Wake Up

Vixx Drabbles



               There was a smile plastered on the young man’s face as his thin fingers gripped the white fabric of his shirt. He got up off of his bed, heading out of his room and into the hallway. He bowed slightly at the other people as he passed them, his bare feet barely making any sound on the linoleum floor. He made his way to the end without really engaging in any conversation and made a left. The white lights lit up the entire place, nothing but friendly faces greeting the man.

“Ah, I see you are up early again today.”

                A man in a blue shirt with walked up to the other man, a small, soft smile on his face. This face was familiar. He greeted the other every day on his walks. The man spoken to merely nodded, his smile still on his face. He gripped his shirt a bit tighter, knuckles starting to turn white. The man in the blue shirt – Kevin, his name was Kevin if he could remember correctly – sighed softly and stepped to the side.

“Don’t let me stop you. Go on.”

                The man blinked before bowing slightly and moving on. His feet patted against the floor, heading towards the same destination every day. He shuffled his feet, waiting for the huge double doors to open up in front of him, letting him proceed down the other hall.

                Finally, he stopped in front of door 1134, pausing only for a moment to try and loosen his grip on his shirt a little. Finally he stepped in, the comforting scent of lavender filling his nose as he looked to the bed. A man lay there, sleeping peacefully. He walked over and sat in the chair next to the bed, looking over the other to see if anything had changed. Seeing no signs of the other waking, he let go of his shirt with one hand to brush the bangs out of the other’s face before taking one of his hands in his, squeezing lightly. He was still smiling softly, waiting for the other. He sat there, not really noticing the time passing.

                Around lunch time, the man in the blue shirt – Kevin, right – came into the room with a soft smile.

“How is he?”

                He squeezed his companion’s hand, hoping to illicit a response, but nothing happened. His smile wavered slightly, but it did not leave his face as he shook his head slightly. Kevin nodded, already knowing the answer, but feeling the need to ask just like every other time. He came over to the other side of the bed, checking some things next to the sleeping man.

“Lunch should be here soon.”

                He earned no response, simply walking out of the room. A woman stood outside, frowning soflty.

“No change?” Kevin frowned and shook his head.

“I don’t think there ever will be one…” The woman glanced towards the room with a worried look on her face, speaking in a whisper.

“I don’t think that letting him in there like that is doing either of them much good. It’s been almost a year Kevi-“

“I know. The doctor is only giving him another week. Let the boy have his last bit of hope.” The woman glared at him.

“Don’t you think this is making his condition worse?” Kevin looked back towards the room.

“I honestly think this is keeping him from getting worse. Don’t you remember the last time we tried to keep him away? Think of everything he has lost so far. He’s all he has left…”

                The light outside the window began to fade, eventually giving way to the darkness of night. The smile that had started out so strong that morning had faded to a small upturn of the corner of his lips, still not willing to let it go completely. He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, his eyes moving from the peaceful face on the bed to the man.

“It’s time to head back to your room.”

                Finally, the man frowned but nodded, his hand lingering on top of the limp one that he had held onto all day before leaving the room. As soon as he stepped out the door, he gripped his shirt tight once more, soft footsteps the only sound he made. He trudged back to his room, sitting down on his bed and staring at his feet. They were cold, he knew they were, but he didn’t care. Nothing mattered to him besides that man in the bed down the hall. He didn’t care what happened to himself, he just wanted him to wake up, hear him laugh, see his smile. It’s why he smiled when he visited him. That way, when he woke up, he would want to smile too. His hands fidgeted in his lap as Kevin came into the room.

“Ready for bed, Sanghyuk?”

He shrugged, but crawled into bed, curling into a ball. Tomorrow was a new day. Maybe then Hongbin would wake up.

Ahhhhh this was hard. It still doesn't have the full feel I wanted, but for my first time writing in years I think I'm okay with it. 

If there is any confusion, this is set in a world where they were all in a horrible accident and Hyuk and Bean were the only two survivors.

Suggestions are always welcome! They would probably help, actually! 

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