Chapter 4

Of a Bunny and a Wolf

It’s only been a few days after Sehun’s first day and yet he practically found himself in the middle of identity crisis already. He got so used with his vegetable meals he actually cringed when someone offered him meat (then again they offered it raw). He had at least three people sniffing him each day that he developed a habit of leaning in and craning his neck slightly at first meeting, letting the other person to sniff at the base of his neck. And he learned that petting—despite how intimate it is for the hybrids—actually feels really good that he let Kai pet him each morning in exchange for him petting the older to sleep every night.

Oh Sehun finally managed to snap out of it when he learned that tomorrow is weekend and he had nothing planned in mind for the first time in forever.

Or so he thought.


            “Me? Teaching them? For the whole weekend?” Sehun asked in disbelief.

            “Is there any problem with that, Mr. Oh?” The Principal smiled, his hands placed neatly on top of the wooden desk.

            “No, it’s just—It sounds absurd, sir,” Sehun his suddenly dry lips before continuing, “You can’t expect me to be able to lead the whole student body by myself!”

            “You won’t have to lead them, you would only teach them basic mannerism. I will assign a third-year student to lead. I believe he’s more than capable to control the whole student body,” the Principal chuckled.

            “B-but, tomorrow is weekend—“

            “And I reckon you have nothing special planned for the weekend, am I right, Mr. Oh?”


Sehun was about to open his lips to protest but then an idea crossed his mind and his shoulders started to slump down.


            “I really can’t leave this place, can I?”


A smile of sympathy was sent towards him and Sehun immediately took the hint.


            “This is to prevent another incident of a rabbit running away from school or hunters entering the area,” the Principal nodded somberly. “Our goal here is not to turn you into animal, Mr. Oh. You have to set an example for the hybrids so that they would be humane.”


Sehun frowned in distaste. He raised an eyebrow at the old man as he leaned back against the seat, fingers drumming his own lap.


            “How can I not feel like an animal with these ears and tail? How can I not feel like an animal with different people sniffing me all the time?” Sehun furrowed his eyebrows. “How can I not feel like an animal if I’m being caged like one…?”


Silence enveloped the room for a while. The Principal stared at Sehun for a while until he finally sighed and shook his head at the latter.


            “Alright, we’ll push back the plan to another day,” the Principal said, noticing how Sehun’s ears perked up at that. “But you still have to consult the senior we’re assigning to help you, and if it’s possible… I notice that you have your own inner circle lately?”

            “Are you talking about Tao and Kai and his classmates?” Sehun blinked.

            “Yes. I want you to start with them first. It should be far easier since there are much fewer people and most of them are second years.”

            “So I still have to spend my weekend teaching after all,” Sehun deadpanned.

            “For after all there’s no way you can pass through the school gate anyway,” the Principal chuckled. “And I see that you’re slowly getting used to your rabbit role. Congratulations on going through first week.”

            “I actually have a few questions regarding this whole rabbit project thing,” Sehun furrowed his eyebrows. “Are there chances that the students know that the rabbits are actually humans?”


Sehun didn’t notice the way the Principal’s features darkened slightly. He only watched how the old man shifted his hands from the original position down under the desk before the Principal leaned forward slightly.


            “And may I ask why are you suddenly asking about this?” the Principal narrowed his eyes at the blond male. Sehun blinked and swallowed thickly as he felt the atmosphere suddenly became heavier.

            “I heard some students mentioning about rabbit project, so I’m guessing they must have an idea about it,” Sehun said. He inwardly patted his back for not stuttering despite the cold sweat forming on his forehead.

            “Some students might have an idea about the presence of only one rabbit in the school, but I suppose there shouldn’t be anymore student who knows about the rabbits being humans,” the Principal said as he rested his back against his seat.

Sehun raised an eyebrow at him, “Anymore, sir?”


The Principal stiffened, Sehun noticed from how obvious the older man’s tail straightened up behind his back, and he finally let out a defeated sigh. Opening the drawer of his desk, he placed a picture of three students on top of the desk. Two guys and a girl, with the guy in the middle slinging his arm around the other two’s shoulders. Wide smiles were plastered on their features and even from the slightest glance anyone could tell that they’re best friends. A very happy one at that.

Sehun leaned forward slightly to get a better view and he blinked his wide eyes when he recognized the grinning boy on the left to be his wolf roommate, only tad younger than now.


‘Even if he’s a wolf, puberty surely did him good,’ Sehun blinked at the thought and flushed deep red. ‘Wait—What are you thinking about?! Snap out of it Oh Sehun!’


            “I’m sure you recognize one of them, Mr. Oh,” the Principal chuckled. “Our two wolves, Kai and Taemin, as well as our previous rabbit, Son Naeun.”

            “What about the three of them, sir?” Sehun lifted his gaze from the picture to the old man. The Principal hesitated a bit before he shook his head.

            “Let’s just say that both Taemin and Ms. Son are no more students here. Our Taemin is now a wolf. Wholly,” the Principal said. Sehun looked at the man in disbelief.

            “He got turned into an animal for knowing that the girl is actually human?” Sehun received a firm nod as an answer. “And what happened to the girl…?”

            “I’m sure you know the exact answer for that yourself, Mr. Oh,” the Principal said, making shivers ran up Sehun’s spine at the thought of the possibility of him being eaten alive.

            “How did he even find out about her being a human, sir…?”

            “Her ears fell off when he was around—and yes, I’m currently warning you about the possibility of that. Those ears,” the Principal motioned to the top of Sehun’s head, “may disappear at certain circumstances. But it differs for each rabbit, so we can’t be so sure about when yours would fall off or anything.”


Sehun could only stare at the picture once again in silence. He slowly stood up from his seat, the old man followed suit. Bowing at the Principal, Sehun then dragged his feet towards the door. His face slowly paling at the thought of the girl being eaten alive… by her own best friends…?

He suddenly felt lightheaded at the thought of Kai looking at him with hungry eyes, claws sharp and canines visible.


            “Mr. Oh,” the Principal called, making Sehun snapped his attention towards the smiling old man before he continued, “I wish to see you alive for the rest of your years here.



            “Sehun? What are you doing here?” Chen approached the rabbit when he saw the first year scanning to and fro, looking pretty much lost. Sehun had been going around in circles, eyes gazing at the students list placed in front of each classroom door.

            “I’m looking for this senior…” Sehun furrowed his eyebrows as he took another glance at the name written on the paper in his hand. “Kris? I think that’s his name?”

            “Kris? As in the tall lion Kris?” Chen blinked his wide eyes and tugged at Sehun’s hand towards the staircase direction. “You’re in the wrong floor, Sehun. He’s a third year.”


Sehun glanced at the fingers wrapped around his hand before he squeezed at Chen’s smaller hand, silently telling him to slow down as they climb up the staircase.


            “You seem to know all students, Chen,” Sehun raised an eyebrow at the older. The latter simply chortled and flashed him a small grin.

            “You can’t not know Kris. He’s practically the ruler of the student body,” Chen hummed, his tail swinging slightly.

            “Like a kingka?” Sehun questioned.

            “No, no, Kris is definitely not a gorilla,” Chen barked out a laugh. “I didn’t know that you watch human movies, Sehun. You surely are educated for a first year.”


‘Uh—I wasn’t talking about that, but oh well.’


Soon the two reached a classroom by far the end of the hallway. Sehun felt his ears slowly flattening against his head when he saw how different the third floor is compared to the other floors. Despite the fact that the seniors are far calmer compared to the juniors and freshmen, the numerous plants here and there made Sehun feel as if he’s currently in a jungle or some sort.

He stopped in his steps when Chen knocked on a door and peeked in before calling out to the male he had been looking for.


            “Kris? Our rabbit is here for you,” Chen called out.


Sehun waited patiently and he turned his head when someone finally stepped out. The rabbit almost dropped to the ground and pretended to be dead when he saw the tall male emerging from the classroom.


‘He’s a lion. Holy ~’


            “What business brought you here?” Kris raised an eyebrow as he scanned the trembling rabbit in front of him. Sehun cleared his throat and smiled up at the senior in an awkward manner, still unable to bring his ears to their straight posture.

            “Uh—The Principal asked me to consult you… about the extra classes—H-he said you could help me with controlling the student body or some sort?” He squeaked out.


Kris simply gazed at him before a corner of his lips quirked up into a small smile. A soft laugh escaped the tall lion’s lips, making Sehun tugged at his ears to cover the lower half of his face. He was too embarrassed for his own good.


            “He’s cute, Chen,” Kris voiced out with a boyish grin. Chen nodded excitedly with the same grin before wrapping his long tail around the younger’s waist.

            “I know, right? Sadly Kai just won’t stop claiming him. If he wasn’t around I would’ve hogged him up all to myself,” Chen sighed and shook his head. Sehun widened his eyes at the older male’s statement.

            “No wonder he smells like a wolf,” Kris scoffed. “But anyway, I think I get a hint of what you’re telling me. Are we starting this weekend?”

            “Yeah. But the Principal asked me to start small; so I guess it would be only Kai, Chen, Chanyeol and Gayeon as well as Tao. But I was hoping for you to join as well tomorrow,” Sehun onto his lips habitually as he glanced around. He felt too intimidated by the lion’s gaze on him.


A large hand found its way on top of his head and Sehun felt his ears flattening even more, this time it wasn’t out of fear, as the tall senior started petting his head.


            “It’s alright, I will make some time for you guys. So I guess see you two tomorrow, right?” Kris grinned. Chen nodded excitedly while Sehun smiled slightly. The rabbit bowed lightly while Chen waved his hand excitedly before Kris disappeared into his classroom once again.

            “He’s not that bad, right?” Chen questioned with a kittenish smile, his tail slowly unwrapped itself from Sehun’s waist.

            “He’s not bad at all,” Sehun voiced out quietly before turning to Chen with a small smile. “Thank you for accompanying me.”


Chen raised an eyebrow and tipped his head to the side slightly.


            “Thank you? What does that suppose to mean?” Chen looked at him in confusion. Sehun blinked before he took a mental note on teaching the hybrids about simple phrases.

            “Uh… I appreciate your kindness for accompanying me to see Kris…?” Sehun himself started to question what he’s trying to say. Words keep jumbling inside his mind because if Chen still didn’t understand what ‘appreciate’ means then he didn’t know how else to explain.

            “Well, I don’t really get what you’re saying…” Oh my god. “But you shouldn’t be so scared about greeting and talking to us,” Chen said as he gently nudged Sehun’s side. “I don’t know what you’ve gone through before, but even if some of us are on top of the food chain, we won’t suddenly attack you.”


Sehun blinked at the older and before he knew it, Chen cupped his cheeks and rubbed his cheek against the top of Sehun’s head. It felt weird, but he somehow found comfort in the small act.


            “So don’t be afraid of us, alright?” Chen beamed up at the younger before ruffling his hair affectionately.


Sehun nodded rigidly. The older was right; Sehun should stop being so intimidated over small matters. His animal instinct might have taken its role in affecting him, but he was still the human here. He’s still the social creature; meeting new people should be something he’s used to by now.

With a new determination, Sehun made a pact to himself to stop being so anxious and try to go through the upcoming days with a smile.


But then, it’s only lunchtime and yet Sehun found his smile vanishing, blood draining from his face as he saw his reflection through the restroom’s mirror.

His ears had disappeared.

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cyfome #1
Chapter 4: One word Hunnie, ..."RUN!!!"
jesselee #2
Chapter 4: Reread this and omg I hope he doesn't get caught
Chapter 4: Oh ! Sehun run !!
Chapter 4: Oh ! Sehun run !!
jesselee #5
Chapter 4: OMG I hope you update soon because this is getting good
ananonymous #6
please updaaatee :(((
LilyArmyl #7
Chapter 2: updateeee
i love it thanks
Chapter 4: OMG I'm in love with this story so far pleeeeesse continue
kendedes #9
Chapter 4: pleaseeee im waiting for tour update