Just One Night

Vixx Drabbles


It had been a year since VIXX went their separate ways, each member pursuing their own interests. However, Hakyeon wanted to make sure they stayed in touch, so an anniversary party had been planned for the six members. Jaehwan arrived late, having gotten lost on the way to the elder’s house. He sighed and got out of his car, just staring at the front door. He had debated with himself on whether he wanted to put himself through this pain or not. It had been hard to leave all of the members he had such a close bond with, let alone him. He ran a hand through his black hair, pushing his bangs out of his face as he slowly made his way to the door.


He barely had a chance to knock twice before the door swung open, a beaming Hakyeon appearing behind it.


“Lee Jaehwan! I’m so glad you could make it!”


The elder smiled widely as he opened the door a bit more to let Jaehwan in. Once the door closed, he felt the other wrap his arms around him in a warm hug.


He knew that the other members, himself included, had given their leader a hard time over the years, and sadness enveloped his heart as he returned the hug. Hakyeon smiled slightly as he pulled back, gesturing to the living room.


“Almost everyone is here. Hongbin said he would be a little late though.”


At the sound of his name, it felt like someone had punched his gut. He hid it behind a small smile and nod though, and walked into the room to greet the others.


Wonshik stood by the stereo, smiling and walking over to greet Jaehwan once he spotted him. He cracked a grin, always enjoying the rapper’s company during their promotion days. Taekwoon and Sanghyuk were sitting on the couch, having paused their conversation to look over and wait their turn to greet the other vocal.


Wonshik looked good, his hair back to a natural color. It was still short though, which Jaehwan chuckled inwardly at. He had always complained that he wanted to know what he looked like with longer hair, but he guessed he was rather fond of keeping it short.


Taekwoon gave him a small smile while Sanghyuk was beaming, just like he was before. The younger seemed to only get manlier, no longer the child that everyone teased. Taekwoon’s beauty was only enhanced by the fact that he seemed to be more open, greeting the other with ease. The maknae seemed to have toned down his hyperness, him and Taekwoon going back to their conversation after the small talk.


Jaehwan went back over to join Wonsik and Hakyeon in their conversation for a while, before asking where the bathroom was. Hakyeon gave him directions and he thanked him, heading down the hall.


He took his time, taking in the pictures on the wall, the family that he had only heard stories about. He sighed softly, making his way into the small room. He closed the door, turning on the light. He looked at himself in the mirror. His face had become slightly more defined over their years of performing, but he still held a bit of softness in his features. He had let his hair grow out at one point, but it had been trimmed back recently, giving him a clean cut look. He gently bit his lip, his hand shaking slightly.


He and Hongbin had parted on awkward terms. He didn’t know if the other remembered everything, but he did, the scene burned into his mind. He had pushed it away after everyone had drifted apart, but of course it shot right to the surface at the invite of this get together.


He took a deep breath to try and steady his hands before he walked out of the bathroom. Halfway down the hall he stopped, hearing familiar laughter ring through his ears. His heart hammered in his chest as he slowly made his way the rest of the way down the hall. He paused at the corner, hearing the other members greet the visual. He tried to slow down his heartbeat and steady his hands once more before he rounded the corner to face the one person he needed to see.


He was just as stunning as he was a year ago, everything Jaehwan remembered. He slowly made his way over to where the grinning man was standing, dimples prominent on his cheeks. His lower lip quivered, unsure of what he was going to say to Hongbin.


His mind blanked as his eyes met the newcomer’s, pausing a few feet from the other. Hongbin blinked, his grin fading for a minute before returning it full force, closing the distance between the two and enveloping the other in a hug. Jaehwan closed his eyes, returning the hug and resting his hands on the other’s back. He willed his heart to stop pounding, sure that the other could feel it through their contact.


“Ah, Jaehwannie. It’s been so long!”


He bit his lip slightly, just taking in the sound of his voice for a moment. This was so painful. He thought he was over it, thought a year would give it time to fade. He was so wrong.


He willed his feelings to go away, pulling back reluctantly. He looked over the other, noticing that he was just as handsome as ever. His brown hair was brushed out of his eyes, which he noticed were still locked on him. He gave a small smile.

“Hey, Hongbin…”

His voice came out soft, the small smile never leaving his face. The other members had went back to their conversations, leaving the two to themselves. They soon moved to the kitchen for drinks, keeping up the small talk.


A while later, Hakyeon came in and brought the other two back to the living room, getting the whole group together to reminisce about their days as VIXX. They all laughed, and they all told embarrassing stories each remembered. Jaehwan sat next to Hongbin, his leg touching the others. He felt like a school girl, cherishing the small touch.


As the day began to fade, one by one the members left. Wonsik was spending the night, so when Hongbin went to excuse himself, Jaehwan collected his things as well. As the two stepped out into the cold night air, Jaehwan tugged his coat closed as Hongbin smiled.


“So, would you like to get a drink?”



Hello! So this is a slightly different concept as to what I put in the forward, but it is still heading in the same direction that I originally wanted it. I didn;t want this chapter to be too long, so this is going to be a two shot. I probably won't get around to writing the next part until after I update Hitchhiker, which I hope to do later today! Sorry if this seems a little flat, most of the good stuff is going to happen in the next chapter, I promise!!

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