Chapter 2

Of a Bunny and a Wolf

Once the bell rung indicating the recess period, hoard of students left their respective classrooms, filling the hallway almost immediately. Just like any other normal students, they were excited for food, Sehun was sure of it, even though he couldn’t help but ponder over the suspicious slamming and snarling sounds from the hallway. Sehun was practically still glued onto his seat while everyone left already.

Except for Tao, though.


            “Sehun, are you not going to eat?” Tao questioned the rabbit sitting beside him. Sehun jolted before he turned to Tao in a robotic manner, flashing an awkward smile.

            “I will. Soon perhaps,” Sehun replied, leaving out the ‘once they’re done killing each other out there’ on purpose. “Why don’t you go first, Tao?”

            “I’m okay with waiting! And besides,” Tao eyed Sehun in worry before he continued, “you seemed to be really out of this ever since this morning. I don’t feel like leaving you while you’re like this.”


Sehun felt like slamming his face against his desk once the memory flooded his mind again.



            “Alright, class,” the teacher—who goes by the name Mr. Heo, Sehun thought he might be a weasel but he couldn’t be so sure—slammed the table’s surface, successfully gaining the class’ attention. “As so you’ve heard, we have a new rabbit joining us in class. Please go to the center and introduce yourself.”


Sehun blinked at the teacher’s instruction. To the center? Not the front? Sehun did as he was told nonetheless, not wanting to make any bad impression towards someone he was finally able to see without feeling like collapsing onto the ground and pretending to be dead.


            “My name is Sehun,” Sehun said. Tao had mentioned about the absence of surnames of the students’, and so he decided to go along with it.

Sehun scanned his surroundings, noticing how his classmates’ gaze was fixated on him. He still felt like a prey exposed to a sea of predators and the thought of it practically sent shivers down his spine. Casting his gaze downwards, he continued, “Please take care of—“


He never had the chance to finish his sentence as a cheetah leaped out of his seat and pounced onto him, successfully tackling Sehun to the ground. He let out a groan when he felt his back hitting the surface harshly, until reality kicked in and he realized that the cheetah guy was situated in between his legs. Sehun turned scarlet red when the guy started sniffing around his neck down to his chest.


            “W-wait, what the—“


He snapped his attention to the side when he heard a low growl only to see a male jaguar crouching by his side with a female fox, sharp gazes directed down at the flustered rabbit. He looked to the side and panic filled his mind when the other students started to approach from behind their desks.

Sehun flailed when he noticed the cheetah kept sniffing down his torso until his lower stomach, hands pressing against the latter’s shoulders in an attempt to push him away. And yet when he managed to sit up—with much effort, of course—a weight toppled onto his back, successfully shoving him down, planting his face on the floor. Sehun shrieked when he felt someone shoved their face at his .


            “Guys, don’t harass the new kid,” the teacher called out with a frown. The blond boy couldn’t be anymore grateful for the interference, as he was already in the verge of tears.

            “I know you guys are excited to meet the new rabbit, but can’t you see how badly he’s shaking?” Mr. Heo scolded. “If you’re going to throw yourselves at the same time then he might die from stress!”

            “No!” Tao screeches from his chair before he started to wail, “I don’t want Sehun to die! He’s nice!”


Sehun was humiliated beyond words and the poor rabbit was practically traumatized. Someone was still nuzzling onto his and he was practically restrained onto the ground. He flashed a pleading look to the teacher and Mr. Heo let out a sigh.


            “It can’t be helped. If you guys want to get to know the rabbit, stand up in line now.”


‘… Wait what?’ Sehun blinked.


            “Sehun, kindly stand up and jut out your so the others can sniff you properly,” the teacher nodded at Sehun with a small smile.




            “S-sir, why do I have to jut out my —I mean, why do they have to sniff me around—“

            “What are you talking about?” Mr. Heo blinked and raised an eyebrow at the blond male. “It’s the basic of introduction, right?”


Sehun felt like he wanted to die right at that moment.



‘You won’t be able to guarantee my life my . I practically lost ten years of my life for having so many faces shoved at my ,’ Sehun grumbled internally, his cheeks still tinted red.


            “You’re spacing out again,” Tao poked at the blond male’s cheek. The two had finally left the classroom as Tao’s stomach started to growl in protest, and Sehun couldn’t help but feel threated from the way Tao eyed him.

            “I’m okay. Just a bit… overwhelmed,” Sehun murmured before flashing a small frown at the other. “We don’t really sniff around to greet others.”

            “Really? What do you do then?” Tao perked up.


Sehun furrowed his eyebrows in thought as he tapped his chin before he extended a hand towards the other male with a small smile. Tao eyed his hand for a good few seconds before exclaiming a loud ‘Oh!’, the boy then started tapping his own chin before extending a hand as well, even winking at the end. Sehun felt like crying, really.


            “This is really weird. I never pegged rabbits to be the flashy ones. I thought that’s male peacock’s job,” Tao furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he stared at his own hand.

            “No, that’s not it,” Sehun shook his head, extending a hand once again before placing Tao’s hand on his. “You grip on it and then shake it.”


Tao stared at the hands clasped on top of each other before curling his own hand into a fist on Sehun’s palm. Sehun blinked at it before letting out a soft laugh and gently squeezed Tao’s fist in his hand.


‘It’s like teaching a cat how to handshake,’ Sehun shook his head at his own thought.


            “Oh well, at least you got the gist of it,” he smiled and released Tao’s hand. Tao simply stared at his own hand before bringing it up and started smelling on it, much to Sehun’s surprise.

            “You smell really nice,” Tao hummed before at his palm.


Sehun didn’t think much of it, yet he couldn’t help but turn light pink at the sight. He couldn’t look away from Tao as the latter kept lapping at his palm, until he noticed the way Tao’s eyes widened in recognition and—fear? He was about to question until he felt arms wrapping themselves around his shoulders, pulling his back against someone else’s chest.


            “Hunnie bunny didn’t even greet me back this morning and he’s already eyeing someone else? I’m deeply hurt here,” Kai said with a mock pout. Sehun froze when he recognized the voice.

            “Good morning to you too, Kai,” Sehun squeaked out when he felt Kai’s hold tightening around him. The senior’s gaze flickered onto the solidified black panther before his lips curved into a small smile.

            “Tao, right?” Kai noticed the way Tao jolted in surprise. He continued when the said junior snapped out of his trance and nodded in reply, “Chen just wouldn’t stop blabbering about you ever since that orientation day.”


Sehun raised an eyebrow in amusement when he saw how Tao’s tail stood straight along with the way his eyes glinted in excitement.


            “I was going to ask my Sehunnie to join our table, but since you’re here, why don’t you join us as well? I’m sure Chen would appreciate that very much,” Kai’s smile grew when he saw Tao nodding with a wide smile.

            “Sure! Come on, Sehunnie!” Tao exclaimed before he took off towards the cafeteria direction.


Sehun gulped when he felt Kai’s arms tightening around his frame at Tao’s mention of ‘Sehunnie’, his ears flattening even more against his head.


            “We need to talk about this later,” Kai glowered against Sehun’s ear.

            “What is there to talk abo—hey!” Sehun frowned when the other male disregarded him and simply wrapped his hand tightly around Sehun’s wrist, tugging the rabbit towards the direction Tao had taken off into.



Sehun tried to keep up with Kai’s pace—the latter was basically dragging him, Sehun was glad that Kai hadn’t thrown him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes yet—as he observed the environment. A few students were eating calmly as they conversed with each other, in which Sehun concluded that they’re the accomplished seniors, while most students went into a bloodshed battle over a chunk of meat.


            “Oh, right. We need to get you to the vegetarian corner,” Kai furrowed his eyebrows slightly as he studied the rabbit boy. Sehun raised an eyebrow at him in return.

            “It’s okay, I still eat meat too…“ Sehun trailed off when he finally noticed that the students around him were eating raw meat. Curving his lips into an awkward smile, he turned his attention back to the expecting wolf, “Never mind. Can you show me where the vegetarian corner is?”


As Kai led him towards the said corner, the blond male couldn’t help but notice the way the atmosphere changed each time they passed by a group of students. The students tensed up, ears perking up as they stole glances at Kai’s direction. Sehun furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed how a few girls would blatantly ogled at the wolf while a few freshmen would cower under his gaze.


            “Are you some sort of an influential figure in the school or something?” Sehun questioned directly, not paying any mind towards the choked sounds coming from a group of males sitting nearby.

            “What?” Kai looked at Sehun in amusement.

            “Are you perhaps the ruler of the school or something? There’s no way a ‘nobody’ would give this much impact—“ Sehun squeaked out when Kai suddenly leaned forward, the tip of their nose touching each other’s.

            “Do I affect you in a way too, bunny?” Kai grinned and reached out to tousle the younger male’s locks, in which Sehun replied with a grumble as he pried off Kai’s hands from him.

            “You make me feel uneasy,” Sehun mumbled as he looked away. “But it’s not discomfort, though. Just… nervous.”


Kai pursed his lips into straight line, a confused look starting form on his face. He was about to open his lips for a retort only to be cut off by a familiar voice calling out to the two.


            “Kai! Sehunnie! Over here!” The wolf saw Tao waving at them from the corner of his eyes. Sehun hummed when he noticed that the black panther was sitting next to a cat and across a certain couple Sehun couldn’t make out as ‘what’ exactly.

            “Tao’s waiting for us. Come on,” Sehun sighed as he gently pushed the other away before making his way towards said table.


Kai didn’t know what took over him. Before he realized it, he clasped his hand around the other’s wrist and tugged Sehun towards the opposite direction, legs dragging him towards the hallway instead. He left without noticing the way his feline friend eyeing him with much amusement from the table.



            “Stop dragging me around, at least slow down a bit—Kai!” Sehun yelped when Kai abruptly turned him around and slammed his back against the wall. A soft whimper escaped the rabbit’s lips, his back stinging slightly from the impact.


Sehun snapped his head to send a glare towards the older male only to halt in his act when he notice how the other’s expression darkened by each second. He felt his breath hitched as Kai let out a guttural growl, the latter leaning forward to sniff at Sehun’s neck.


            “There are so many scents on you. You practically smell like 30 different people at once,” Kai scowled before darting his tongue out, a stripe up Sehun’s neck, eliciting a yelp from the rabbit.

            “I h-had to introduce myself in class earlier,” Sehun bit onto his lower lip when he felt sharp canines grazing his skin. Sehun was too mortified to even move a single muscle.

            “You shouldn’t let people leave their scents on you. I thought I made it clear since our first meeting that you’re mine.”




            “I think you’re mistaken here, I don’t belong to anyone—“


Sehun wanted to protest, he really did. But the sharp gaze Kai sent him rendered him speechless and he couldn’t bear himself to break away from the gaze. He finally snapped out of his trance when he felt Kai’s hand squeezing on his ear, sharp canines sinking into the flesh. His whole body trembling as he stared at the wolf looming over him, tongue darting out to on the spot he bit earlier.


            “Mine,” Kai repeated lowly before pressing his lips against Sehun’s firmly.

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cyfome #1
Chapter 4: One word Hunnie, ..."RUN!!!"
jesselee #2
Chapter 4: Reread this and omg I hope he doesn't get caught
Chapter 4: Oh ! Sehun run !!
Chapter 4: Oh ! Sehun run !!
jesselee #5
Chapter 4: OMG I hope you update soon because this is getting good
ananonymous #6
please updaaatee :(((
LilyArmyl #7
Chapter 2: updateeee
i love it thanks
Chapter 4: OMG I'm in love with this story so far pleeeeesse continue
kendedes #9
Chapter 4: pleaseeee im waiting for tour update