights peeps :) Comment about your thoughts and  subscribe! :) well you don't have to, it's a one ish shot o_O oh and does it still count as a one shot if there's more than one chapter?? this is meant to be two chapters that it. Doesn't matter right? 

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sequel? D: To what? :( tell me tomorrow at school woman
chyeeahful #2
i have a feeling that u was going to put oneshot in it >_> and i can exercise it just that im tooo lazy ==' anyway......SEQUELLLLLLLL :DDDDDDD <3
Omgod. Kim chung ho exists! http://data.whicdn.com/images/12795448/259798_130005400412358_100002086968467_239280_3239310_n_thumb.jpg?1312259482 <br />
WHAT A CUTIE PIE! Just saying :)
chyeeahful #4