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Life is just like raindrops on a car window.

      Without a push from another raindrops, we can't go anywhere.       We're gonna meet new people, that will make us stronger. That's why I met him, Park Chanyeol. We loved each other more and more everyday. But, he's not mine, I'm not his. But that's okay because I knew we loved each other. We met at the train station, I remember that day was rained. I didn't bring my umbrella so I just enjoyed the rain because, I'm a pluviophile. I love rain so much, I'm that type of person who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days. Then, I just sit there in the station with my coffee waiting for the rain to stop when suddenly a man bump into me and spilled my coffee all over my coat.  "Oops sorry I was in hurry, I'm so sorry" he apologized while bowing a few times "Yeah it's okay, I love taking a bath with a hot coffee during the rain" I said sarcastically "I'm really really sorry, here's some money to buy you a new cup of coffee and you can borrow my umbrella, here's my name card, just call me to bring back my umbrella. I must go. Bye, have a nice day!" He said in a hurry and ran as soon as he finished his sentence. I just stare blankly at his name card. Park Chanyeol.   The next week, I found myself sat in a cafe near my apartment waiting for that Park Chanyeol guy. He promised me he would come to pick his umbrella here at 8 p.m, but now it's 9 p.m already. It was late, very late, I thought. I'm just decided to go home when he came. "I'm sorry, I was trapped in a long long traffic jam. I'm so sorry" he apologized "It's fine" I replied shortly while forcing a smile "Umm, what do you want to eat? I will treat you because... I felt so sorry. Just order anything, I'll pay" he said while smiling. Wow so kind, I thought. "I'll just order caramel macchiato and a cheese cake, then" I said to him "Uh- I want a black pepper spaghetti and a cup of latte please" he said to the waiter "So- you came here often?" He asked me "Not really, but I liked this place, and the coffee too" I replied "Oh- um, sorry for the coffee incident last week" he apologized again "It's fine, I love it when someone spilled my coffee all over my coat" I said "You're being sarcastic" he laughed. I just give him a slight smile. Then our food came, we ate our food silently. It was awkward.  "Soo, can we meet again next time?" He asked me after paid our dinners "Yes?" I said "I'm looking forward to it, then. I'll call you later" he said while pulling the door, going out "Okay and here's your umbrella, by the way" I said while returning his umbrella. He smiled and waved at me as he drove off the cafe   I'm just arrived at home when he called me. Wow so fast, I thought. Then I answered immediately. "Hello?" I said "Hey Soo! You have a plan tomorrow? Let's go to an amusement park!" He asked cheerfully "Whoa whoa, slow down. We just met like, a few minutes ago. And you planned to meet me tomorrow?" I asked him "Yes, because I want to go to amusement park for so long! And I think amusement park would cheer you up" he said brightly. "But, I have a plan tomorrow" I lied. Because, he's scary, doesn't he? "Ah that's bad. What about next week?" I can hear the sad tone from him "Uhh okay?" I said uncertain "Okay! I'll pick you up next week at 8 in the morning! I promise I won't be late. Just text me your adress! Bye Soo!" He said
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