Chapter 1: No More Dream

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~ ONE ~



            It was a very nice morning for me. I made coffee and ham sandwich for our breakfast in the garden of our house. He greeted me by kissing my left cheek which surprised me a little. He always do that stuff to me and yet I am not get used to it.

            “Here.” I give him a ham sandwich. He’s looking at me, smiling teasingly.

            “What?” I ask him with an innocent expression. He didn’t answer but he grabs my hand and bites the sandwich then laugh. This guy… I look at him with a what-is-funny expression.

            “Okay, I’m sorry.” He apologized. I smile at him and drink the coffee.

            “Here Jagi.” He said telling me to bite the ham sandwich on his hand.

            “No.” I replied. His expression changed from happy to serious.

            “Hey! I was just kidding!” I said. He’s still serious. I pout then I cuddled to his right arm slowly my head is on his right shoulder. He gets angry easily, especially if he doesn’t get what he wants. I look at him, he’s looking down to me smiling.

            “Okay…” I said. I get it. His smile means “Eat this” then I bite the ham sandwich.

            “Look at me.” He said. My eyes slowly look at him—to his handsome face. He’s also looking at me and I hate it when someone is looking straightly at me. I hate eye contacts. I can’t stand it, seriously.

            “Don’t look at me like that.” I said.

            “Why?” he asked.

            “You know I don’t like eye contacts.”

            “You love me right?” he asked. I nod. Of course I love him.

            “Then you should love it when I’m staring at you.” And he smile ever so cutely!

            “You’re such a naughty Jeon Jungkook!” I said, bursting out laughing.


            “HEY!” Someone jumps in my bed.

            “WAKE UP!” and shakes me till I wake up. What? What?  What are these girls doing here in my room?

            “What…?” I asked. Okay, it’s my best friends. Meet Lee Soo Jin and Han Sun Jae, the great dream destroyer. Thank you friends! Really!

            “Come on! No more dream girl! Because we need to go to the BTS fansigning event today!” What?! Is it today? Seriously?!

            “Jinjja? Oh! I forgot! I really love my dream!” I said.

            “Dream about?” Soojin asked.

            “Jeon Jungkook!” I replied.

            “Oh… I see! You look drunk! Jungkook’s mine girl!” Sunjae said.

            “Come on sleepy head! We need to be the first fan girl there!” Soojin add.

            “Yeah! 1 hour travel from here so we need to get moving!” Sunjae said. They pull me away from my bed and push me towards the bathroom.

            “I’m busy from spazzing last night that’s why I’m drunk in sleep!” I explained.

           “And you even forget the fansigning event! Hello girl? This is our FIRST TIME to meet them in person! We better prepare!” Sunjae replied. I pout and close the bathroom.

            “OKAY!” I shout. And I heard them laughing outside.


Who am I anyway? Well, I am Son Yun Bi, born on seventh of July 1996. I am great fan of KPOP. I am a shy type of person well it depends on the situation and to the people I’m with. When I’m with my friends I talk a lot, as in A LOT. I love to dance and sing, I play guitar, flute and piano. I was planning to audition in different entertainments but I don’t have enough time. I’m the type of person who always wants to be busy. Because I believe that you should live everyday like it is your last day.

            I have long hair with full bangs. Whenever I go I never forget to put eyeliner in my eyes. Because for me, my best asset is my eyes. I love to dress up, fashion and different hairstyles is my specialty. I am the fairy godmother when it comes to those things. Every time I’m going to other places, I am a fashionista. I always want to be unique in my clothing. I hate it when someone wears the same clothes as me.


            “What time is it?” Sunjae asked Soojin. Soojin looked on her phone.

            “11 o’clock.” She replied.

            “WHAT?” Sunjae react.

            “I don’t think we can make it to the event.” She continued. We are in the train, almost 45 minutes before we arrive to Gwangju—where the BTS fansigning event is happening.

            “Why? What time does the fansigning event started?” I asked.

            “According to the updates, the event starts at 10 in the morning.” She replied.

            “Then, what if it’s not yet done? I guess there’s so many fangirls there.” Soojin said.

            “We need to see them!” I said. And they nodded.


            “Sir, excuse me, where is the BTS fansigning event?” Soojin asked one of the guards there.

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